If you’re a teacher, have you managed to get any advi... - NRAS


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If you’re a teacher, have you managed to get any advice from your GP or consultant?

Tillydancer profile image
39 Replies

Hello all,

I’m a secondary teacher and my school goes back next week. I was really looking forward to getting back face 2 face with the students but a colleague has really freaked me out. She says that there’s no way I should go back. I’m sure there are hundreds of us teachers living with RA out there so i’d love to know what you’re planning to do and also whether you’ve been able to get any clear advice from your GO or consultant (I haven’t!)

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Tillydancer profile image
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39 Replies

I think this is going to be a popular subject. I spoke to my consultant and gp they go by the government very guidelines they have too. My cousin is a doctor that’s the advice she has to give but her personal opinion is very different she feels like we have been ignored . They will not allow people who had to shield into her surgery the risk is too great.

I wonder if NRAS have any guidelines 🤔

HamHammy profile image
HamHammy in reply to

That's it. Not allowed to visit your GP but ok to teach with no one else with masks on. Dont get me wrong I love my job

Tillydancer profile image
Tillydancer in reply to

Thanks for your reply! I am hoping it’s going to be popular so I can get a sense of how others are feeling and how they’re going to keep safe.

AgedCrone profile image

If you read the stats there is apparently not a single case of a school teacher contracting the virus from a pupil.....in the whole WORLD!

So it looks as if all the safety procedures are in place, things should run OK.

We are all having to take a leap of faith.....We have to deal with it....children need school as do parents who need to get back to work....furlough is ending....we don’t want to see people losing their homes, because they can’t pay their mortgage....I saw that in the 1980’s....& some of those families never recovered.

in reply toAgedCrone

New information out this morning secondary school children pass on the virus the same as an adult

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

Of course anyone “could” pass on the virus.However the scientist I saw answering questions said in countries where schools have remained open, not one single case of teachers being infected has been reported.

To be perfectly frank if a school teacher does contract CV19 it will never be known if it was from a pupil, another asymptomatic staff member or from a stranger in the pub or the supermarket....or wherever that person spent their leisure time prior to diagnosis.We know from what we read here many people are out & about......& mask or not we are all 100% liable to infection.

Look at the recent cases where people were in a pub somewhere .....then diagnosed......we don’t know if we stood next to that person in Tesco’s.

I have a family member who has been working as a teacher all through lockdown, and she has not heard of one single staff member in schools in her area contracting the virus.

Personally I’ve had one friend die...Supposedly from the virus - but he was taken into hospital having had no symptoms, never having been tested and died after 48 hrs. At 80+ he probably could have died from the cancer he had had for the last 10 years. ...or even old age.But CV19 was CauseNo3 on his Death Certificate. It seems every elderly person who has died even from an accident is included in the cause of a death total for the reported virus deaths.

These cause of death reports will all be audited next year and a lot of the scientists are saying the numbers will probably be almost halved. Not that it will make a vital difference... but it could/might put the record straight.

HamHammy profile image
HamHammy in reply toAgedCrone

Yes I see what you r saying. Some good points there. I have many pals who have worked throughout the summer hols too. They truely are stars. There were small numbers in the class and environment and they were not facing 1000 plus pupils in the building. They have said the return to school environment is different. Asking pupils and staff to wear masks is considering others but cannot be enforced I know

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply toHamHammy

But it’s a fact children need to get an education & we take a calculated risk every time we fly, cross the road or do a thousand other things.

In this situation .....Risk assessments have been made - the decision has been taken - I think now we should all get behind it. If a teacher doesn’t want to go back to work let her/him stay home if they can go without their salary....which of course most can’t.

So let’s get positive about getting on with our lives .There is no such thing as 100% positive security.....Or.....should we all stay indoors, shop on line & let our fear ruin our & our children’s lives?

I don’t think anybody really wants that.

HamHammy profile image
HamHammy in reply toAgedCrone

That's what I am doing. Getting behind it with my mask and visor. Thank you everyone for your positivity. That meant so much

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply toHamHammy

Good for you HH.....if everybody has your positive attitude there will be far less angst about.

Whether we have children or not, it’s as plain as the nose on your face children must now go back to school....or they will face a very bleak future.

We have already seen the distress the exam results in Scotland have caused young people.....let’s not let that happen elsewhere in the UK.

HamHammy profile image
HamHammy in reply to

Yes I saw that

HamHammy profile image
HamHammy in reply toAgedCrone

No of course not. My point is because of vulnerable staff and wearing of masks. I am the last person who wishes hard financial times for anyone

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply toAgedCrone

I think it’s a difficult one. The fact that there is no recorded transmission of the virus from pupil to teacher, I question - simply because schools have been in lockdown, all over the world.

