What foods do you eat to control your RA inflammation? - NRAS


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What foods do you eat to control your RA inflammation?

Tray5 profile image
22 Replies

I am having a flareup, normally I control my diet which is the Mediterranean diet, that seems to work for me but lately has not. I was on prednisone for four weeks and a day after last dosage all my inflammation came back with a vengeance. I also started new meds, Sulfasalazine but got a really bad headache and sinus pain so I stopped taking it.

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Tray5 profile image
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22 Replies
KittyJ profile image

I’m sorry I can’t help with foods to control inflammation because I’ve never found anything that controls mine. A Mediterranean diet does help some as you have found. Have you told your rheumy team that you have stopped all your meds? I think you need to call them and discuss what you do next as it’s not good to have uncontrolled RA, you are risking damage. I hope you get sorted soon 🤗

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to KittyJ

I agree with Kitty; you need medical advice. In my opinion coming off the Pred has probably caused the flare. Like Kitty I have not found changing my diet made much difference to my RA problems. Sorry it’s probably not what you want to hear!

helixhelix profile image

If I eat a crappy diet full of junk food I feel crappy, bloated, heavy and generally yuck and with less energy. But my RA feels the same, it doesn’t seem to care.

springcross profile image

How long were you taking the SSZ for?

Tray5 profile image
Tray5 in reply to springcross

I had been taking it for 5 weeks. I will try it again soon. My doctor wanted to increase dosage from 2 to 4 after 8 week after lab work.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Tray5

Yes, I take four a day now - this is my sixth week of taking it. I was told that there may be some side effects to begin with but to persevere for a few weeks to see if they subsided. I have had headache, nausea and bloating but they have eased off a lot. You really should ring your rheumy team though and let them know what has happened, they may have a solution for you. All the best. x

bubblyalex profile image

I agree with everyone here. Do get in touch with your rheumy team and talk to them about it. No food seems to trigger my problems. I do make my food from scratch and this year I have grown my own veg so now picking straight from the garden which is very nice to be doing.

Brushwork profile image

I find a strict vegan diet or even fasting for a couple of days, can stop a flare. It works for me, I am not saying it works for everyone.

RA is all about inflammation. Many of the foods we eat feed inflammation. For me, and actually research tells us, dairy and sugar are the biggest culprits, but I am also vegetarian. Diet is a long term commitment to helping our bodies.

I would also add, that I also need some medical intervention too, but it is relatively mild. Relative to the strong positive RA I apparently have, my diet and lifestyle choice has led me to be A'typical according to my Rheumatologist. I've had this beast for 23 years and am still playing golf and leading a normal and active life.

Gilliancheche profile image
Gilliancheche in reply to Brushwork

I am vegetarian too. Am on merhotrexate. I knew sugar is best avoided but had not thoughtof avoiding dairy, not that I have much, except cheese. Might give it a go. Always looking for ways to help without drugs. Plus want to continue playing golf too!

Mrspainting48 profile image

Hi there.......Tomatoes big No No.....and cucumber....I have replaced them on my salad with Rasberries...Strawberries...and blueberries....

Also citric fruits. ...and sugary foods can bring on flares....trial and error......

Good luck.

Brushwork profile image
Brushwork in reply to Mrspainting48

Strangely I’m ok with all fruit and veg, so long as I mix it up, not too much of anything. Balance is needed

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Mrspainting48

And yet I do not get flares from eating tomatoes, cucumber or citrus! So it really is down to trial and error for each individual.

Jesnaskah profile image


I was managing for about a year and half with just diet. I stopped eating meat/poultry/pork/etc and dairy. Only allowed myself seafood when it came to "flesh" for lack of a better word... Sorry.

But since early June, my RA has come back with a vengeance and I feel screwed. Started Humira. But thank God for Prednisone... Keeps me somewhat functional.

Angjoplin profile image

Ring your team and start taking your meds. You risking ended up with severe joint damage like me. I wouldn't wish the pain I suffer on anyone.

