Anti vaxers: A little advice maybe? Have RA , and... - NRAS


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Anti vaxers

Callabag64 profile image
62 Replies

A little advice maybe? Have RA , and shielded for most of last year,I have 2 grown up children, 42 and 46. My son lives away and I do not see him and his family often, my daughter lives close by and has 2 children. My son has had both jabs, same as me and my husband, but my daughter refuses to get vaccinated . Her opinions on the pandemic and the jab have caused quite a few words between us. Whilst I accept she is entitled to her own opinions, it puts us, her parents in an awkward position. I want to see my daughter, but she is not even willing to take a test. We were so close, and it is devastating me that this virus has had this effect on our relationship., I haven’t seen my grandchildren in 3 weeks, both of which have health problems, particularly the youngest who was born at 24 weeks almost 6 years ago and has under developed lungs, is partially sighted and autistic, I realise I could get the virus from my grandchildren as they are both in school, but worry that my daughter will get it , badly, and I could lose her. Am I making a mountain out of a molehill ?

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Callabag64 profile image
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62 Replies
sylvi profile image

Certainly not darling. As you say it is her choice whether to have it or not, but if the welfare of you was impportant to her she would get it done. I am sorry if tht sounds hard. Hugs. xxx

oldtimer profile image

I think she is being incredibly selfish for some reason. I wonder if she has been influenced by those people who believe (wrongly) that immunisations cause autism and has become caught up in that conspiracy community as a result? It would be worth having a conversation with her to find out why she thinks how she thinks - without challenging her on that, but just saying that you don't agree.

Deeb1764 profile image

My hubby does not want the vaccine due to his spleen and a long story behind this but I understand it and I dont worry about it. He knows I have had the vaccine and my reasonings behind it. Many people were frustrated for me re hubby not getting the vaccine but we talked it out and both understood the others view point.I think making sure you are open to talk about it so both understand the others view is key but also thinking of ways you can see each other that makes you feel safe and if that is masks and tests try to see if you can build a solution together.

What hubby agreed is if he feels unwell and yes I get he could be a carrier and not know but if he feels unwell he will do a test to make me feel OK but I also dont jump all over him.

He also has a view it is his body and he will do what he wants to do with it and not be dictated too. I also agree it should not be complusory to have a vaccine. I get they have done so much good in many forms but as humans we also have rights to what we want to do too.

It's a tough one but keep trying to talk (no nagging ) it out to a solution so you can be Mum and Grandma


helixhelix profile image

If you have had both vaccinations then your risk level could be very low. In your position I would pay to get an antibody test to see if I had protection, and if the result was positive (ie good) then try to put my resentment about my anti-vaxx daughter to one side for the sake of the grand children.

I would be furious too....but hopefully in time she might come to see it differently.

medway-lady profile image

No your not but can you change it ? probably not. MY DIL is vegan, celiac, a non fish eater and I hate how the baby granddaughter is eating such a narrow diet but I can't say anything as its non of my business. So I feel so much sympathy for you but don't know what you can do. Its a nightmare situation and there are a good few like that now.

Millie66 profile image

Do you not feel the vaccine has worked for you? It's to protect you from serious illness or death.

It does not make a difference if your daughter has it or not.

Transmission is no different.

There is a huge amounts of Adrs and can understand why she doesn't feel she needs it especially if her immune system is strong, interference with a good immune system is a worry.

These vaccines are not in the same league as previous ones, new technology and still in trials.

Anti vax is a strong term, some people just do not want to be injected with new technology.

You should be pleased she is fit and well.

The government have succeeded in dividing people that is the saddest part of all this.

Callabag64 profile image
Callabag64 in reply to Millie66

Yes I feel so far it has worked for me, the fact that she has no protection at all is a worry to me, especially as she has 2 very needy children, who both have problems, I know this vaccine is no miracle cure, that is probably never going to happen, but with her luck, and she has had some really terrible luck, I would feel better if she has some protection

Millie66 profile image
Millie66 in reply to Callabag64

But she has, a natural immune system. We have been in this for 18 mths or so is well.You shouldn't think the worse there are very effective treatments available. It definitely does not mean serious illness or death.

