I know it’s a personal decision and you are the only person who knows your whole situation but just out of interest are people that are ECV letting their children go to school/nursery? I’m aware there is the issue of fines etc, my daughters and step daughter are, (nursery, secondary and primary). I seem to veer from thinking it will be fine to being really quite concerned. I guess I’m just interested to know what others are doing?
To Those that are shielding, are your children still ... - NRAS
To Those that are shielding, are your children still going to school?

Before we went into lockdown in March, I had been really frightened by the images of Italy etc and I knew, this was going to be really bad.
Roughly 2.5 weeks before lockdown was announced, before the schools closed, I took my girls out.
They travel by bus, an hour each way to school.
When schools returned on 12 August ( Scotland) I absolutely wanted them to return, but I was extremely apprehensive. And I was very aware of their anxiety - mostly about bringing something gone to me.
Clearly, their education is a priority, so as they leave at 7.20 in the morning, they went to school but to avoid the rush time traffic, and other schools getting in the buses, I arranged with school that they would leave 45 minutes before the end of the school day.
This has been much more manageable in terms of risk, and their anxiety.
However, as numbers rise, especially in terms of hospital admissions and deaths, I can feel my apprehension setting in again.
Be guided by what you feel is the right thing to do. You may be fined - money is clearly an issue for lots of people right now, and I absolutely understand the pressures. However, to me, no money in the world could replace someone I love.
As always, I will keep a very close eye on things and if we get to the point that it feels like things are getting out of control again- I will have no hesitation in taking my girls out of school.
Until then.....
Yes you’re right it is about how comfortable you feel, my daughter is only 4 and has just started school and is loving it so much and I know I would feel guilty if I took her out but if my worry becomes too great then i will have to do it. My step daughter only comes once a fortnight at the moment due to covid but she’s at a big secondary school and it does concern me. It’s really hard and I seem to be very up and down about it. Sounds like you have taken some very good steps to reduce the risk. I will pay fines but I won’t deregister (if it got to that point)!
I feel your concern.
Bottom line, we all have to do what we feel is best for us, and those that we love.
Wishing you the very best x
I know you’re right I’m just finding it so hard, thank you for replying, I really appreciate it and wishing you the very best too, take care x
We are told to keep safe- that is all you are trying to do here. You are not protesting or arguing you are just looking out for the future of your family. Take care and perhaps ring your go for their advice ?
Hi - my daughters are still going to (secondary) school. They really need to go - middle of exams etc and seeing their friends. They walk there and back and I am WFH. Usual hand washing and changing of clothes etc when they get in from school. We are in a very low covid area at the moment so I may feel more anxious if it was different. Best wishes.
I also took my children out before the last lockdown hit in March. They went back in September great and definitely needed it, my daughter is in high school which has had a lot of cases since being back She has also had to isolate just before half-term. Thankfully we was all fine but gosh it does send my anxiety through the roof.
We took the decision to not send them both back after halfterm, was we are in a teir 3 area aswell as going into lockdown and receiving my letter. High school have been very supportive and told me while on the 4 wks lockdown they will post work for her in google classroom. My sons school he’s in juniors was abit reluctant and said I could lose his place. They have since started to send me school work daily.
It’s such a hard decision to make isn’t it my son is asking to go to school daily and got upset last night so I’m toying with the idea of sending him back. I’m concerned the longer I keep him out it will possibly affect him. Then I worry if he brings it home and I get ill that will also affect him. 😬His school is smaller school then my daughters and only had 1 or 2 cases in different years.
It’s just such a hard decision to make isn’t it, who knows what we are doing is right or wrong. 🤷♀️ We just have to go with our gut feeling. Take care and stay safe x
That’s it, I don’t know what to do! I feel like there are so many pros and cons on each decision. Everything you have written is exactly how I feel, it will have a negative impact keeping them in or taking them out but if they did bring it home and I got really ill or worst case scenario then it will be a lot worse than a few months of home schooling. Thank you for replying, it’s a pretty lonely place making these decisions! You take care too and thank you again xx
I’m really scared.
But my daughter has A-level and GCSE exam So I can’t stop them to go school.
I have to trust school and my kids to be safe.
My daughter have a bath when come back school.
Best wishes