Hello all - since stopping both hydroxyc. and MTX on 18th Feb, I hadn't really noticed a difference until a few days ago and wonder if these episodes are connected with stopping meds.
Shoulder and elbows continue to be bad but in the past couple of days the right shoulder and elbow have been off the scale. Like the episode in Tesco a week ago my shoulder was so bad on a long hill walk the other day that I had to stop and pull my arm (with difficulty and a lot of pain) out of my bra strap because it was irritating my shoulder. It didn't make any difference. It was one of those 'I don't know where to put myself' kind of pains which eventually and as usual went all the way down through elbow, wrist and into hands and fingers.
Last night my right elbow was so bad I could hardly sleep and then another thing reared its ugly head: the dreaded gurgling and cough which I haven't had for ages. I'm in no doubt about what it is as I was told by GP before my rheumatology diagnosis: GERD or laryngopharyngeal reflux, classic signs and the inhibitor tablets and extra strength Gaviscon work very well although I was warned I couldn't take them forever. Last night was hideous. I was glugging straight from the Gaviscon bottle and wandering around the house looking for the Volatorol gel which I couldn't find and ended up taking 2 nurofen instead which did the trick.
One of the first things I went to the GP about before rheum diagnosis was bowel issues which as time went by were accompanied by the reflux thing. That's back too and I wonder if this is all connected. It started with a tight throat and slightly bad breath a couple of weeks ago, followed by constipation, followed by the little cough, then diaorrhea and now the watery reflux and being woken up at night. It was so bad that I was slightly worried I would choke.
Shoulder is bad again this morning and seems to be a permanent feature now along with the elbow.
I had thought I was beginning to feel a bit better since stopping the meds but now I am not sure.
My appointment with the private consultant is on 12th April