Are there any other teaching staff here unsure about whether or not they should be in school at the moment? I’ve had a generic letter from rheumatology, and it uses the table I’ve seen mentioned on here, which gives me a risk score of just 1 (apparently I should ‘maintain social distance). I am age 50 and on methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine). I felt ok about being in school before the Easter Holidays with the key worker children, it felt like the right thing to do. We were able to close school for Easter, but I’m due back on the 20th. But over the days I’ve been at home it feels like everything has become a whole lot more worrying, it’s certainly not safe just because I’m ‘only’ 50. I think I will phone the rheumatology team for their advice as it relates specifically to my circumstances, the key worker children in our school are aged just 3-7, so are hopeless at avoiding contact, but I’d be interested to know what others in similar circumstances have decided. Some of the children definitely have parents who are working frontline within hospitals
Teaching/methotrexate/coronovirus: Are there any other... - NRAS

I would phone the rheumy dept. I scored 2 on the chart but then the one sent from my rheumy indicates i need to self isolate. So its not clear cut and probably depends on your type/ situation / level of exposure.
I’ve changed my views a couple of times during this. Right now I am in a place where I’m thinking that this virus isn’t going to go away in a week, or a month or indeed for many, many months.
And I completely understand that the most vulnerable should be protected, but I’m borderline (older, but under 70, on MTX and biologic, and only minor heart and lung issues) and there is no way I am going to spend the next 6 months in my bedroom. So my focus is now living as normally as I can while being careful and taking precautions where I can. I don’t want to get it, but if I do get it I am not assuming I will instantly keel over and die. So I am trying to live as healthily as I can, and getting on with things (as far as we’re allowed which is much less than in UK).
What is right for me, physically and mentally, may not be right for you. But do bear in mind that this may go on for months and months. Until there is a reliable vaccine there will always be a risk to everybody no matter what age or illness they have.
I hear what you are saying... and if I worked in a job role where I was able to work and socially distance I wouldn’t hesitate.... it’s the fact that I have no way of keeping away from the children that concerns me, not just for me but also for my husband, and then I’m shopping for elderly mother.... I’m going to speak with rheumatology I think
Definitely speak to your department as they can advise you personally.
I also thought that I'd be 1 or 2 but was sent a shielding letter by my rheumy department. However, the ansafone message says that they sent them out to everyone so it doesn't appear that they were personalised in my case.
I'm also on Methotrexate and am healthy otherwise and just turned 60. I'm social distancing but not shielding - my personal decision - but I'm lucky in that I'm able to work from home. I admit that I might hesitate if I were put in a position where I felt unable to social distance.
I also got the shielding letter... in with the main letter, but it was clear both were generic.
If you had the shielding letter I'd think that they wouldn't expect you to be teaching in a school... I can understand you wanting to play your part but I think that you're definitely right to speak to your rheumy.
I'm just not personally willing to shield from my husband, wash down shopping etc - that's a step too far for me personally and I think that it would add to my anxiety rather than reassure me.
I’d definitely speak to rheumatology if you can. I received the same generic letter & table but was lucky enough to have phone consultation a few weeks ago. My rheum said doesn’t matter if you have letter; I’m telling you to self isolate for 12 weeks; I would’ve only scored myself a 2 on table; it is confusing I agree.
Well, I've just received my 2nd shielding letter - from my GP surgery this time - having just returned from having a blood test at a small local hospital.... I'm still not planning on shielding from my husband or cleaning down food packets and can't see how a walk with the dog across an empty field can be a risk.
As you say, Helix, we all have to do what's right for us personally but when I first got my shielding letter and started thinking about following the advice I could feel the anxiety rising and that can't be good for my immune system 🙄
I got a generic letter too . ( it said this was sufficient to show my employers)I work with primary school children and with the best will in the world you cannot distance yourself from these super spreaders. My nurse said By email I was vulnerable even before these letters came out. So I asked my Gp for a fit note (12 weeks)

May I ask what meds you are on? I received two letters together, the first detailing the tabling, and the second had a watermark print of ‘generic’ on it and was the shielding letter, but the information in the first letter indicated that I did not fall into the shielding category. I think my rheumy dept, (Royal berks, reading) had likely sent both letters to all patients to ease administration.
I’m on methotrexate and a biologic

