Hi all, I had a Rheumy appointment this afternoon and he confirmed that the pains in my hands and feet are due to osteo arthritis, but the X-rays of my shoulders show that I have calcification in the shoulders, does anyone have any thoughts on this? This is all new to me, I asked him if there was anything he could give me for the pain, but because I am on so many meds. for so many ailments he said I should stick to paracetamol as all the drugs available are addictive and have so many side effects. He did say if the pain in my shoulders get worse he could give me an injection. Not too happy about that but, I suppose he is right in a way, I cannot tolerate strong pain meds and because of an hiatus hernia, GERD, asthma I cannot take certain meds either, all this seems to be linked to my Sarcoidosis . Catch 22 situation I think.
He also sent me for more blood tests for bone density and arranging for tests for osteoporosis.
Any help appreciated, I know this site is mostly RA related, but anything would be appreciated.
Jan (titchyj)
PS. Sorry it's a bit long winded!!!!!!