Just had a quick 10 minute thunder storm with heavy rain. Made things worse joints totally ceased up right ankle and heal very swollen on fire and very painful .its like a sauna now.
Quick thunderstorm : Just had a quick 10 minute thunder... - NRAS
Quick thunderstorm
😔 when it cools will they ease as quickly as the seized?
Usually but when it lasts a long time and we have had humidity for weeks it can leave problems especially my right ankle . Usually have to increase physio exercises as it gets weaker after a flare. It hasn’t been tight for nearly 2 years.
What part of the country are you?
West Midlands

Damn, it's missed us and the garden needs it badly. I heard on the news earlier that two months worth of rain is going to fall in about two hours so some places are really going to get it bad.
It was very fast moving. I think there are going to be lots of quick moving storms across the country the next days. It didn’t rain long enough to make a difference to the garden most of it evaporated away as quick as it came.
Hope your joints calm soon. I have had weird pins and needles during storms. 😳
We suffer no matter what. We can’t win 🥺
It is very humid here in the Midlands as well. I came down about 4.30am as i had run out drink and rather than wake hubby up by coming down and then going back upstairs i thought i can settle here on my recliner.xxxx
Quite a spectacular 'show' here in the North West, went on for hours and is forecast for a repeat performance tonight. Lots of local flooding sad to say....what's that song that comes to mind 'Summertime and the living is easy'...not when you are throwing dust sheets down in the early hours of the morning to ward off the water from coming in, whilst trying to stay upright with swelling joints!
Poor you I have never had flooding problems I’m lucky to live high on a hill .. difficult going out for a walk though. 🤞 there’s no more flooding
If you can afford it a dehumidifier might help a small one is not expensive and very useful.
Got one on order
Great enjoy it, we had one for winter condensation in the conservatory now replaced by the air con unit which includes a dehumidifier. They really do help me. The amount of water collected is surprisingly large. Helps my chest too. We're high up on the Peninsula but very near the river Thames and that might make it more humid I suspect.