Think of the millions that have had a positive test and are well.

Vitamin D from sunlight most important and less stress..

We have to get in proportion or we will be terrified forever.

Good luck, there is always common ground 🙏🏽

Smittybear7 profile image
Smittybear7 in reply to Millie66

I have a friend whose daughter was fully vaccinated and still got the virus and is in ICU on a ventilator. There is no guarantee that you are fully protected from the virus because you have been vaccinated.

BB2408 profile image
BB2408 in reply to Millie66

💯 People need to trust in their bodies. We’re so heavily programmed to want pharmaceutical ‘help’

BB2408 profile image
BB2408 in reply to Callabag64

No protection at all ? It’s called an immune system

It has an almost 100% survival rate..

Please keep an open mind 🧡

Smittybear7 profile image
Smittybear7 in reply to BB2408

I agree

in reply to BB2408

You are obviously unaware of the hundreds and thousands of deaths due to Covid….. BTW…we all die….that would be a 0% survival rate 😂

BB2408 profile image
BB2408 in reply to

The total number includes everyone that died within 28 days of a faulty test so we’ll never know the true figure. What I do know is it’ll be drastically lower than the suppose 127k, there’s far more to worry over right now than rebranded flu

Yes you’re right we all die thanks for clarifying 😅

in reply to BB2408

Excess deaths is the figure you need to look at.

Bon1 profile image

Dear Callabag I read your post with a great deal of interest and sympathy. I have found myself to be filled with a frightening amount of simmering rage against people who won’t have the vaccine! I think this last year or however long this carnival of s**t has been going on must have taken a very heavy psychological toll on me because I genuinely feel i want nothing more to do with the (about 3) friends that i have come to realise take an anti Vax stance I am aware that I didn’t used to be SO judgmental!! My other problem is two colleagues who i am supposed to share an office with and who have not had it. I feel very worried about how I am going to negociate that situation.

Having lost my mother to Covid and watching it rip through the school where I work makes it even harder to tolerate people who don’t trust the vaccine or don’t “believe” In COVID.

In your case i agree with those that say you probably have a good degree of protection and once the school holidays start it will be so much safer to see your lovely grandchildren. I suspect more conversations with your daughter will cause conflict. Hopefully she will come round in time.

All the best


AgedCrone profile image

No you are certainly not making a mountain out of a molehill……But if your daughter will not explain quietly & calmly why she doesn’t believe the best scientific brains, who are are telling us we will be safer if we are vaccinated…then she is being not only unreasonable….but very unfair on all her family…..particularly on you & your grandchild with lung problems.

But as we all know….once a person has announced publicly they will not be vaccinated….it is really hard for them to back down.

I’m no family councillor…but I wonder if you just leave your daughter alone & she gets to missing seeing you, & other family members she may come around…….at least enough to explain?

Maybe she is just plain scared it may make her ill……she may believe the stories if you are vaccinated you will not catch it yourself…but you can pass it on?

The reaction to being scared manifests itself differently in everybody,

I do hope she changes her mind.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone


grumpygirl profile image

Well, the first thing is you are not being unreasonable. In the worst case scenario if she was an asymtomatic carrier and you visited she could unknowingly pass it on to you and you could be very ill or worse. It is hard for me to understand how someone could risk the health of a loved one in this way. However, more pragmatically if you wish to continue seeing her and your grandchildren I would suggest having an antibody test done so you are armed with the best information on your status. I have read about others who have done this and been pleasantly surprised that they have had a good response to the vaccine. In my case sadly I have had a very poor response but at least I know and can try and minimise my risk accordingly. It won't solve all your problems but it might help in finding a way forward.

Morning. I find it quite alarming that the anti-vax movement is so large. ‘Their’ belief system is quite bizarre. Vaccinations have put an end to so many serious diseases. I also find it troubling that her children could be open to measles etc which can result in blindness / death.

