I haven't seen the Rheumatologist since last year, so I am probably due for a consult. I have a 1.5 hour drive to attend the Rheumy clinic, so if the video appointment works, it will be a relief.
How do they do a DAS though, taking my word for 'I don't have any joint tenderness or swelling' probably isn't the best thing. Usually, when the Doc does her assessment of my joints, I discover that I have a lot more than I am willing to admit. When I say "well its a bit puffy around my ankle", she adds it to the list, while I think "but its ok". Are you stiff in the mornings? "No, not really" How long after you get up are you ready to face the day? "Oh, well a couple of hours, I have coffee and a nice hot shower, can't really face much before then".... What about Fatigue? "Well, not really, but I am struggling a bit with motivation and seem to need naps..." Generally, if compared to the best of health and wellbeing, on a scale of 1-100, how are you? Umm... this one gets me..... hahahaha.
So I wonder....