Oh well I’ve kept quiet as I’m now week 3 /4 of taking baricitnib and was doing so well . No pain /fatigue/brain fog/ stiffness/swelling or burning. Had a cough and temperature since Sunday covid test negative now flaring just in time for Christmas . I thought things were on the up. I’ve been careful not over doing things my limp had gone and was thinking about not using my stick but I’m back to square one my stairs have once again become Mount Everest. 🥺
Christmas gift from RA: Oh well I’ve kept quiet as I’m... - NRAS
Christmas gift from RA
Wrap up the RA in xmas paper and chuck it in a bin..........thats what I want to do today after yesterday . Feel your pain! x
Oh I've been wondering how you're doing and hoping that no news was good news and it sounds like it was until now 😕Maybe the stress of the last few weeks (having to go into work and worrying about Covid) has got to you and it's just a temporary flare? 🤞Even though I've just been working from home, I'm definitely ready for a break - the last two weeks have felt much harder and I've been feeling more tired (although "normal" tired rather than "RA tired".) Or maybe you've got a bug and that's causing the flare? Really hope that it's a temporary setback as it sounds as if the baricitnib was working for you.
Thanks B was enjoying feeling alive. I mustn’t grumble I do better generally than most..not long now till it’s the time to do nothing but indulge.. then we will be moaning about weight gain 😂
You will get there darling you must remember that it can take up to 12wks to really get into your system.xxx
Fingers crossed it's a very short lived flare then onward and upward 🤞🤞
I'm so sorry to hear this. Wrap and coorie in for a few days
Oh flippin eck
About time you had some good luck, really hope it goes away quickly and the medication gets back to working, what does your body think its doing 😉
Flippin RA .. it gives you hope then pulls the rug from underneath you. I didn’t want to jinx it as I couldn’t believe how good things were so quickly. You here people say it worked from week one and it did but I thought I’ll stay quiet until week 6 then announce the miracle 🤬oh well let’s hope it’s a short lived flare .x

Yeah your body might be putting up one final fight and the drugs might beat it back down. Hope so x
Boxing 🥊 gloves on
Here's hoping it's short-lived! All the best.
Some of mine are a day so fingers crossed( if you can ! )xx
Sorry to hear this J1707. RA is like being on a roller coaster and I don't like roller coasters any more and want to get off! Or an irritating loud, noisy gift that despite unplugging or removing the batteries it wont let up and continues to whirr, buzz and ping! Really hope it is short lived and sending you some supportive wishes. xx
Bless you! Take care and look after yourself 🎄
I'm so sorry to hear that things aren't great atm. Just try to rest and stay a positive as you can 😘
Bad luck! But it could just be a cold or a nice virus (!) that you’re body and immune system is having to deal with hence the flare. Hope it will go soon so you can have a good Christmas x
Always the way isn't it - say your pleased and the gates of wrath open up. Hope it doesn't last long! 🤞
I feel for you. After my face to face Tuesday I jinxed myself. Told consultant I was okay except for pain in hands and happy that Iadacio was kicking in. But woke up in tears today. My knees feel like jelly and can't each dry my hair without elbows hurting so much. I am really annoyed as consultant said my arthritis is not active. I hope you feel better soon. Sending you my Christmas spirit hun 😘
So sorry to hear this. Really hoping it is short lived blip and you are soon feeling the benefit of your new meds. 🤗 x
Agghh, so frustrated for you. I think this is why RD is so hard to deal with emotionally, it’s the constant raising and dashing of hope isn’t it?! Hopefully, this is an end of term / pre Christmas stress flare and shall settle soon. The positive to take from it though is that the fact that over the last few weeks your limp has gone shows what is still possible for you with the RD under control so fingers crossed this end. 🙂