ASC is a neurological issue. How ‘these people’ think there’s a link to vaccines beggars belief.

Ignorance rules.

It is difficult when people have deeply entrenched views. They will not listen and feel attacked when another point of view is put forward.

Some people still think Covid is a hoax. The earth is flat. Etc etc.

Very worrying for you I am sure when your grandkids are vulnerable already. Keep yourself safe in the meantime. See them but wear a mask. Wash hands etc. Meet them in her garden. Its difficult. If you say anything she’ll dig her heels in further.

Take care xx

It is unlikely your daughter will die as she is comparatively young.

Panorama has just done a programme on ‘long covid’. Maybe watch that & then casually refer to it in conversation. It’s on iplayer x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to


Sheila_G profile image

I am sorry, but I must agree with Sylvi. I would be devastated if I were in your position. On the face of it, it sounds like your daughter is being very selfish and delusional but I wonder if there is another reason for her reticence. Maybe she is frightened and doesn't want to admit it or look like a 'wimp' so pretending otherwise. Is there anyone else close to her that you could talk to or ask them to talk to your daughter about this. I feel so sorry for you. It really is a problem. I have a friend who was so ill after the first vaccine she can't go for the 2nd one. We have all tried fo talk her into it and she knows it is the right thing to do but is almost traumatised with fear. She plucked up the courage to go, queued up for ages then when she got inside she couldn't do it and just walked out. I think compassion and understanding are more important than anger and maybe a telephone call with her GP or Practice Nurse may help. All the very best to you both.

BB2408 profile image

You are aware the hospitals are full of vaccinated patients ?

Even the media now are slowly telling you the double vaxxed are the most at risk…

Why play Russian roulette with a vaccine that’s already killed nearly 17k ppl in Europe

Just because the news doesn’t report it doesn’t mean its not happening…

It’s a trial, an experiment for the time being. It’s not a cure when it’s killing people

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to BB2408

Not sure if you are vaccinated or have RA/RD and take immuno-suppressants/have a low immune. Yes, it would be your choice and risk assessment, but for many millions that low/poor immunity has an affect on how you feel about others being vaccinated. If you have lost someone due to the virus or they have had long covid that also has some bearing on your decision re having the vaccination. I saw on BBC online news yesterday hospital staff saying saying it’s 20/30 year olds they are seeing the most who are UNvaccinated and are experiencing longer stays in hospital. We must be reading different news. Why play Russian roulette and not get the vaccine(s).

Millie66 profile image
Millie66 in reply to Neonkittie17

There is different news out there, the propaganda and censorship is enormous.Just look up the yellow card scheme on the government website and realise that the information there is just a fraction of what is reported.

There are more people with vaccine injuries than covid.

But people really don't care at all.

That's the selfishness.

Wait until the autumn /winter with new lockdowns, boosters, compulsory jabs.

We are heading for a toxic take over

We have survived thousands of years with an amazing immune system and I'm afraid to say that is being destroyed by pharmaceuticals.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Millie66

Will try reply to you a bit more when my phone is working better. Can only do a few lines before it crashes. Yes I know the YCS well thanks. Don’t think you’ll be forced a compulsory jab under Boris but think those non vaccinated by preference not to may well be curtailed/restricted as to where you can travel as it’s happening already to try protect other countries .. Just as it should have been with people travelling here. What about those people whose immune systems have destroyed themselves and they rarely took any medications? Great if one has an amazing immune system and on here they’re are many people who don’t have. Who can say at present or if ever re the YCS reports of side effects. How can you prove everything has ever been included? You can’t.

in reply to BB2408

Are you getting your information from the World Health Organisation or the British MedicalJournal?? If so can you please reference the articles. Thanks

BB2408 profile image
BB2408 in reply to

What information are you referencing the deaths ? VAERS is USA vaccine portal for AR and deaths. Uk is yellow card scheme. It’s a government site…not easy to navigate. But worth a try.

in reply to BB2408

That would be a ‘no’ then…

BB2408 profile image
BB2408 in reply to

What’s a no ? I’m asking which part you’re asking of ? You only accept info from the WHO and bbc I assume ?

in reply to BB2408

WHO & BMJ are RESPECTED medical sources. Amazingly they know what they are talking about. Unless you are a Consultant Virologist you really need to shut up. Trump supporter by any chance?? Is the world flat???? Education is NOT reading the internet.

