Hi, hope everyone's ok. Just a quick question.. what is a specialist nurse? Is it the same nurses that call you back on the rheumatology helpline number? Got a telephone consultation with one on the 30th July thanks in advance
Specialist nurse appointment : Hi, hope everyone's ok... - NRAS
Specialist nurse appointment

Yes it is, they're usually better than the consultant or mine are 😂. Mine are great and sort things out there and then.
No in my hospital a specialist nurse is a more senior nurse who usually specialise in Biologics. They keep an eye on you in between consultants appointments or if your having problems will contact consultant direct .

Same here, my rheumy sister is a biologics specialist along with my rheumy/her boss.
Yes, in fact at my initial rheumatology consultant appointment she explained that the nurses actually ran the department and just asked her when necessary!Most of the time mine have been very good. They've always gone to the consultant to get permission to change meds and then reported back to me and arranged anything. One was not so good - told me that I didn't need to get extra tablets while waiting for injections to arrive which then caused a flare - but the next one apologised profusely for the error and I suspect that the nurse was "moved on." Another one was a little grumpy on the phone but I remained polite and she checked my query with the consultant and I then got what I wanted 😂
Hopefully your consultation will be positive - if not, ask to speak to the consultant 😉
My rheumy nurse is specialist biologics sister who works for the biologics rheumy. We have dedicated staff to biologics at my hospital. The general rheumy nurses only really deal with those people recently diagnosed and starting DMARDs.
Hi neonkittie, what's the diffrence between dmards, and biologics, ? I no I'm starting methotrexate in a few weeks oral tablets to start with, I'm doing lots of research at the moment etc, and I no I have got some info coming out to me in the post
DEMRDS are your first drug. I saw the most senior nurse when I started methotrexate a DEMARD ( my first drug) who went through everything about what to expect and how things work like the helpline etc.This might be what’s happening with you .
Biologics are a much more expensive drug usually only given if DMARDS don’t work. I would get a list of questions so can understand how things work etc .
At my hospital there are general Rheumatology nurses. They are the ones on the helpline and in my case, alternate 6th monthly appointments with the consultant. They do a thorough review of my meds, my joints, including calculating my DAS score, general health and wellbeing, and, like boxerlady's, they will speak to the consultant if my meds need changing in any way. They have also arranged X rays and referred me for physio/ occupational therapy. When I was going through a difficult time at work, mine was very supportive of my mental wellbeing. In fact, they have been more thorough than the consultant.I now see a specialist biologics nurse, who monitors how I'm coping with the drug, as well as all the other stuff.
It's always worth posting here or contacting NRAS for information. The NRAS helpline is an amazing resource as is their website. They also produce leaflets on a host of RA related issues. The helpline is on 0800 2987650 and is open during office hours Monday to Friday.
Specialist nurses are trained rheumatology nurses in my hospital. Like everything in life they vary, some are excellent and jiggle medicines to suit and offer advice. They contact the rheumatologist on your behalf if needed. Others are not so good.
Thanks for the information. It has helped me loads 😀
Mine is the best thing since sliced bread! I definitely prefer seeing her over my rheumatologist any day. She gets things done, she listens and is has great empathy.
I had a call from the RA Specialist Nurse yesterday, I'm starting to think they are a front to keep you away from the Consultants secretaries.
A specialist nurse is one who is an expert in the field of work she is in. My specialist rheumatology nurses are excellent but so is my Rheumatologist. She is absolutely lovely.
Last few weeks I've had call backs from different nurses, they have all been amazing 👏 like most folk have said looks like they run the department.. do all the running about
Usually it is the same nurses, they all have special training for their work departments with specialist Dr backup if the do not have the answer stay well