I’m a primary school teacher. I take 15mg of methotrexate and also salphosalazine. My RA is well controlled and white blood cell count always fine. I am fit and healthy and have no other underlying health issues. I have two children, one of which returned to school as they are in y6. However, my head teacher has followed occupational health advice and asked me to work from home. I have also not gone to shops and been very careful up to now. Yesterday I went into my first shop for 15 weeks. I want to return in September and feel it will be okay. I also want to go on holiday in the summer abroad if the travel quarantine restrictions are lifted. Am I being too blasé about this? I can’t get a definitive answer from gp or rheumatologist
Return to normality (teacher on methotrexate) - NRAS
Return to normality (teacher on methotrexate)

I don't think that you are likely to get a definitive answer from anyone!
There are too many unknowns. How many people who are asymptomatic would you be likely to be near either on holiday or at school? Probable quite a few unless the rate in the community in which you holiday or work is very low indeed. Your feelings about the risk are likely to be as good a guide as anything in the present state of knowledge.
And there is no way of knowing how any of us will react if we catch Covid 19 - the older and more immune compromised the sicker we are likely to be is about as far as you can go on present evidence.
There is no definitive answer. You're not immune to covid so you need to do everything you can to reduce your risk of transmitting it and catching it, like everyone else.
You just have to do what you feel is right .
Hard isnt it xx
No, I don’t think you are being blasé. I would be very careful who I mixed with, I would avoid crowds, wouldn’t touch door handles etc, I’d keep up with social distancing too and even if I were to go abroad I’d continue to wear a mask and gloves and keep hand washing. The virus hasn’t gone away so I think you have to be sensible and careful. Good luck and enjoy your holiday ☀️
Morning AJC12345, I am the only HLTA in the primary school where I work. I am still shielding and working from home in a variety of inventive ways! I will return in September, but will limit the classrooms where I work to a minimum of 1 or 2 at most.
I don't think you are being blasé at all! You are following the advise, as set out by the government, which many aren't! I, personally, won't be taking a holiday abroad this this year for personal reasons. Have an amazing summer break which you fully deserve; I know how hard our teachers have been working, especially those with young children!
Of course, be careful by avoiding crowds and with hygiene etc. I'm quite sure that you and your family will take all the precautions that you will need to 🏖🛫😷⛱🕶🌞⛵
Do what you feel comfortable doing. The medics are covering their backs.
I am going abroad as soon as the quarantine rules from the country I go to are sorted out.
We can’t just sit waiting for somebody else to tell us what to do...especially as those we should be able to rely on...all appear to disagree with each other.
Go! Enjoy!