I had my initial appointment yesterday after some people on the forum suggested it. He took lots of notes and examined me, asked where it hurt etc. I will go back on Friday and then be given some suggestions. I have mainly asked for sensible physiotherapy because I know I won't get it through NHS. In fact, in the weeks before my diagnosis I was having physiotherapy and then as soon as I was diagnosed it stopped! WTF?
Just before I left he showed me a self help massage for my shoulder and it made an immediate difference. Very interesting.
I'm well aware it won't help with joints and he advised me of that, but should help with anything back related and could even help reduce the number of migraines I have as I am convinced some of them are caused by my neck and back.
In other news my RD seems to have gone up a notch and the left side of my body, after sitting on the fence for quite some time now, has finally joined in. The pain in my left elbow is almost indescribable. Both wrists have been bad enough to make holding things for any length of time very uncomfortable and both knees burn, especially at night.
Also, even though it's quite mild outside, it's obviously not summer any more and I am finding that I am more intolerant to the cold than ever. Getting into my cold bed the other night so uncomfortable it was almost painful. Putting my bed socks on was hell. The heating was off by then so I couldn't put them on the radiator. I had to put a scarf on to keep the back of my neck warm and I was wearing 3 layers! Yesterday I bought an electric blanket.