Millie66 profile image
Millie66 in reply to

This is the government information I read on Pfizer. Enough for me.Your body your choice.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to BB2408

No the hospitals are NOT full of vaccinated people.According to NHS England ……the highest % of people in hospital with Covid now are the unvaccinated under 30 year olds….& some are seriously ill in ICU.

What is meant when the media comment that the double vaxxed are at high risk …is they mean that group are mostly the old & the vulnerable …& us very old are likely die anyway…..with or without Covid.

Everybody has the right to refuse to be vaccinated…..if they choose to dice with death that is their prerogative…..but the young are also dicing with having to living with Long Covid for the rest of their lives….now that is plain irresponsible & stupid. ……and too long odds for me to chance.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

Exactly .. it is the younger end unvaccinated in hospital as the hospital staff have told BBC news. As I mentioned above it’s reported to be 20/30 year olds. Also that they are long stay/long Covid.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Neonkittie17

Hopefully when the travel situation is sorted out…it will persuade a lot of wistful holiday makers to bite the bullet & get jabbed?

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

I think so too. Also possible exclusions in time elsewhere for events unless numbers go down to a better level of cases. I know when the government say we are not doing this or this won’t happen that all too often it’s had to change and there are U turns so we watch and wait. Look at the Dutch and their minister apologising to them and saying we were wrong.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Neonkittie17

But we have to understand what our Gov says only applies to Brits living & vaccinated here. Brits living abroad…even in some European countries …even if vaccinated with a vaccine licensed here….but injected outside the UK …..still have to quarantine, before they can visit family here. Not to mention EU countries who are seemingly playing the Brexit card & altering their vaccine entry regulations to deny Brits quarantine free status to visit their countries.

And as they alter their rules so often….Brits might as well accept we get vaccinated - but stay home until we are all singing from the same hymn sheet.

By which time it will be Christmas….& we will all want to stay home!

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

An in law had to quarantine in Naples for five days last week before they could leave the garden of their accommodation. Half their holiday gone.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Neonkittie17

Already, I read that people who have been unvaccinated, will no longer be allowed into nightclubs in England. I think increasingly, we will be asked for proof of vaccination status to access clubs, games, travel etc.

BB2408 profile image
BB2408 in reply to AgedCrone

They’ve vaccinated 20 year olds here in Wales now. So no. It’s not due to being the at risk group. It’s because you’ve tampered with your immune systems and put a technology into your system that creates the spike proteins…so you’re now creating the very virus you’re trying to avoid

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to BB2408

If that is the case….why are the new spike proteins also appearing in third world countries where the majority of the population have got nowhere near being vaccinated?As I said….if you don’t want to be vaccinated that is your absolute right…but don’t try to scare those of us who have decided to follow the science.

If you check you will see the majority of people now being admitted to hospitals are either unvaccinated under 18/40year olds, or the very elderly …..who because of their age…… unless they lock themselves away………are quite likely contract the virus whether vaccinated or not.

I’m one of those very elderly & I chose to be vaccinated & so far…despite very nasty side effects to the injection …..I am being careful, out & about…& testing Negative… all good news so far.

Millie66 profile image
Millie66 in reply to BB2408

I met a very tearful girl today whose mum has been permanently damaged after AZ, I don't know the details but hoping to meet up with her on Sunday? It's to do with red blood cells? I will try and find out more. Anyway she will have to be on permanent 2 weekly meds for the rest of her life. It was so upsetting.

We want as much information to be made public to make vaccinations safe. No other reason, but the cover up has made an awful amount of people fearful.

