Hi all
I thought you might find the following article useful. It is written by Dr Sarah Jarvis, and is a good article on the use of herbal medicine.
One of the key messages from this article, which I’m sure most of you know, is that herbal medicine can interfere with standard medication, so when your doctor asks you what medication you are taking, it is important to mention herbal medicines, not just prescribed ones. Sarah also discusses some of the herbal medicines for which there is good evidence and which she often recommends to patients:
Another example that springs to mind, in terms of ‘natural’ products that can interfere with medication is the humble grapefruit. This isn’t mentioned in the article, so I have included a separate link about this (below). This has been in the news before, so again, many of you may already be aware of this, but for those who aren’t, grapefruit contains chemicals that can affect the length of time it takes for drugs to be broken down in the body, which in turn can cause more of the ‘active’ drug to be present in the body than the intended dose, as explained here:
You wouldn’t be expected to give your doctor a full break down of every food you eat of course, but grapefruit can be a particular issue, so is certainly one to be aware of.
I hope these articles will be if interest/use to you.
(NRAS Information and Support Manager)