Thanks, so that would put you in a different risk bracket. I’m so uneasy about all this and will try and speak to the team in the morning,
Strangely, I’m in methotrexate, leflunomide and biologic and I have asthma and ground glass in lungs and I haven’t been sent ANY form of letter.
I haven’t worked out where I fall, on any scale but after having had my ankle replaced five weeks ago, I’ve not been able to leave the house and given what we know about what makes one more vulnerable to becoming very ill with the virus, I’ve decided to remain in the house for the 12 weeks anyway - regardless of any letter.
I think we do need to use sense and in your position, I think I’d want to err on the side of caution.
Wishing you the best, going forward.
I’m a teacher (secondary) and am also 50 and on methotrexate like you. I received the yellow letter from the NHS with an extra one from my rheumatology telling everyone, regardless of your score, to shield for 12 weeks. My school closed around the lockdown so I haven’t had to go in - we are all teaching from home so my letter will basically mean I won’t need to go back this year as we are an international school and we finish in June. I can’t give you any advice but I would urge you to use the letter to stay out of school for the maximum you can. My worry now is what happens after the summer - it’s still going to be around so how do we go back to school then?
I'd like to know more about the tables and rating system you mentioned. I am also a teacher.
It’s all very confusing - I’m working on the basis that I have to feel comfortable with what I’m doing, it’s never going to be one size fits all. I’ve talked to my Rheumy team and my GP, and their advice differs, as does info I have been sent / researched.
At the moment I am doing ‘strict social distancing’ - no shopping etc, but taking my dog out as my form of exercise.
That’s short term sorted, medium term I feel I should do the same. My b/f has been staying here during lockdown and doing the shopping etc, but when he returns to work I’m worried he could pick up the virus, and he’ll have to go back to his place to stay and maybe I won’t be able to see him. But we are talking months not weeks 🙁
I’m working p/t from home at the mo but my contract is just about ending - I can’t look for something else in the current situation.
The enormity of it all scares me, but I guess we have to do as much as we can whilst minimising risk - not an easy balancing act. I’m still working on it!
Keep safe everyone xx
I’ve left a message for the team on ansaphone, so will follow whatever guidance they can offer me.
Morning well I had text letter with graphs from my Rheumotology dept
I’m on methotrexate but also take Blood pressure tablets my school just instantly signed me off for the 12 weeks ... One teacher said to me it’s no time to be hero it’s time look after yourself! I’d stay out of school if possible x all the best
I'm on Leflunomide and Benepali. I also have high blood pressure. I received a text message a few weeks ago to say I was at risk but haven't received any other texts or letters.
I am a Teaching assistant and am isolating on the advice from my Head Teacher.
I started off with the generic letter from rheumatology a couple of weeks ago but today received my NHS letter informing me that I need to self isolate as I am in the very vulnerable group. I had a text about a week ago telling me I would be receiving the letter. I take methotrexate, Benapali and have hypertension. My GP told me a couple of weeks back that on the information provided to him I wasn't in the most vulnerable group hence until now I have been going out for a weekly shop and keeping to social distancing rules.
Now I have the letter, which appears to be based on my rheumatology team rather than my GP I intend to isolate myself properly.
If you can speak to someone in your rheumatology team or if your GP is more knowledgable than mine is , speak to your Gp, I would advise you to do that with some urgency. If your contact with the children isn't in line with social distancing guidelines you are at a higher risk of being infected with the virus. How well your body will recover we can't answer and how well you cope emotionally with the daily risk only you know.
I can only say what I would do in your position and that is I wouldn't take the risk.
Thank you. I’ve spoken with the team now and they will only advise me to ‘discuss with my employer’ what I should do. I’ve now seen other tables which put me at moderate risk and advise not going out to shop or work.... I can’t keep distance from the children, they are aged between 3 and 7, so I don’t think I will be going back to work next week now after all.... there are colleagues fitter than me to fill this role right now. It saddens me though
I feel for you, you are obviously committed to the school and children but it is time others less at risk of developing severe illness in response to covid virus stepped in. Is there any possibility that you could stay involved without being hands on, for instance developing some on line lessons/activities for the older children.
I am a teacher too. I think you are defo right to not go back to work. Theres no way you can social distance in your job. I am on Benapali, Naproxen with severe RA. Had 4 joint replacements in the last 15 years. Plus awaiting further elbow replacement. I would like to receive a letter and have phoned the hospital who were unsure when the letters are going out. I live in Scotland. Has anyone in Scotland received it yet?