Rock and a hard place.: Afternoon all. Hope everyone is... - NRAS


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Rock and a hard place.

Eiram50 profile image
60 Replies

Afternoon all. Hope everyone is as well as can be.

Bit of a pickle today.

As many of you know. I suffer with RA and AS as well as a lung condition. I am on biologics and two different DMARDS, all of which depress the immune system.

I am also recovering from an ankle replacement (28/2) , complicates by a bad infection following many stitches being left in by the nurse at GP surgery.

My bloods have been off the charts and my blood pressure very high and as such, the GP and practice nurse had been coming to my home to take bloods and check BP.

However, the GP called me last week and told me to come into the surgery (today) to have bloods etc done and told me that as I was in the shielding category, to come at 7.30, ensuring no one had been in the surgery before me.

However, the surgery is about 2 miles from my house and I don’t drive. Taking a bus is risky as due to lung condition , I’m advised not to wear a mask. Also, due to infection in replacement, I am just weight bearing now and therefore could not walk to the surgery and back.

As a result, I did not go to have bloods done this morning but called and suggested that as the district nurses come every week, maybe they could take bloods etc.

I was met with nothing short of rudeness and told that if I don’t want to get buses, that’s a choice I’m making.

Really disappointed at the lack of understanding of risk, never mind compassion or understanding.

Had anyone else experienced similar instruction from their GP re going to the surgery when shielding?

Sorry for the long winded post 😔

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Eiram50 profile image
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60 Replies
RosieA profile image

I can fully understand your concern. Are they aware of your need to use public transport at present? I woud phone and ask for their rationale in the change of your care given your circumstances - both medical and transport. It does appear very strange that they have done this. Although, not been asked to sheild at the beginning I know that I am at much greater risk now as I am very disease active and only on steroids (long story of not tolerating DMARDS). However, I did have to go to the GPs - all very controlled there but and its a big but I could drive there. Explain your deep concerns over public transport, your inability (but determination if you could) to walk there and the best way to move forward at present. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Thinking of you.x

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to RosieA

I explained all of this in great detail, I’m afraid x

ruth_p profile image
ruth_p in reply to Eiram50

I’d put in a complaint to the practice manager. That’s unacceptable behaviour from the receptionist.

beeckey profile image
beeckey in reply to Eiram50

That is a disgrace there is no way they should put you in that position.They should be coming to you as you are sheilding and have enough going on without them adding to your stress.I would not go and i would put in a complaint.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to beeckey

Thanks beekey.v

Complaint is done and the district nurses have agreed to do my bloods etc, for the time being anyway.

beeckey profile image
beeckey in reply to Eiram50

I know these people are told to ask all about why you need this or that but they should also be taught how to express their self on the phone and have a bit of compassion.A little bit of power comes to mind.Stay safe

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to beeckey


You too x

Botcher profile image

Really shocked at this off hand treatment by your Doctor, are you in an area with high level of Covid19 such as Oldham? It seems very reasonable to have the district nurse visit again to take bloods in your situation, or you could try asking for an ambulance to take you to outpatients at the hospital, he might see sense in another home visit then.

Good luck wherever you are.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Botcher

Thanks. I can’t pretend I wasn’t a bit taken back, and disappointed in their attitude.

I’m in Scotland. Where government guidelines are we are to

Continue to shield.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to Eiram50

So sorry this has happened to you. Can you ask to speak to one of the nurses or practice manager?

You're in Scotu so should 100% stay shielded. They have a duty of care to you.

Even in England we are told to only go out once a day but it has to be outside.

The NHS can't tell you one thing and your GP expect you to not follow guidance to suit them. Districts nurses exist for this sort of job as well as others, I'd dig your heels in. I know it's hard and exhausting but it isn't worth you health.

And what if you were to have a fall. You said yourself that you are only just weight bearing.

It was them in the first place that left the stitches in!!

Take care x

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to happytulip

I will. Thank you x

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to Eiram50

You're never on your own in this forum that's for sure!x

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to happytulip

Agreed - and thank god! X

Mmrr profile image

That's just not fair or reasonable particularly since a nurse is already coming to your house. Is there anyway you can send your request in writing, a letter or an email perhaps ?