There had also been recent evidence of a school in America, recently re opened and closed very quickly with several pupils, and their teacher, testing positive. At the time of reading, it wasn’t clear if the origin of the infection lay with a pupil or the teacher.

Evidence this week states that there is a lack of understanding with regards how older pupils transmit the virus - surely this poses risks to teachers - and to peers?

I just feel it is all very untested. I will be watching closely, particularly as I have a 15 and 16 year old going back tomorrow.

Equally, measures can be in place with regards safety and risk but these too, are somewhat untested and rely heavily on people

Doing what they should be?

No one can say any of this is without risk.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply toEiram50

You are right...it is a difficult one......but Life is often thus.

Nobody, ...scientists included ....knows for sure whether this virus is with us forever....will turn out like influenza & mutate every year & rely on a vaccine when one is found...or will it just fade away?

Once children are back in school.......I’m sure there will be cases of Covid that will be blamed on junior super spreaders....but we will just have to deal with it......there is nothing we can do...but take care & get on with it.

Easy to say......difficult for some....but on the whole we have all dealt with this virus in our own way, & now we just have to keep on coping.

Lolabridge profile image

Have you thought of contacting your union for advice?

HamHammy profile image
HamHammy in reply toLolabridge

Yes I have. My union said I can write an email to my headteacher saying that's it "I am not coming in as I feel unsafe". But I dont want to not go back to work. I love my job. I would like for others to wear masks but I cant make them

Hopefulfuture profile image

There are teachers and other staff that have contracted covid and some sadly passed in the US. There are also 25 children in the US who have died due to covid whilst being in school. There is research being undertaken about young children passing on covid. Also research on how this covid is affecting children’s health in strange ways that need to be explored and researched. Anyone who works with school children knows they are super spreaders but urgent research needs to be shared between countries to inform all. Having spoken to rhuemy nurse last week she advised me not to be meeting people face to face. I don’t think social distancing is possible in schools young children are just not able. We are in such uncertain times I think all you can do is what feels right for you. However there seems to be little support and sound informed information from anywhere. Just some thoughts really but so much is unknown.

in reply toHopefulfuture

Very well put.? I know someone who’s son went back to school in July year 6! he walked to his grandparents after school it was the only contact they had as they were shielding. They both contracted the virus and their grandson was tested he was A-somatic

Hopefulfuture profile image
Hopefulfuture in reply to

Hope they are all ok? Far too risky so much is unknown. I feel it’s being treated as an experiment by government but it’s ordinary folks who will suffer.

HamHammy profile image
HamHammy in reply toHopefulfuture

Well will go in proud with my mask and visor. Thank you to all you lovely people who have shown support and kind words to me

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply toHamHammy

Well good for you and I would do the same if I had not already retired from teaching, even though I am in the "clinically extremely vulnerable category." Your students need you and will be very pleased to see you so if you explain to them why you want to wear a mask I'm sure they will understand.

HamHammy profile image
HamHammy in reply toLolabridge

Thank you Lola. I am nervous. Will explain to my pupils and hope they understand. I just needed a boost and thank you those of you have have just done that including you Lola

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply toHopefulfuture

As usual....ordinary folk suffering that is.

HamHammy profile image
HamHammy in reply toHopefulfuture

Yes I read that too about children being spreaders. Latest research shows exactly what you said which is also why I am worried. Plus I read about the school case in the US. 😔

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply toHamHammy

Apparently we catch it more easily than others and find it much much harder to fight the virus... this according to my docs/consultant

HamHammy profile image

Yes my consultant and GP said the exact same thing

Tillydancer profile image
Tillydancer in reply toHamHammy

I think i’m with you HamHammy. I love my job and i’m so looking forward to going back. I’ll wear a mask and take every precaution I can but ages crone is right - we can’t just sit at home for the next 6 months.

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply toTillydancer

Exactly Tillydancer, you can’t stay at home forever. It’s not going to go away. Look after yourself and do what you have to do to be as safe as you can. I can’t wait to go back to work ( not teaching) partly because I’m not being paid but partly because the longer I don’t go back the more difficult it will be.

Tillydancer profile image
Tillydancer in reply toKittyJ

Yes I think that’s what i’m Going to do - stay as safe as I can

wishbone profile image

Seems like a bit of leap into the unknown to me as nobody can say with certainty what will happen. Guess it's down to the individual if they are willing to take it. At least you can wear a mask as I thought teachers weren't allowed to, though I'm not entirely sure why that should be...scaring the children perhaps, or more likely difficulty communicating with them?

Not sure I'm up for encouraging people to take risks if I'm not taking them as well.

