Did anyone see this - re The Apprentice?: bbc.co.uk... - NRAS
Did anyone see this - re The Apprentice?

I did. She is in nearby Bradford and runs a nursery. Disappointing for her. 😑
Let’s hope as she was accepted for The Apprentice some business will see her & offer her work.A lot on that programme couldn’t run a sweet shop….but she sounds worth getting a chance.
They are chosen for entertainment value .. often the cringe factor. 😑 I couldn’t help laugh when Lord Sugar said last week ... I’m going to get a psychiatrist in for you lot as you’re xxxxxing obsessed with turds! As a creative, advertising design person I cringed at their “designs” but it makes for entertaining viewing. Sad the lady with RA has had to withdraw. I hope too her appearances help her nursery business.
Tbh I didn’t even know it was back on TV….it’s not my cup of tea at all!
I don’t have a TV as such .. we watch iplayer on my Mac. My husband watches it and I read and half watch. I’m really choosy about programmes.
One programme I do smile at when I catch it is Goggle Box…I love the uninhibited way those taking part react…especially the way they criticise politicians!
Never seen it.
Hello AgedCrone, yes I’ve seen goggle box , it’s quite amusing in a very natural way . The way they use their toy poodles like cushions !!!! too. 😂 😂 😂
I wonder if they were chosen because if the personality of the dogs they own?
Hi again, well I have two miniature poodles and mine have a lot of personality as poodles usually do . We rarely see the faces of their dogs do we ? They are treated like woolly cushions , funny yes !!! probably to go with the hilarious programme. It’s one of those programmes you either “ Like” or hate . Some of those people are very funny
I can imagine just the stress alone of having to work with that mob would set a flare off !
Sad for her though
Yes I agree. I think it's a punishing schedule and I can understand, despite already being a successful business owner, she found it too much.
Wow. My lovely mum passed away 4 yrs ago. She was so independant. We both lived separately. But we both loved this series. She would always ring me when the credits came up. I always get emotional when i see this series. We both loved picking out the people we hated. Full of arrogant, smug sods. I love Tim though. He’s one of the judges this year. For some of you people that say this series isn’t your cup of tea. He actually worked for TFL. He was a real team player. Modest & hard working. I suppose some of the people on this forum, just like a little bit of Morse or Midsummer Murder
I understand how sad it is to lose your mum , your best friend . I too lost my dear mum only two years ago . Feels like only yesterday .
Hi rabbits65. I know. I feel like i’ve lost more than 1 person. She was my best friend. She was a nurse. She was exhausted when she got home. Then when i got RA when i was 21. She would come home & nurse me! She was so kind & patient. A really loving mother. I was very lucky to have her as a parent. My dad died at 52. I was 17. My mum was widowed at 52. But she just got on with things. A very strong woman. I miss making her laugh.
My heart goes out to you , I fully understand . Me too , my mother was my absolute everything . My rock , her guidance , her love , her friendship , the way I get by is to completely remember the magical feeling that went through me to sustain me in my life. In her last 12years of life I was her “ rock and support”. I travelled 95 miles each month to be with her to help her. After I retired I then sold my house and came down to Bexhill on sea to be with her . Then , sadly she got dementia. . She passed away at 95 years . I’m still living at Bexhill on sea . I love the area but my dear mum is missing. I have my sister here. My own family now live 100 miles away. Sadly my own daughter is not as close to me as I was with my mother . My son is a vicar in Windsor and he has a big family community toLook after. Nobody , nobody at all can replace my mum. I wish you all the love in the world . Sorry I rambled on xxx
Rabbits65. You didn’t ramble on at all. It’s lovely that you did everything you could for your loving mum. I’m sure she apreciated everything you did. Your conscience (right spelling??) will give you peace of mind that you did. That means alot. When you know you are going to lose someone so precious to you. You have to brace yourself & be prepared. LIFE IS LOVE. LOVE IS LIFE. X
Thank you for your lovely kind text to me. I felt compelled to write to you because you are feeling exactly the same as me. Our overwhelming love for our dear mums completely fills our hearts forever . We are actually very lucky to have had the greatest of privileges . All the very best to you and lots of love. 💕 xxx
Hi again. Your email was very touching. I’m feeling quite low today. For about a yr now. I’ve been waking up with the most awful dry mouth, eyes & nose. Plus i’ve been getting quite a few ear infections. So i have to reydrate everything. Bottles of lubricating ointments next to my bed. Plus i’m often sore in the morning. (As i’m sure we all are!) I’m 50, like i said. Sometimes i wake up feeling 90. Especially when it’s cold & grey. I’m going to be naughty. Going to have a chunk of cake, lovely hot cuppa & watch something funny on my tablet. Comedy saves my ‘sanity’. X
Hi again, pleased you’ve written again. There is a place on here we could private message. Somewhere !!!!! I hope in the morning you feel a bit better. I too get some low moods and feel the ongoing battle of pain and discomfort gets me down. I am a bit older than you . 69 . I try very hard to walk my two poodles to try desperately to keep my legs as strong as possible , if only I could have some decent feet!!!! I live down by the south coast Bexhill on sea, may I ask where you are from ? Penny. 😊
I've watched the first 2 episodes of The Apprentice and felt the female team leaders were ignoring Shama, every time she tried to put herself forward for something, they chose someone else. Did she leave because of RA, or did she leave for other reasons?
Running a nursery must be both physically and mentally demanding and she's not one of the youngest candidates at 41 she has life experience, shame she didn't stick it out and stand up to some of those other females on there - demonstrate that you can with RA.
I was upset when I watched this tonight. I understand that it will be edited, but it was clear that she said her mind was clear but she was physically unable (because of RA) to continue with the physical nature of the competition. As a business simulation programme I would expect there to be at least some mention of reasonable adjustments for someone struggling because of their disability, but no, that self made ‘legitimate’ businessman spouts sorry ‘but life and business must go on’.
Hi Claireybee. To be honest. I’m surprised Shama even went up for the programme. We all know it’s VERY PHYSICAL. Lots of running around & early mornings. Not to mention the awful people on it. I find it exhausting to watch. Let alone taking part. Some cynics. Might even think she was pushed out. Because she was Muslim. Having said that. I admired Shama for trying. I know it’s good to push yourself. Maybe she’ll have a career in the disability field, after the publicity this has attracted.