I have had personal tragedies after these vaccines. So it's not scaremongering.

The Bill was passed to force care home staff and visitors to be vaxxed or lose their jobs. This is medical Apartheid.

Now they are ramping up the media cases.

Be prepared to be locked down jabbed or not.

We are in dangerous times.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Millie66

I’m seeing a haematologist tomorrow…my blood tests have thrown up elevated haemoglobin… it has always been high but because I had the nasty reaction to the AZ Vaccine ….my rheumy has sent me off for more tests.Fingers crossed it’s nothing to worry about… but if it helps cope with Covid if I’m unlucky enough to get it ….maybe it’s not all bad news?

BB2408 profile image
BB2408 in reply to Millie66

I totally agree with you Millie. Sad not enough people can see what is going on here. If they reported the tragic deaths and reactions like they do covid on the bbc itv etc, it’d be a different story….

Millie66 profile image
Millie66 in reply to BB2408

Yes and the news today confirms its not about health.Unfortunately people are suffering in all ways.

We need to support each other and find a truly healthy natural way to live 🙏🏽

BB2408 profile image
BB2408 in reply to Millie66

Absolutely 💯 % humans are at a fork in the road….lots don’t even realise

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to BB2408

With respect, isn’t that how all vaccines work?

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to BB2408

Your second longer post to me seems not to be here anymore so I can’t reply fully but I’ll look again later (not sure if you’ve deleted it or or it has been removed or I can’t see it at the mo.) Tried to reply once but the phone crashed. Yes I am fully aware of everything thanks for asking. Big researcher here. Always my way due to studying long term. I do not agree whatsoever that people should take a risk on getting Covid. Absolutely not. We already have had 127,000+ UK fatalities. People are not advised to risk their health re non vaccination who are CEV/immuno-compromised. That would never seem sensible. I’m no loud and proud shouter. Very respectful person. I’m also not a sheep being herded along by government and can make my own decisions and always will. I’m intelligent enough to do so. Is the University of Oxford a “criminal organisation” due to the vaccine they initiated? Good luck with your RA and your decision to remain off your RA medication.

BB2408 profile image
BB2408 in reply to Neonkittie17

No I have not removed my post…

I guess it depends what you research and where. Its hard to explain why the vaccines and virus was patented before their arrivals ? It’s fine as long as each individual is happy with their decision. You’ll understand the gene technology you’ve irreversibly injected with unknown health impacts for now. I guess skipping animal trials some humans have to be willing to be trial subjects and that’s where we are at. Usually you get paid to trial new medication and vaccines.

When the vaccinated are still catching covid, it begs the question why the push on unvaccinated. What difference will it really make ?! Save the nhs ? It’s abysmal nothing will claw them back from what the government and they have done. They’re probably set back by god knows how many years now.

Sadly yes they do have links to criminal organisations. Ipsos Mori being one. Look where funding comes from. They all do. Big pharma own everything, the media, big tech. Government have shares in the shots. If people cant see how shady this is then that’s on them.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to BB2408

You appear not to understand what a vaccination is meant to do. Vaccination does not stop you catching what you are vaccinated against. Being vaccinated means if you catch COVID-19 you will not have it nearly as badly as you might have… …..because your immune system has already been booted up to start fighting it with the introduction of the CV19 vaccine into your system.

If vaccination was supposed to stop you getting Covid….. and it was working as well as it is …..nobody who had been vaccinated would be catching Covid anymore would they?

Think back to Smallpox……a disease that has been 99% eliminated…because there was huge investment to ensure the whole world was vaccinated against it……you don’t hear of many smallpox cases …if any …. these days. Hopefully it might be the same with CV 19 one day.

Millie66 profile image
Millie66 in reply to AgedCrone

Sorry you need to research more about vaccines.We are heading for a toxic disaster.

How many jabs and chemicals can a body take?

If you don't see now you will.

Less reliance on our current system the better.

We need to have an individual approach, not a collective approach.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Millie66

What do you mean by an individual approach? We all pop off to a laboratory & mix up a potion to inject ourselves?I think if we did that …….we’d kill more than Covid is doing!