Hybrid9 profile image

I’m a primary teacher - I have been shielding since March. I want to return to school. I love my job and I’ve missed it so much. But - I am scared. I am a positive, can do person - I take full responsibility for the decisions I make and the risks I take. I understand everything in life is about a balance of risks. A balance you’re happy with - no one else - you. In September, I will return to my class of 31 children and do my job, but I am scared. It’s the unknowns - how will my body react to COVID etc etc. I’ve had sepsis in the past and I know how poorly I was with that. I personally think you have to do what feels right for you. No one has the right to judge. Being afraid is not a sign of weakness - it is a sign that you are capable of recognising and evaluating risk. I think the Unions will stand by those who are not ready to return - I’ve tettered on the edge of going down that path myself,

but I miss my job and I am craving ‘normality’. That being said - I am scared, actually I’m terrified. I don’t want to be another statistic - I think COVID has heightened my fear or dying massively. Best wishes to all x

HamHammy profile image
HamHammy in reply toHybrid9

Hybrid I totally get you. I am scared too and no one should be making any judgement as they are not in your or my shoes. 👏👏👏

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply toHybrid9

No one here will judge you for your decisions. As you say, you have to make the right ones for you, no-one else can do that and everyone’s decision will be different. I do hope you can overcome being so scared though as that’s not a good way to live. 🤗

193639 profile image
193639 in reply toHybrid9

I also work in a secondary school and have been shielding since March. I live in Scotland and it is optional regarding wearing a mask. I returned to work two weeks ago and my school operates in zones to keep the numbers of pupils contacting each other to a minimum. If you look at the research in relation to face masks I don’t believe they do much good to be honest, if anything they lower your immune system. Good hygiene is more effective in my opinion. In addition, look at the current statistics, 420 people I believe in hospital UK wide out of a population of 60 odd million. I do sympathise with families who have lost loved ones, however, we need to put the current situation into perspective so be sensible and please stop stressing out. Stress will also lower your immune system.

We need teachers back in schools and motivated.

RebeccaMB profile image

I don't think you are alone in your concerns. 2 of my 3 children are at particularly critical stages of their education (i.e. I really don't want them to be missing school) BUT I have concerns about the return to school without the schools being made safe - particularly as we have vulnerable members of the household. I know each of their schools is doing everything they can to make it "as safe as possible" but none are able to guarantee that it is a safe environment. We did a very rough, crude calculation and worked out that despite the "bubbles", my daughter who would be in a bubble of 100, would actually reach over 20,000 contacts within 2 steps (i.e. families of children and their immediate contacts e.g. workplace and that's before transport etc is factored in) There is a group on facebook with over 5,000 members including teachers who want a sensible, safe, and sustainable return to school - in case of interest facebook.com/groups/6576070... At the end of the day, this is going to be a very personal opinion for each person given their own risk factors, health etc but I found it reassuring to find that there were so many others who also shared many of my own concerns that I have about the return to school. We've isolated since 4th March so it is a big concern to suddenly be thrown into contact with so many people, many of whom have big contact circles etc. We've also had a family member and close friend die from COVID and I think it does worry me that the impact it would have on the children would be worse if they lost a school friend or teacher than if they were to miss a little bit longer of their school education for the sake of saving lives (mine are all working hard at home thankfully so they wouldn't be missing education completely).

ruth_p profile image

I’m a teacher and we start back in September. Personally I am looking forward to going back as I am fed up with being at home! Shielding has ended and I think as long as we keep up with good hand hygiene and catch it, kill it, bin it we will probably be ok. I teach Reception and they won’t be able to socially distance from staff or each other, at least in a secondary school you will be able to keep further away from them. 😊

Lizard28 profile image

My daughter is a secondary school teacher and started back to work yesterday, she told me she had to fill in a risk assessment form before she started, her health is fine but she showed me it and I counted up my risk if it was me, I was higher than red risk scale. It told me I should not work. I think this would help everyone with health problems. It’s still a worry though, I wish you all the best.

Bon1 profile image

I have read all this with interest. I’m a

Secondary teacher and in the clinically extremely vulnerable group due to the

Prednisone that I’m stuck on as well as the other drugs I take.

My two kids go to the school I teach at so for me I figure there’s little point in staying at home! I will probably be far safer and protected than they are and they will still be coming home to me anyway!

So hi ho hi ho it’s off to work I go!

I am scared but feel there’s no other way.

Good luck to all of you who work in schools. I have missed my students

And colleagues terribly.

I think I’m going to cry when I see

Them again!



HamHammy profile image

Mmm. Back to this again. One week on. Me and 3 other staff only wearing masks. Secondary school pupils not wearing masks including 16 to 18 year olds. 30 in class. 3 local secondary schools with covid pupil cases. Scary

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