I would also be inclined to remind the person you are speaking to that public transport is not recommended by government as it is high risk. Is the GP practice asking you to break instructions?

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Mmrr

I explained fully, the risks as I saw them and the individual additional difficulties re ankle replacement - simply not interested. X

Dspooky01 profile image

Was it receptionist or GP? I would contact them again and say that you don’t understand the reasoning so you will be writing to them asking for their reasons, together with a copy to the Primary Care Trust. You can soften it a bit by saying that you’re trying to understand why before you make a complaint. I’m sure they won’t want the PCT involved.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Dspooky01

Thank you.

I’m already in the process of making a formal complaint given the infection in ankle was a direct result of nurse leaving in multiple stitches, being told by district nurse to change dressing each day and Just turned it on clean with kitchen roll! Despite terrible infection and repeatedly asking for it to be swabbed - nothing. It’s just been a nightmare and genuinely frustrating.

It was the receptionist I spoke with this morning but she did discuss with her supervisor.

I guess this is just something to add to complaint.

But, I understand the challenges for the practice and I feel I’m understanding of these. However, I’m not willing to compromise my safety, not after 16 weeks in the house, when what they’re asking me to do is against government guidelines.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Eiram50

Sorry to just ‘clean it with kitchen roll’

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Eiram50


Pippy25 profile image

There doesn't appear to be any logic in respect of the fact you are shielding. Thinking it through here.... so they are giving you an early appointment so that no one has been in the surgery before you. Yet they are expecting you to get on a bus with no knowledge of who has sat on in and touched things before you board it and to even at that time of the morning sit with others and potentially pick up any bugs and heaven forbid virus (which if you have sheilded you may be prone to once you start going back into the community), which then you may pass onto others in working in the surgery.I'm a bit lost as to given the fact you are shielding as to how they think they are protecting you or indeed themselves and it is not a satisfactory solution to simply say take it or leave it, your choice kind of attitude. I had a very bizarre telephone consultation last week with my GP who is normally fine, but it does make you wonder what is going on. I hope you can get some clarity over this and hope you can get your bloods done. Take care x

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Pippy25

I know. It makes little sense.

Thank you x

Kags1068 profile image

Hi Eiram

My goodness - that is so rude! How the hell are you supposed to get there safely? Aside from the fact that for me, if they said 7.30am, I would have to start getting up about 5.30am!! They never seem to realise early morning is pretty crap for most RA patients!

My rheumatology clinic are arranging 'pop-up' blood test clinics in various places for patients. They are also arranging for some patients to have free home visits if necessary. Thankfully my doc has put me down for a home visit. Have/or are your Rheumatology dept in the process of setting up anything similar? Mine have only done this in the last couple of weeks. Could be worth a call to see?

I don't know if you have any service like this locally, but a couple of ladies who work part-time in the local phlebotomy dept also offer a private service where they come to your home and take your blood and take it back to the hospital. They charge £10 per visit, which isn't too bad. It's been a lifesaver for me - especially after my ankle fusion - and I've also had one done since lockdown. She came masked, etc and it was absolutely fine.

Don't know whether your GP surgery or clinic would know of any such service (or whether anyone is advertising online)?

Hope you can sort something out.

Good luck!!😊

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Kags1068

That’s helpful Kags. I’ll look into it.

However, whilst I’d be in a position to pay for a service, many wouldn’t, and so I feel it needs addressed.


Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to Eiram50

Absolutely- couldn't agree more! 🙂

sylvi profile image

You want to complain to the practice manager about your treatment darling as that is needless. Xxx

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to sylvi

I will do, Sylvi.

medway-lady profile image

No but I drive so it would not be problem. Our GP has a drive through blood test arrangement so its problem that hasn't arisen. Could you get a taxi or who helps you to give you a lift ?

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to medway-lady

No one available to give me a lift and my daughter and niece, Who drop things off for me are both ICU nurses so I wouldn’t wish to be in an enclosed space with them right now.