Millie66 profile image
Millie66 in reply to AgedCrone

Obviously not, it's just to think about what we are actually putting our bodies through. And question this.They are killing more than covid has ever done or will.

One day you may see 🙄

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Millie66

No I don’t think I will come around to your trend of thought.I am only too aware where thinking vaccines are the Devil’s potion ends up…….people get the virus & then expect treatment for something that could have been avoided….if they had been vaccinated.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to BB2408

That specific post has definitely disappeared on my newsfeed. Looked back and it’s not there. If you are wary of medication and I have always said I was too when diagnosed with RA, then the choice to stay unmedicated and likely full of inflammation/pain/immobility from uncontrolled health conditions is absolutely your decision. For me it’s too big a risk being unmedicated/unvaccinated. You or anyone can try inform people here of your opinions, but if it starts to be anything unpleasant re others having had the vaccine/if anyone tries to try scare others by saying the vaccine will have poisoned/damaged them etc., then that is quite a different scenario.

The medics and scientists working with and for the English government haven’t made sweeping statements that the vaccines would prevent everyone from getting the virus. They said it would transmit less and reduce the severity of the virus to result less in illness/hospitalisation in more people. That was pre Delta which we know now transmits much more easily. If Boris made one of his speeches hailing vaccines as an end to Covid then he’s made several other statements of hope and enthusiasm let’s call them, which have given some false hope.

I’m very informed and well researched and made my decision to have RA medications and the vaccine. It isn’t the same decision as yours. That’s enough on this for me on this thread as it will go round and round as we will never see eye to eye.

LinaM profile image

I would be very careful putting pressure on your daughter to have the vaccination. I know I may get some abuse for this , but there is no such thing as a risk free vaccine. (I have had the jabs) My daughter was seriously affected by a well tested vaccine which I insisted she had when she was 15. It has destroyed her life.. You must make your own decisions on what to do and let her make up her own mind. I choose to see my daughter, even though she can’t have the vaccinations and it is a risk I’m willing to take. Perhaps if you take a test to ensure you have antibodies it will help make that decision easier for you.

Callabag64 profile image
Callabag64 in reply to LinaM

I have no intention of putting pressure on my daughter, I have said what Ithought to her, there were no raised voices or arguments, I won’t speak of it again.

Knip profile image

Calla, you are in a catch 22 situation and my heart goes out to you. It is so hard to know what to do. You obviously want to stay on good terms with your daughter so maybe your only solution is to maintain social distancing from her when she visits and wear your mask. Perhaps she will be less stubborn when she realises the risks to herself and her family, especially her vulnerable children, in due course. I hope that will happen soon. In the meantime, take care. God Bless, x

Mr_Hinn profile image

poor Lisa Shaw (only 44) took the vaccine and it kill her...the percentage is low...but for some it's not good.

AgedCrone profile image

As I said we are all entitled to decide which path we take.I was a nurse back in the day when many new vaccines were being trialled & hit the press……amazingly at my advanced age, I can actually remember all the drug company scandals….so I don’t need to watch the news, listen to government gossip or read about them….I was there.

I am personally very grateful for all the vaccinations I have had…..& that is a lot……and for all the wonderful countries I have visited……which had I refused to be vaccinated I would never have seen.

I think I am one of the vast majority who accept vaccinations work……..OK….sometimes with some very iff side effects to the actual i injection…….but overall I think they are the safest way to go.

Tragically some people do have unexpected bad reactions…but that is life,& as we all know- life is not always fair.

I think we have both made our opinions clear now ……I don’t think we need to say more……except each to his own.

Goldsky profile image

So sorry to hear that Callabag, it must be very upsetting for you. I have no advice or wise words but just wish you well.

My friend is an intensive care nurse . There is a family of anti vaxers in her hospital. The parents probably won’t make it and the children in their 20s are very poorly . My husbands colleague is only 36 and in intensive care very very ill . Had one jab .

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