Rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy and the covid vaccina... - NRAS


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Rheumatoid arthritis, pregnancy and the covid vaccination

Flowers2020 profile image
26 Replies

Hi, thanks everyone for responding to my earlier question about rheumatoid and the covid vaccination.

I just wanted to know if there is anyone who is planning for pregnancy and are concerned about taking the covid vaccine. I'm concerned if the covid vaccination could affect pregnancy, as it hasn't been out long enough to know what the long term affects can be.

I am currently taking cimzia injection pen and now will be starting back on methotrexate again after being off it for 2 years. My arthritis has become quite bad and active again. I'm going to be 34 years and this will be the first time I attempt for pregnancy and with this covid virus I am really worried what to do and how to go about things.

Would appreciate any advice regarding pregnancy in general, people's experiences with having rheumatoid arthritis and dealing with pregnancy as well as options about taking the covid vaccination whilst planning for pregnancy.

Thanks very much for your time.

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Flowers2020 profile image
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26 Replies
medway-lady profile image

I don't think you can have it if pregnant. Might be worth asking GP? x

Flowers2020 profile image
Flowers2020 in reply to medway-lady

Thanks for your message. I'm not pregnant but would like to plan for it in the next couple of months, so just wondering if the covid vaccination will affect this long term down the line

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Flowers2020

So much is evidence still being documented but as huge amount of nurses are young women it might be something thats been thought about for them. It's an interesting question.'

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Flowers2020

There is advice you should delay pregnancy until after the second vaccination........but you really should discuss this with your doctor before you stop contraception.

You should be fully informed before you do conceive.

nomoreheels profile image

I'm not sure about the vaccine as I’m not sure pregnant women have been included in any trials, though I many be wrong there. What I’m more concerned with is you restarting MTX if you're going to be trying for a baby. Have you mentioned this to your Rheumy? Apols if you have, just hope all goes well for you, exciting times.

Flowers2020 profile image
Flowers2020 in reply to nomoreheels

Thanks for your response. Yes I have spoken to my rheumatologist and because my arthritis has become rather active I've had to start on methotrexate but if I go ahead with planning for pregnancy then it will be more towards the end of the year or beginning of next, so hopefully will give enough time to control my arthritis. But in regards to the vaccination I have been told and read that it's best for pregnant women to not take the vaccination unless they have other health issues. However, the worrying thing is its not been trialled for long enough to see if women that take it have issues later with pregnancy. Even the docs can't comment much on that so just thought it be interesting to get some opinions.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Flowers2020

Ah, didn't realise you'd sorted it with your Rheumy. I'm sorry you're not doing so well, I hope you become well enough controlled to go ahead. I'm sure you will. It's only my opinion, but what I’d do is ask a medical professional, or professionals, whoever is the most appropriate, it's too important not to really. Again, I hope all goes well.

oldtimer profile image
oldtimer in reply to Flowers2020

If you are not planning on starting a pregnancy until later this year or beginning of the next, it would seem to me that you should have the vaccination as soon as possible. You will have to have two doses for good protection which will take some months to complete. There doesn't seem any mechanism by which the vaccine could affect a pregnancy which is conceived after the development of immunity.

I hope that you have not been worried by the misinformation about the mDNA vaccines (Pfizer currently). There is no way that the vaccine could affect your own DNA. Messenger DNA just instructs your body to make the antibodies and tells your body to make T cells against it.

Flowers2020 profile image
Flowers2020 in reply to oldtimer

Thank you for your message, I guess you have a point if I am to do the covid vaccination better to do it sooner rather than later

AgedCrone profile image

For starters Google “can pregnant women have Covid19 vaccine” it looks like you may be able to...but ask the DOCTOR dealing with your pregnancy.When you are pregnant, especially in the first trimester.... you should not take any drugs, vaccines, herbs or in fact anything .....without referral to your doctors.

lynndemedicis profile image
lynndemedicis in reply to AgedCrone

My daughter is 12 weeks pregnant and she is supposed to take the vaccine during month of April.......per her OBGYN. She did have Covid in November before she got pregnant. I, personally am not sure what she should do. Signed, Anxious Mom

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to lynndemedicis

I am sure are very concerned but really you should listen to your daughter’s obstetrician......& maybe the doctor who treated her when she had Covid?

There doesn’t seem to be much information on the subject generally....so her doctors - who have her medical history - really are the best ones to advise.

lynndemedicis profile image
lynndemedicis in reply to AgedCrone

Thank you for your kind words!!