I’ll figure it out. I just find it highly disappointing that people have been told by the government to shield, for what feels like a lifetime. Can’t see loved ones, have missed funerals of loved ones but the expectation is it’s ok to get in a bus, travel and then worry like hell for the next 14 days?? Make no sense to me.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Eiram50

I know madness really but it seems to be a GP problem as here they have made every effort to help. The GP's are doing hospital blood tests for us, we can do video calls I understand from a friend who saw a GP last week. It's strange really as it seems some bits of the GP service have been innovative, and very helpful but some well just haven't. I think though there is a minimal risk especially if you all wear masks. If you needed to go to hospital because you fell or some such you'd have to go and the risk is the same. I think we have to be very careful but not imprisoned by our own fear. Thats not to say its reasonable to go by public transport but might be by a private car.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to medway-lady

Thank you for your response. And I think you’re correct, some GPs are more effective in terms of management, than others.

There are two things really.

It’s about acknowledging that whilst the R is down and we most definitely are going in the right direction, the virus is still around.

The R and deaths have reduced due to lockdown. As we open up, the risk does increase.

As per government guidelines, I as many of us, have followed it and remained inside, seeing no one, for months.

In Scotland, the advice from government is that this continues. Either it is, or it isn’t?

My expectation then, would be that this is absolutely supported by the NHS - whichever service.

If it’s unsafe for me to visit my daughter, who lives alone - how is it safe for me to go into a medical centre with various people there?

That aside, it must be acknowledged that whilst all similar in that we have to shield, everyone’s vulnerabilities are different and individual to them.

I cannot wear a mask, in fact I’m in the group that it’s suggested we don’t, die to lung issues. The risk then increases for me.

I don’t drive - public transport would be the option. Not really an option, especially as I wouldn’t be wearing a mask. Whilst a mask is helpful, it only protects you potentially infecting others. Masks are not mandatory in Scotland so many would not be wearing there, rendering any mask I might wear, pretty useless.

Secondly, after recent ankle replacement and subsequent infection, I’m just beginning to weight near and shuffle a little indoors. I wouldn’t manage getting in and off buses, not walking and significant length/ time.

To me, these are viable concerns and not there as a result of my fear imprisoning me. Rather, it’s being realistic in terms of sensibly trying to manage and minimise risk.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Eiram50

I know its hard, I have Brochectasis and stage 4 Kidney disease as well as RA so fall into the extremely vulnerable group but to be honest in your case it seems to me to be more down to an awkward GP than a Government policy. I wish you well and you could ask to speak to practice manager but honestly more people have died in London than the whole of Scotland so the risk might well be very minimal. But it's up to you isn't it, as you say you'll have to sort something out. I know if I get a call to go for a transplant I'd go Covid or not.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to medway-lady

Absolutely understand that, and I pray that this call comes quickly for you.

Stay safe and take good care x

Olderguy profile image

Hi Eiram50

So annoying to hear of your recent experience with your surgery but I’m not altogether surprised. I remarked, to my Son, at the beginning of this pandemic that I felt it would shine a spotlight on the behaviour and attitude of business, individuals and areas of the establishment and sadly in some cases this has been borne out. I too have recently had my blood tests. I was overdue and rang my surgery to inform them. I explained that I was shielding and had concerns about visiting the surgery. I was instructed to attend as there were rigorous safeguards in place. After attending, I can confirm that this was the case and I felt secure. However, one week later I received a call from a senior nurse who wished to visit me to carry out a blood test!! She berated me for attending the surgery and stated that If I chose to do so again, whilst shielding, it would be at my own risk! I applaud the NHS and all it’s dedicated people, however some areas seem to have been poorly coordinated, leading to confusion and worry. I hope you can resolve this issue and receive the compassionate care you deserve. 😷

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Olderguy

Thank you for your kind words.

