Hi everyone, from my first dose of adalimumab I’ve had weird inflamed red sores at the base of my fingernails. RA nurse, GP and pharmacist all say they don’t recognise the condition. I recently had a methotrexate break due to poor bloods and since I stopped methotrexate I’ve had weird sores that don’t heal at the sides of my top finger joints. Went to GP and she said myxial cyst and gave me steroid cream which did nothing. Went back to GP as more keep appearing, along with the inflamed red patches at base of my finger nails. She photographed my hands and sent them to rheumatology consultant. She has said she’s not worried, continue with meds (to restart methotrexate on lower dose alongside adalimumab) and suggested they were chilblains! They definitely are not. Does anyone recognise this as no health professional does. Many thanks
Lesions at base of finger nails and along finger tip ... - NRAS
Lesions at base of finger nails and along finger tip joints - anyone else?
Hubby has something similar to what you describe on one finger. He’s not immunosupressed. He can’t see a gp til mid Feb. Maybe you need gp to refer you to dermatology?
Hi there, sorry you’re experiencing this, are they very sore? I have RA and used to get this regularly, eventually found it was gluten that triggered it! Weird but stopping eating gluten stopped it thank goodness as it was very painful! Bit worried now as I’m about to start adalimumab, hope it doesn’t come back with that again! Not sure if this helps, maybe try giving up gluten for a while and see if it makes a difference?! Hope it clears up for you soon x
hello Sunshinereturns
Is it possible for you to post a photo/s ?
This is one finger with skin discolouration
Weird bit at finger joint
base of nails
Hi, my fingers are identical to yours. They have been like that for a few years. The inflammation and soreness varies. Mine tend to be on top of knuckles and often bleed if I knock them. The nailbed soreness is often very painful. My GP said it's a result of osteoarthritis, and seems unconcerned. I have Sjorgen's, which affects joints severely. My rheumatologist does not seem worried either. I do not take the same medication as you so not sure if that can be to blame.
Sounds like cutaneous vasculitis. I had this with Enbrel & it was stopped. You need to contact your rheumy team asap.
This is the very thing I have been worried about! However my consultant has seen a photo and I usually trust her. But then she suggested chilblains which seems to be a ridiculous suggestion. Surely if it was vasculitis she would have picked it up though? This remains a concern. Did your fingers look similar?
Yes, I get the painful lumps initially and then after a couple of days they become the little red marks - I thought they were blood blisters! My rheumatologist wasn’t 100% certain when she saw it. She got another rheumatologist in to confirm. It is apparently very rare now because it was a complication of long term RA and the new drugs reduce the risk of those complications, so a lot of rheumatologists have never actually seen it.
Could it be a sensitivity to a nail/ soap/ detergent product? Looks really sore - need a referral to dermatologist - I think there are some online services now
I don’t think so as it’s coincided so exactly with meds and nothing else has changed - however GP has prescribed me lovely gentle handwash for excema to rule this out. Thanks for input.
Hi this is one of many photos of my nails whilst on Adalimumab & Methotrexate combo. It came & went for about 3 years & medics had no idea what it was. Dermatology decided it was Lichen Planus & I had photo therapy 3 times a week for 6 weeks I think. It made no difference. I changed Dermatologist’s at that point. They got a lot worse & started having small growths in the corners which dropped off leaving holes in my nails. It was bizarre & very difficult to cope with for so long. Eventually Rheumy & Dermy got their heads together & decided it was bring caused by Adalimumab & not healing due to Methotrexate. They wanted to stop Adalimumab. I pleaded with them not to as I had been on it for 10 years & it was working really well for me. They agreed so Methotrexate was stopped & low & behold it went away. Unfortunately Adalimumab stopped being as effective without it & a few years later I had to swap to Rituximab. I will post another photo when it was at its worst. I really hope that you don’t get to that stage & you get taken seriously. They decided it was Pustular Psoriasis. I can understand they may want to leave it a bit longer to see what happens but if it gets worse let them know. I’m on Abatacept now & developed Discoid Excema all over my body last year but it has vanished now without stopping meds.
Could it be a type of psoriasis? There are different variations - the Psoriasis Association UK has some images - psoriasis-association.org.u...
Psoriasis can be linked to arthritic conditions.
I have exactly the same at the base of several of my nails with one in particular which is very sore and the cuticle has come away from the nail at the base. It is painful and just won’t heal. I’m due to see my rheumatologist next week and will ask him. My gp says it’s associated with ra…
by the way, I’ve been gluten free for years!