When I started baricitinib, I had some idea that i would be back to normal in a week or two - cooking, gardening, walking around the village doing errands. . . After 6 months of pain and fatigue with Simponi which was not working, I put a lot of hope in this new medication. Previous to the Simponi, I had no meds other than ibuprofen for a month, and previous to that, 3 months on Xeljanz, which I quit when I could no longer stand the side effects. I discintinued longstanding use of methotrexate 11 months ago because it was getting less effective and causing worse side effects. It has been a rough ride, although most of it has been spent on the couch!
So. . . .I am still pretty firmly planted on that couch for the most part. The pain is showing slight improvement, so that is promising. Until today I have been feeling quite discouraged, because in addition to pain and stiffness, I have been feeling weak and exhausted most of the time, and sometimes having bouts of feeling a bit short of breath.
But . . . . after 2 bad days, today I feel better! Some of the joints that troubled me when I started the baricitinib are no linger sore - my jaws, right ankle, right thumb. All my joints feel at least a tiny bit better, including the hands, feet, and right hip. The worst ones (shoulders and left knee, still need a lot of improvement. This morning I was able to lift both my arms to wash my hair in the shower. My energy and alertness seem better today..
I can only hope that I am starting to turn the corner. It's been a hard year, but maybe this medication will be the one that gets me back on track.