I agree, with all you say. The shielding in particular, has been somewhat shambolic in Scotland but it angers me that when following government advice and been in the house for 16 weeks that your local surgery - those who should know and understand your individual vulnerabilities most - feel itS ok, despite government advice in Scotland to continue to shield, to jump on and off buses ☹️

Olderguy profile image
Olderguy in reply to Eiram50

Absolutely paramount!! Good luck. 🤞😷

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Olderguy

Thank you.

Stay safe and take care.

crashdoll profile image

Oh Marie, I feel cross on your behalf!

In my area, they are getting phlebotomists to do home visits for some shielded people. The GPs are making clinical decisions as to who is safe to visit the shielding blood test clinics at the surgery and who cannot. This seems to be a sensible system. I think you need to stand your ground on this one, my lovely. Sorry this has happened, such unnecessary stress. 💖

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to crashdoll

Thanks Sophie, I really appreciate that .

Hope things are going ok for you? X

Summerrain14 profile image

Blinking heck! This is me putting it politely. I am so cross that you have had to endure this rudeness and unhelpful response.

Services are so patchy even within the same postal areas at times.

You would think it would make sense that the district nurse could come and do the blood tests needed with them coming weekly? Which bit of shielding did the receptionist understand, honestly this has made me so cross on your behalf.

I really do hope that you can have your blood tests done at home by the district nurses. It seems so strange that the nurses and GP have been coming until this week. They know your health difficulties and situation so the sudden change doesn’t make any sense.

So sorry if you have already said as not read through everyone’s response as been a long day for me with work but wanted to reply but have you been in touch with your rheumatology team to see if they can assist with getting you access to your much needed blood tests?

Sending virtual hugs and so wish I could do or say something useful. x

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Summerrain14

Thank you so much. I appreciated your kind words.

I haven’t been in touch with rhuemy. To be honest, I hadn’t thought of that. I will do so, tomorrow.

Hope you’re doing ok with work? X

Summerrain14 profile image
Summerrain14 in reply to Eiram50

I do hope your rheumy can help. I am just so sorry you have been given this additional stress on top of everything you continue to have to deal with.

Bless you for asking about work. I am so fortunate to be able to continue to work from home. My employer is such a supportive one and I truly do count my blessings. They are so flexible with me with my work patterns and being able to work from home for the foreseeable future. Today has been a little challenging battling to try and ensure people are receiving the services that they are needing but again I feel so privileged to be able to do what I can for others. x

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Summerrain14

Well done. Working from home is no easy task. It’s sometimes difficult to

Know where one begins and the other ends!

Like you, as a local authority social worker, I too have been able

To work from home and given the detestation this pandemic has caused on the lives and well being of people, I triply feel blessed.

Just remember be to be kind to yourself and take care x

Summerrain14 profile image
Summerrain14 in reply to Eiram50

You too lovely lady. It is really challenging working from home at times isn’t it?

Especially with us usually seeing our clients/patients face to face. That face to face contact is so crucial sometimes isn’t it?

I have become better at sticking to my working hours and then keeping my work home routine but it is a real challenge some times.

Take care and do let us know how you get on won’t you?

Thinking of you x

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Summerrain14

You’re absolutely right. The work is relational so being unable to undertake face to face work, changes things and makes things, in many ways, more complex.

It’s difficult trying to juggle this, have hearings , reviews etc on Teams without being disturbed accidentally, by the girls ( at the end of the day, it’s their home and not their workplace!) , plus find time to homeschool.

You’re doing better than me as I’m finding it hard to switch off from work. I think because my day is somewhat broken, looking after the girls, that I tend to feel guilty and that I’ve not done enough?

Anyway, I guess we do what we can, and the best we can - I don’t think anyone can ask for more.

Take care x

HappykindaGal profile image

That’s really poor to be treated like this, call the practice and insist on speaking to the practice manager. They will sort this out for you as they are the boss in the end, I imagine they won’t be too happy to hear your story.

You could ask them to pull the call recording out if you get no joy. But, I would first insist on speaking to the Practice manager. You may need to be persistent here though.

HanaleiBa profile image

Message me - my husband and I are happy to send funds for an Uber. Just wear a mask and roll down the window. It’s a disgrace how you’re being treated.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to HanaleiBa

That’s very kind of you, thank you.

