Not an easy topic, but has anyone any advice on constipation? Everything I take in the way of medication or painkillers has this effect, in spite of a high roughage diet and loads of fruit daily. Not keen on laxatives would prefer natural remedies. Anything on gut health would be good too. Help!
RA and the gut: Not an easy topic, but has anyone any... - NRAS
RA and the gut

I swear by Fybogel as it is just natural isphagula husk. A sachet a day does it for me.
Having this recently I drank a lot more water, warm. Prunes and ground flaxseeds on porridge, green veg, apples, pears and oranges, and massaged my stomach right to left as the colon goes. Probiotics are good too those little yogurt pots. Not immediate but it seems to have worked.
I find Kefir on my morning breakfast, helps me and pears also. X
Dried prunes, figs apricots for me ☺️
Good idea, we have them cooked as compote sometimes. That certainly has an effect. Thank you.
My Colorectal surgeon advised me to try Fybogel and its not just about high fibre but softer fibre. It works. And I drink a lot of water as well.
I take either Fybogel or natural senna. I have too partly medication but looking at some IBS issues too. I take most days as I cannot do without. Plus discussion with GP so covered all bases,
‘Proper’ coffee. Avoid co-codamol!!

Fybogel seems to be much mentioned as effective. I am definitely not up for cocodamol. Thank you.

Co codamol only thing that helps me even on low dose
I take amitryptaline now and it works a treat. CC used to block me up (overshare!).

I was told contradictory advice about that! One doctor said amitriptyline would not bung me up my GP said it would! I’ve steered clear.
No problems. Works for me.. my Fibro pain has reduced considerably, and I sleep really well 😴.

I've been prescribed amytriptelene for my joint pain and muscle spasms. I have Psa and enthesitis. The pain in my elbows keeps me awake at night.I've never taken it as too scared.
Maybe I should as it seems to help lots of people.
I’d give it a go. Just take at about 7pm. My pain has all but disappeared (apart from over-excursion).
I take lactulose daily following a bowel op. Gentle and old fashioned. I boost this with prune juice after any operation involving morphine or codeine!
Lactulose is good and very gentle. You can buy it from the chemist. Prunes are a great natural source too.
A GP told me about linseeds/flax seeds. They can be whole or milled, sprinkle on cereals, into yogurts etc. I also buy chia seeds milled. Look at the fibre content on the packet. I buy from Grape Tree, Tesco or Aldi.
No one else has mentioned Psyllium. Sold at Holland and Barrett in a capsule or as a sprinkle powder under the trade name Lepicol. It’s a soluble fibre and plant based. (From Psyllium husk). Gluten free too. One or two capsules a day enough for me-though the instructions suggest more. (Never dared—!!)
Lots of kiwis or dried apricots.
I have been drinking Kombucha recently and that has really helped me. It’s not particularly cheap to buy but has definitely been worth it for me and a bonus is that I also like the taste! Good luck finding something 🙏🏽
I think its finding what triggers you, for me its black/red grapes, for my friend apricots. I think, I may be wrong but your fluid intake may need upping.
Another vote for Fybogel here, used if for many years at the onset of meds.
Keffir & lots of water throughout the day
My doctor give me Laxido to help with my constipation it's like Fybogel, 1-2 sachets a day really helps as sometimes I can got 10-14 days without opening my bowls and my stomach gets so bloated it's so uncomfortable I look about 6 months pregnant.
I have returned to good old fashioned Potters Codliver Oil and Malt in a jar. Full of natural goodness and added bonus of Vitamin D. As my dad would say you need to keep the cogs moving…….also try to drink a little more water even with juice in might help you🌻
Hi, you can get cubes of dried fruit mix which is more natural from Holland & Barrett if you are in the UK xx
A difficult one, Shonkie! So many chemical remedies about - some work, some just aggravate. You seem to be eating the good stuff.
Pain killers can be the cause as you say. Especially co-codomol. I've always found the simple herbal remedies the best - slower, but effective. There are many on offer. Trial and error will show what works for you.
Once, long ago, I gave up eating bread, and that made a huge difference. I ration it now. Too much bread of all kinds can slow up the digestive system. Too much roughage can cause trouble - like too little.
Not a lot of help; it's the health problem of Western cultures.
Good luck!
When I was in rehab after knee surgery I that problem. They gave me Senokot and it worked and rather quickly. It wasn’t a prescription so I think you can get it at the drug store.
Thank you.
Drink loads of water is my solution. Guess you've tried the usual ready to eat prunes, apricots?
For some reason cherries get me moving.
Wanted to mention that senna seems to be gentler when taken as a tea (v. pill form). Cascara sagrada is in the same family as senna and can be a bit stronger—both are stimulants. As always, it think it’s important to check in with a doctor before adding in herbs of any sort. I’ve heard that kiwi fruit can help with constipation generally, but I’m not sure when it’s medication-induced. There’s also an abdominal massage device called Mowoot. Maybe your doctor could prescribe it? A massage therapist trained in abdominal massage might be able to help (or teach a family member how to massage you—I suspect that most of us are avoiding such close contact these days). I generally believe that a holistic approach helps over time (hydrating enough, maybe appropriate exercise—possibly including stretching or yoga, getting the right amount of fiber for you, avoiding too much of anything that seems to make things worse—including stress), but I also think that sometimes a person just needs a stimulant. We’re all different, and the G-I tract can be very sensitive. Best wishes with everything!
Hi I have a Stoma after emergency surgery unfortunately but I suffer bad with constipation but I have tried umpteen different things so now I drink prune juice apple juice and water and this he!ps me as it's a lubrication to keep hydrated so good luck and hope this helps x
I should add that when I used fybrogel it was prescribed by GP and my pain relief was distalgesics not morphine.These days I take the dreaded codeine and it’s really bad for my system. Seeds, nuts, water and exercise do help and when I was able to do yoga that really helped, apparently the moves massage the gut and hey presto you GO 😄
Either fybergel or macro gel. Both are good and both naturel. Fybregel although good causes me cramps. Drink lots of water.
I try to drink lots of water, have an oat/dried fruit for breakfast and a glass of prune juice at lunchtime. Seems to keep things moving slowly 🎳