Hi all, hope everyone is keeping well, the last few days I have felt achy and been sneezing my head off, so seems I am coming down with a cold, I am on MTX can I take beechams with this or should I stick to paracetamol?
Hi all, hope everyone is keeping well, the last few days I have felt achy and been sneezing my head off, so seems I am coming down with a cold, I am on MTX can I take beechams with this or should I stick to paracetamol?
My pharmacist/GP told me just to stick to paracetamol (am on methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine), so my understanding was that other cold medicines were not okay. One good thing - meant I'd stay home and rest rather than going into work dosed up on Day Nurse!
Any idea why cold meds aren’t ok? I’ve had a sore throat here and there so was drinking max strength lemsip instead of taking paracetamol tablets.
Just a thought....could it be hayfever rather than a cold ?
You need to be careful with any proprietary brands of cold “”cures” as most contain paracetamol....so you can easily overdose if you take tablets as well.
Best stick to hot lemon & honey.
If you think about it ....there so such thing as a cure for the common cold....so might as well just take something you like the taste of!
Check with your chemist they are great for giving you advice on what to take.xxx
I have taken mxt for 18 years and have had many, many lemsips. They are only paracetamol. They didn't do me any harm. x
I’m in US. I take EmergenC almost everyday as a preventative and regular Claritin when allergies hit. Although no longer on MTX I did take these while on it for a year and a half.