I’ve been having a bad flare for the last couple of weeks,pretty sure it’s the heat/ humidity,spoke to rheumy this morning but they decided that I couldn’t have a course of pred because of the covid19 risk,has anyone else had this & if so how did you manage? Trying hard to keep cheerful, but it’s difficult at times! Thanks .🥰
Weather?: I’ve been having a bad flare for the last... - NRAS

Weather OH YEA. Hot humid weather causes havoc. I have struggled like you and couldn’t have pred due to c19 .. unfortunately things just got worse and physio told me to contact my team again I did and I have just finished a short course of pred which has really helped but Humidity starting to build and I’m starting to feel it.

Have had this more or less since I was diagnosed 17 years ago, but has been really bad this year, first time I’ve had problems with shoulders & elbows as for ankles ..... but hopefully it will calm down soon, hope yours won’t kick in again so badly now!
Am I correct in thinking you been in remission for a while and not on any medication? So if your flare continues after the weather gets cooler and less humid perhaps you should talk again with your rheumy about getting some tests and a new treatment regime.
Yes I did go into remission,( bliss) but a traumatic period with our foster daughter, put paid to that!( she had bowel cancer, her partner had heart surgery, the her son was killed in a motorcycle accident) so have been back on meds for about 8 months, I am coping, but it’s difficult at times, I crochet a lot, & for a few days just couldn’t hold a hook, holding a cup or plate is a bit hit or miss, could do with some new ones anyway! 😀 but it’s been a big help to “ talk” on here , thank you .
My rheumy won’t give steroids because of Covid either
The weather really does affect me. Having a real tough couple of days again due to the humidity.
I have been very fortunate to have been prescribed steroids and have been on them for three months now and had my medication changed in the last couple of weeks to with MTX being added in. The plan is for me to taper off the steroids gradually and will discuss this with one of the rheumy nurses in the next few weeks. I am so sorry you are having a tough time at the moment. Did your team offer any other medications? x
Just said to take paracetamol & ibuprofen! Absolutely dreading tomorrow, already at almost 9 pm my feet are so painful, toes so swollen they are crossing, my usual rheumy nurse wasn’t there today,I’m sure she would have been more help, as she would have known I wouldn’t have contacted them unless I was desperate! Good luck with your meds, & many thanks for replying. Roll on Autumn! 🤣
I am so sorry that you have not had a very helpful response at all today. I would keep ringing them and hopefully they will listen. So frustrating for you. You clearly do need a medication review with such swollen joints. What RA meds are you currently taking? I would also contact the NRAS helpline as they may be able to give some advice and support to get some more help from your own team. My heart really goes out to you. x
I had the same problem gilox with a replacement nurse during lockdown my nurse was redeployed. I got nowhere with the replacement in fact she didn’t return my calls and sent me a compliment slip telling me to double mtx even though I had problems with dose before.When I got my nurse back she did more for me in one phone call than the other nurse did in 4 months. My nurse gave me her email address so I could bypass the advice line. Maybe you could ask your nurse if she would do this for you.

As this is the first time I’ve felt that I’ve been fobbed off, I probably feel more let down, if that makes sense, I think I may contact my nurse,( she is a friend now,so that’s why I am reluctant to bother her.)Hopefully tomorrow won’t be as bad as I think, we do have a large garden, & live in the countryside, so luckier than some!
Absolutely, for me, heat causes more inflammation! Absolutely hate it. Take care.
Hot, humid weather makes my RA worse every time, my feet and ankles are evil just now, I usually shove down the pain relief and plod on but this week has almost defeated me, it's impossible to sleep when your feet and ankles throb and nothing helps. Here's hoping we all get some relief zoon.
That’s exactly how I feel!
Morning. Sorry to hear you are in pain. Im the same the heats making my flare up so much worse. I am finally having a steroid injection next week. I am also taking benepali but thats given up on me. I am putting lots of ice packs on my hand, elbows, knees and now ankles. I hope you get some relief soon x
Thank you! Although my ankles/feet/ hands etc feel like I’ve done 10 rounds with a heavyweight champion,being able to talk & have a moan on here has helped enormously
Trust me ive made friends on here with ppl i dont know and all are very caring and helpful. Rant away we all need to do it x
Yep Ms-D is right nothing like a rant 😁

How are you doing?
I’m ok . I haven’t done anything today. Normally walk the dog but I woke up in the night very stiff and although I’m not painful with my joints I am aware of niggles. I know I would blow up if I walked Darcy so I didn’t... it’s taken 4 years for me to realise I can’t beat it so it’s damage control now 😂😂😂😂 let’s see if it works. Are you ok with the heat?

Very sore, irritable, but I will survive!😂😂😂

Im dying in the heat. I cant walk or move my hand without being in tears. Getting daughter to reply lol. Its unbearable today. You enjoy the day and relax. Well deserved xx
Had to take a friend to Sainsburys,done 2loads of washing& hung them on the line, so obviously not as bad as you, do take it easy, & take all the help you can. X😘