Funds are not an issue, I live in a small town and very few taxis have partitions so I’m not keen to use them.

I’ll get it sorted, but I agree I think the way the woman managed my queries was disgraceful. X

Madmusiclover profile image

All I will say is we changed GP after 20 years to a new one last year. I wish I’d done it 5 years sooner. You do not have to put up with this.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Madmusiclover

As soon as lockdown is over, I will definitely be changing my GP.

Madmusiclover profile image
Madmusiclover in reply to Eiram50

Do you have to wait? Check out the ratings they receive and remember; nothing is forever. You could change again if needs be. Good luck.

Leics profile image

That’s disgusting I’m sure if the practice manager knew how you’d been spoken to and treated the attitude of the reception staff would be reprimanded and quite rightly. I would try and resolve it by speaking to a senior member of staff or ask for a phone consultation with GP they’re probably not aware of the rudeness of their staff. I would most definitely make sure your complaint about the infection you’re having to endure due to their negligence doesn’t get swept under the carpet too. Unfortunately there is a lot of this kind of thing going on and I feel for you and I’ve been in a bad situation like this myself and it took a letter from my MP to sort it out. I hope you manage to resolve it and get your infection and bloods etc sorted but if you get nowhere with GP surgery then try the hospital. Your health and well-being matters.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Leics

Thank you, I appreciate it x

Biofreak profile image

Oh dear. It really gets my back up all this. How dare she speak to you like that. I'm sorry but I've found that the GPs are more concerned with shielding themselves than helping their patients during this time. My husband has been refused his B12 injection because the GP considers it non essential. Maybe not to them but it is to him. But that's a small thing compared to your needs. You should have a district nurse without a doubt. I would definitely complain to the practice manager which I know you are and if you don't get what you need tell them it going to your MP. Unfortunately no-one hears these days unless you shout loudly.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Biofreak

Thank you and I’m sorry to hear about your husband. I think you’re right in that sometimes, the individual needs have been lost in this, everything is seen through the covid lens.

Whilst I’m aware there are some surgeries who have been creative and very much kept their patients at the forefront of the service, mine isn’t one.

But, it really did upset me, the way I was treated. The same message could have been delivered in a much kinder way!

I’ve called the district nurses who come in Thursday and I’ve left a message, asking if they can do my bloods etc. Hopefully, they will be able to.

Take care x

Biofreak profile image
Biofreak in reply to Eiram50

Oh good. I hope you get more help from the district nurse. I'm sure some practices have adapted well but not mine or yours by the sound of it. It's really worrying especially for those with a lack of mobility and no personal transport. Let us know how you go on.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Biofreak

It certainly is. Will do and thank you again.

hatshepsut profile image

Such treatment is absolutely unforgivable!!! I would not hesitate to contact the practice manager, and make a formal complaint. Do I understand that this is a receptionist who was making this decision?? If so, I would demand to speak to my gp, even before th practice manager.

Make sure that everything is written down, so that you have a complete record, and address your complaint in writing. It would do no harm to copy in your MSP.

I'm so sorry that you've had this to deal with, on top of all the trouble with your foot. Do take care, and try not to let it upset you too much. Life is so hard at the moment. People who behave like this should not be allowed to get away with it. It makes me soooooo angry!!!

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to hatshepsut

Thank you so much for your kind words.

The district nurses have now agreed to take my bloods etc, when they visit.

There have been a multitude of issues since my ankle replacement and I am writing a very detailed complaint.

Interestingly, I couldn’t get physio for the ankle due to Covid and services being reduced but the physio called me today and asked me how I wished to precede. We agreed face to face was most appropriate and he offered to do this in my home each week.

I really do think it is simply my GP surgery - they’re horrendous x

Castroll profile image


I have experienced similar rudeness, as not all employees in a practice know all the details.

Speak to the practice manager, and it will be sorted and they should come to you again once they all understand the circumstances

Good luck

X x

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Castroll

Thank you x

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