Has anyone had advice about taking methotrexate at the same time as the 4th vaccination/booster? I'm due my vaccination on the same day as I take my meds and wondering about missing the meds for that week so as to be less immunosuppressed.
Methotrexate and resistance to covid booster - NRAS
Methotrexate and resistance to covid booster

I haven't had my 4th yet but for the other 3, I was advised to stop 2weeks before. It might be worth checking with your rheum nurse as advice seems to vary in different health authorities and it depends on individual circumstances. I was told I was ok to stop it as I was in remission. I'm also on a biologic and stopped that too.
Thanks - that sounds sensible. I'm having trouble getting advice here in Norfolk as they're short-staffed.
You're welcome. Same here in Hertfordshire. The initial advice I was given back in Dec 2020 before my first jab was 2 weeks before and after( but they didn't really have any info back then to base it on ) - which I did, but after the 2nd and 3rd jabs I had flares. In the recent letter I got , the advice was just before, not after.
Official advice from the British Rheumatology is that patients shouldn't pause treatment for covid vaccinations, however I know some people whose disease is stable have been told by their rheumatologists it would be ok to do so.
Scroll about half way down the ‘advice for covid vaccination in adults’ section. rheumatology.org.uk/practic...
I missed a dose for each of my first two jabs mainly because it should have been on the same day and I didn't fancy dealing with the (slight) effects from both. For my third I missed two doses before and one after; planning to miss another but my joints started to complain so I was pleased to resume it.
I had 4th vaccine on Saturday . Spoke to dr at vaccination centre they were unsure what to do. The thought of injecting mtx after the vaccine put me off. Did my injection last night will keep it on a Wednesday for a while . .
I don’t think they know yet what to advise. I took my own decision not to take mine the week before and after. I did the same for the flu jab. Who knows what’s best. I can’t imagine there’s much data yet. You’re obviously concerned. Could you cope without them for a short period?. Good luck deciding.
In my 3rd primary vaccine letter I had advice about meds.I take Benepali and Methotrexate. My letter specifically said don’t miss Benepali but miss one dose of MXT after the vaccine. I’ve done this for the 3rd and 4th/booster.
It may be specific to my dosage levels but it’s the only advice I’ve had / been able to glean.
I don’t think there is a definitive answer.
Through all of this Covid malarkey I have done what I feel is best for me. Advice is scant and no-one (apart from my Rheumy) seems to know the score!
I had my 4th last week and my rheumatologist stated that pausing Mtx is no longer advised.
HiNRAS say you should leave two weeks But rheumatologist says take as normal. I missed my Methotrexate and following Benepali when I had my 4th dose last weekend . I never had any post vaccine symptoms before but this time I was rough for about 36 hours. My personal experience is that it is better to
Miss a dose if you can . To be fair having had all my vaccines now I am still quite sceptical about the whole vaccine thing. Vaccines from the past help to eradicate diseases . This lot don’t eradicate don’t stop you getting it and don’t stop you spreading it. You can even get it more than once! What kind of vaccine is that? I felt compelled to have them because of RA and immunosuppressed system. It had not given me any more confidence with going out even now. I am still reluctant to lead a normal life for fear of catching it and what we have been told could potentially happen . Sorry fir rant just my feelings about the whole Covid thing!! I respect everyone’s individual view but hold many other questions around this in my own head. Stay safe and well everyone.
Well, as other replies have mentioned there doesn't seem to be any one answer!
I take methotrexate with a biologic, and have been told only the biologic needs a couple of weeks before and after the injection before the vaccine.
Coincidentally, the first 3 vaccines were on a Monday, the day I have the methotrexate injection. I was given the OK by the rheumy dept. to go ahead with the vaccine irrespective of when the methotrexate was due.
Next week I have the 4th - and the advice is the same.
Hi there. I didn’t ask any advice. I just stopped my methotrexate and biological for a week to give the jab a good chance. I was fine for the week but it is up to the individual isn’t it. Good luck Hun 🤗
It is best to stop Methotrexate for a week after having a Covid jab.