Minah profile image

It's very important to discuss you plan with rheumatologist because doctors never recommend to be pregnant with methotrexate as it could harm the child

Minah profile image

I wish your arthrites control soon and you could able to do what do you want .Its really stressful when you have to choose between your health and a child but plz do not loose hope .I have heard many successful stories of women who would able to give birth with arthrites.

Flowers2020 profile image
Flowers2020 in reply to Minah

Thank you means alot

bpeal1 profile image

This is the current information about the covid vaccination for women of child bearing age.


JustHereForGin profile image

Hi! I'm 35, currently pregnant and have RA. You cannot be on methotrexate if you are trying for a baby. It needs to have been out of your system for 3-6 months before you start trying to conceive. If you're thinking about pregnancy, you need to talk to your consultant. I'm currently on sulfasalasine (which is rubbish in comparison with methotrexate, but needs must). I've also decided I won't be having my covid vaccine until after the baby is born. I'm shielding and work have made me stay at home since March, so for me it's a safer option. But I appreciate that won't be the case for others.

Flowers2020 profile image
Flowers2020 in reply to JustHereForGin

Thank you for sharing your current situation. I hope all goes well with the pregnancy. If you don't mind me asking, har far in are you and how have you found the pregnancy so far with having RA?

JustHereForGin profile image
JustHereForGin in reply to Flowers2020

Thanks! I'm 17, nearly 18 weeks! So still got a way to go yet. I came off all medication and ended up having a horrible long flare between June and July. That's when I was put on to sulfasalasine. I can't say I've noticed that being pregnant has improved my symptoms much. I have noticed that my fatigue is worse than it was before getting pregnant. Come 4-5pm and I can fall asleep standing up!

Flowers2020 profile image
Flowers2020 in reply to JustHereForGin

Aww well I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well for you and you feel better. It's tiring having arthritis let alone the feeling exhausted from the pregnancy so I'm sure your doing really well. Best of luck

lynndemedicis profile image
lynndemedicis in reply to JustHereForGin

My daughter is 35 and pregnant. She had Covid in November and got pregnant in December; currently 12 weeks pregnant. Her OBGYN is encouraging her to get vaccine in April..........As her Mother, I'm just not sure.

JustHereForGin profile image
JustHereForGin in reply to lynndemedicis

Really? I have seen others who have had their vaccines whilst pregnant where the risks of being exposed to the virus is higher. For me, I am currently WFH and won't return to the office prior to giving birth. My partner is also WFH and there isn't any indications that he is returning any time soon. When shielding ends, I have decided I will still be extremely cautious until the baby arrives. However if our situation changes, I might reconsider my decision to have the vaccine. Its just so hard to make that decision. Its not helped by research trials now being conducted into how well the vaccine will work in immunocompromised people. I then have an irrational worry that there won't be a vaccine available in July (post baby) for me! Completely irrational, I know!

Claire32 profile image

Hi I’m really sorry to hear your RA has become more active recently and I hope you feel better soon.

I have a 8 year old and a 1.5 year old. The first time I came off methotrexate to try to conceive I think I managaed to 8 weeks and then was in so much pain I went back on it. I then got better control of my RA, I was swimming and exercising too so I tried again. I managed 8 months off it and got pregnant. It got really hard towards the end and we were discussing me going back on meds and then I found out I was pregnant. I was just on Enbrel. As soon as I was pregnant my RA symptoms disappeared (different for everyone) unfortunately I started flaring at 30 weeks pregnant.

Even when I was off the methotrexate I continued with the 5mg folic acid and took it every day.

I was 39 when I had my little boy.

Have you spoken to your consultant about other meds that are safe in pregnancy?

I hope everything goes well for you. Sending lots of love 💗


kerryhannah profile image

Hello- sounds a similar situation (ish). I’m 35 and have an almost 2 year old. I have AS and used to be on Benepali and have recently been switched to Cimzia. We’re looking to try again but had stalled it to hopefully get the jab sooner rather than later (no phone call yet!).

When pregnant before it was great. I managed to stay swimming 2-3 times a week and was swimming until 3 days before giving birth (but then she came early at 34w+5). AS wise I was fine and managed to BF afterwards too. I hope my body will respond just as well with Cimzia and we can try again soon as I am very much feeling the old biological clock ticking! Do ask any Qs you have either on her or private message x

Flowers2020 profile image
Flowers2020 in reply to kerryhannah

Thanks so much for your message. Your last pregnancy sounds great and I hope it goes just as well this time round. I will message you as I have so many questions around this lol. Thanks again

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