Am a newcomer, having read a few of your posts, and it’s quite scary, diagnosed beginning of the year, already had the label of fibromyalgia, now they have added polymyalgia and RA, on methotrexate 10mg, which in my case I have found fantastic in helping me, only the beginning, have a telephone appointment 19 October. I look forward to all your health tips, and warnings. X
Newcomer: Am a newcomer, having read a few of your... - NRAS

Welcome! You'll find lots of support here as well as great advice. It can be particularly scary when you're first diagnosed but with the right meds and some lifestyle tweaks, things can be pretty good 😊 You have to remember that a lot of the posts on here are made by people who are struggling and need extra support but there are many more out there who are doing really well and don't feel the need to post.
Thank you, it’s all change what with the virus about, interested on what others found beneficial I am still restricted to a normal life, I have to rest and plan my days, to know in advance any changes and outings so that I can try to attend. Brain fog is bad, fatigue and that constant pain that we endure daily, to cope x
Hi Splinters and welcome to the forum. It's great that you're getting on really well with the MTX and long may that continue for you. I hope you get on really well at your appointment in October - let us know how it goes. You'll get plenty of tips and advice here so you have definitely come to the right place. All the best. x
Welcome and good to hear that MTX is helping you. You will find lots of help and support here if you need it.
Hi Splinters, welcome to the forum. Good to hear that MTX is already helping you. We’re all here to listen and help if we can x
Just go with the flow Splinters.....everything is very confusing & contradictory when you are first diagnosed...make your rheumy nurse your friend..she is your open sesamé to your Consultant & will guide you through.
Don’t be scared by what you read here...what happened to xyz...will 99% not happen to file those scare stories under ‘NotMe’ ...& carry on with the attitude ‘“I’ve got it...I accept it - I will deal with it...& I will be fine”.
It’s good news the Mtx is suiting is a great drug & many of us took it for years.
Good Luck with your phone appointment on 19/10....starting today...make a note of everything you need to ask....telephones seem to make us all have amnesia!!
A few months down the line you will wonder why you were so worried!
Hi Splinters. Welcome. This forum is filled with loverly people with great advice and tips. Ask any questions you have, chances are someone who have an answer
Welcome to the group. Excellent reply from Boxerlady. I agree entirely.
Welcome. Whatever you are feeling you will bound to find someone who is or has experienced the same as you on this forum. Agree that your rheumy nurse is the gateway to many avenues, your consultant, physio, x Ray's, etc. And your appointment is relatively soon.
Hi Splinters, I am very pleased for you that MTX helps so well. Long may it continue. On the NRAS website there is also documentation on self management which is an important part on the way to living well with RA. I don't think I would be in remission without a self management plan. May you have as little pain as possible and have the strength to stay positive.
I have only been diagnosed about 18 months and understand your worries. I tend to look at the questions people ask and only follow through and read if I feel it is relevant to me and how I feel at the moment. If not I bypass as you can get carried away worrying about problems you do not actually have. Hope this helps and good luck
Welcome splinter hope your appointment goes well and mske sure you ask lots of questions. Resting up when feeling fatigued is a good thing to remember and pace yourself. I've had RA for 26yrs and still enjoy my life and family xx
Don't forget that most people only post here when they have problems. The large number of people who are getting on with things may have had to make adjustments but are now coping OK. And they don't tend to post to say "I'm doing really well"