Warning if booking for Spain. From 01/02/22 the 2nd jab must have been less than 270 days ago, otherwise you must have had a booster, this must be at least two weeks before you go. I have booked to go to Spain on 20/02/22 my 2nd jab was in April and although I had a third jab in Dec it is not showing on my passport. I rang them this morning and the system is supposed to be updated sometime in Feb and to keep checking. Anybody got any advice? I have thought of asking can my third jab be changed to a booster, or trying to get my booster before I go but is not due until 10 March. Hubby has printed his off and is threatening to do on is own. (He is only joking I think).
Covid passport after 3 jab (might be just wales) - NRAS
Covid passport after 3 jab (might be just wales)

My understanding is that all, or the majority of the EU countries are now specifying this. My travel pass shows both of my 3 and 4th jabs, thank goodness. I'm in England.
I am seriously thinking of moving😒
My mum & dad are going on a cruise in 2 weeks, he's 81, my mums 75, although savvy, he's no idea of apps or how they work, last year he asked for postal evidence to be sent. He rang them the other week to see if he'll get an updated letter showing the booster & was told the same as you, they're being updated in February, he was told to ring back beginning of Feb, we live in South Wales
Hi Garnacha Did they have a 3rd jab? I think normal boosters aren't a problem. It is just that the welsh system is not set up to record the third jab. I was also told it was a "policy decision". Trying not to think conspiracy theory.
I rang to try and delay going for a month but we would lose all of our money. They are sending out paper passes but it still wouldn't show the third jab. Could someone go on to the nhs site for them to see if online passes could be downloaded?
Hya, no just the booster, my third jab isn't showing on my pass either, I think it was wishbone who was sending letters / emails on this to the NHS & her mp, I also sent one to those who arrange the vaccines & was told they're looking into it but nothing planned at the moment! Think it's disgraceful that we are technically being discriminated against x
My Mum is going to see my brother in Dubai thank god has an android phone so spent a lot of time downloading relevant apps then storing right info in a easy access file but for back up also printing the info off as well. Mum says I need a piece of paper and I am yes but you ALSO need an app! Next will be fraught training on using said apps!
Hi All
I’ve been on the trail since end of November to try and get this all resolved with the Welsh Gov - but to avail .
I’ve got enough emails to wall paper my front room in the process !
Yes - it’s correct it’s only the Welsh 3rd primary vaccinations that aren’t being uploaded- Ireland Scotland and England are ok
When I put a formal complaint to the Welsh Government I got several reasons of why the 3rd primary doses aren’t being included
One being that the English covid pass site mistakenly entered the 3rd
doses as Boosters - and that was the reason that they got included on the Covid digital pass
Others have said that the Welsh system never intended to create a date flow for 3rd doses to be included
And another reason was because there wasn’t a section set up to actually add the 3rd doses
When I quoted that as per the Data Protection Act of 2018 states - that we are allowed to have any of our information updated or corrected - hence we are being discriminated against - that issue got bypassed
Like wise the The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) ) is there to allow information to be available
What I was told is that the Covid Status Certification are working with U.K. government to develop a dataflow that will allow them to identify the Covid Pass early in the New Year
I also enlisted the help of my local Senedd MP - who has in turn discussed our issue personally with the Welsh First Minister ( Mr Drakeford) and the Welsh Minister for Health (Baroness Eluned Morgan) and they are aware of the situation
A date in February was being looked at to start the process rolling
However I feel that there may be a possibility that the third doses may get bypassed and seeing as our CV group will be having boosters - it will be more likely that the Booster will be uploaded - which l then it will more likely enable us more freedom to travel to countries that have more rigid entry regulations
It’s annoying and I am in no doubt that many of us are still grateful to have been given the extra dose - but I guess many of us (who are not so incapacitated) are itching to get away / abroad with our families or in my case visit my son in UAE that haven’t seen for 2 years
So the long and the short of it is …. Yes the Welsh Gov is aware of us …. And something will happen - but the timeframe is still not established
I have emailed every man and his dog this afternoon, including my MP and MS. I had one reply which more or less said I should have checked the requirements before I booked which is a point, but I expect to receive the same service as everybody else, and if they are entitled to a passport so am. Sorry for going on, I can't get off my soap box. I feel a flare coming on with the stress of it all.
Hi notsochunky- you are not asking for anything above and beyond - as a large part of the U.K. population have been already given their freedom to travel abroad
To be honest it wasn’t until fairly recently the goal posts have been moved by several countries and further restrictions have now been imposed - so to criticise you for booking a trip ahead is unfounded
A lot people ; in good faith made foreign travel arrangements (after 2 years of confinement) to visit families or join their families for a long awaited break and to try and regain a bit of normality
So don’t make any apologies for ‘going on ‘ because there’s a lot of us in the same boat and we are only asking for fair play and to be on the same platform as others
I even put it to “the powers that be” ‘ that we now feel we are being discriminated against
And our families / travelling companions are also affected by excluding our 3rd dose from being uploaded on to the gov wales digital covid pass
But let’s keep hopeful and that some action will be taken asap to rectify this situation
Hi notsochunky. What a palaver! Sorry you are having such a frustrating time with this. Not sure if this will help or not, but have you tried looking at the detail of what the Spanish government say they will accept in terms of proof of vaccinations? I mention this because I have been doing a lot of research on this topic myself in preparation for a trip to USA that was cancelled in first lockdown. The wording on the USA requirements doesn’t actually mention the COVID pass, but does talk about documents which could be accepted as proof and what detail they would need to have on them. Which got me wondering whether, if your third vaccine shows on your medical records, would your GP be willing to write you a letter confirming the details of it, and would the Spanish gov accept this, alongside the COVID pass for your first two? Perhaps you could contact the Spanish embassy in London to see if this would be accepted? Clutching at straws perhaps but just thought I would mention it as you seem to be at a dead end. Good luck!