There isn't a magic food or diet. Cutting down on sugar does help in a flare in my experience. But you dont want a flare in the first place which is what the meds are for.

If you are experiencing bad side effects with a drug ring your team. Dont let them fob you off. Get a different drug if needs be. But don't leave it. I learnt the hard way not being pushy enough.

Brushwork profile image
Brushwork in reply to Angjoplin

I believe in a whole body approach, and that includes meds when needed. However, I think by understanding food, exercise and RA that eating right and exercising gives your body a better chance of avoiding or minimising the effects of RA.

We are all different, some people seem to need more medical intervention than others. It’s about balance and working with you Rheumy team and doing your own research, then taking a proactive approach. For me this works.

I can’t emphasis enough that I am very strongly positive and that I’m now 23 years into RA. There have been ups and downs, at times I’ve stepped off the path of clean eating, and paid the price. My health is not 100%, but I am fit and able most of the time. The Rheumy team see me as an anomaly, I’m fine with that, they’ve always wanted to medicate me more heavily (due to the high risk of severe disease activity) I won’t do that until I absolutely need to. So low dose Methotrexate and a little Naproxen and here I am.

We must all follow our own path... I wish you all well

Jesnaskah profile image
Jesnaskah in reply to Brushwork

Very interesting! I like that you are doing well and it's also what you want. I hope this keeps up for you!

I was like this for a while. But my rheumatologist thinks I can't keep turning to pred for relief. But it works so well, and I am tolerating it pretty nicely and well, every other drug I've tried thus far is hell. Currently I'm on pred and humira. And she swears my inflammation markers are down bc of humira...if that were true I'd be able to taper...but I cannot!

Me: I like Prednisone. How about I just stay on it and I just wean myself off again like I did on my onset and see how I get along?

Doc: No, because you'd risk deterioration.

Me: Well, I really don't think I'm in that boat, as I was drug free for over 1.5 years in my 3 years of RA and it doesn't seem like I'm the type who is suffering damage. Plus if that's really the concern, well let's get some images and see what's really happening.

Sorry... That was me thinking out loud. That's how I want my next appt to go 🤔

I know this may sound dumb to some, but I just had some x-rays done on my knees and an orthopedic said they were fine. Makes me think I'm not the type who's having damage done.

Anyway...I have a lot on my mind..this just all came out perhaps a little non sequitur...

Gaz227 profile image
Gaz227 in reply to Brushwork

When you say low dose methotrexate how many Mg ‘s are considered low , do you take tablets or inject. I am on 5mg of pred but my Rhuemy wants me on MTX once the pandemic is a bit calmer , I worry about the MTX side effects to . Not sure if my condition is RA based or Sapho don’t think the Rhuemy knows either . They want me off pred been on it 5 years but I’m not sure if the MTX is worse for me . Any advice appreciated 👍

achyknitter profile image

I have tried leaving out many foods to help my RA but the only things I find make a difference are sugar and alcohol. I can guarantee that if I have just one small drink I will flare the following day. I hope your rheumy team can sort your medication.

Cien profile image

Has any one heard about drinking celery juice first thing in the morning and then fast for an hour before food? I received a WhatsApp text about a lady drinking it for 2 years and now she is in remission and drug-free. I am skeptical but any opinion on this?

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply to Cien

I’d be totally sceptical. It’s like my friend who swears by apple cider everyday in water.

Jesnaskah profile image
Jesnaskah in reply to Cien

I know that celery along with cucumber juiced is anti-inflammatory. So it probably can really help some. Why some and not everyone? Well now, if life were fair....☹️

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Cien

I'd say if it says it on Whats App it must be true, Not ! Honestly if the NHS thought this worked why would they put money into drugs, clinics, etc etc. they could just hand us a recipe and say bye. Would drug manufacturers invest in new medications when is all they need to do is set up a juicing factory. I'd say this is either case of wishful thinking or perhaps self diagnosis and the mind is a powerful tool. Sometimes placebos used in drug trials get good effects the best one I've read about was a great painkiller which in fact was just saccharin and chalk.

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