Worried because of having itchy body especially when lying on bed to sleep .Itching started as soon as I warm up .I am using cream to ease it and taking piriton from two week ,even not using painkillers which make me itchy taking bath but it comes again .I have no access GP online services .As taking benepali so GP has issued me a letter for shielding .Sonanxious that how could I get medical advice in these circumstance .Feeling so ignored and vulnerable at this time .Ist I thought It could be s medicine reaction but now I have checked one by one and see information on Internet than after I came to conclusion it could be scabies .
Scabies : Worried because of having itchy body... - NRAS

Wow do you take any vit. c as am i right in saying scabies needs the sun to kill it off. I am probally wrong, but google it and see what it says darling.xxxx
Hi minah try have you tried some antihistamine
Scabies tends to start in the skin between your fingers, toes, in the groin and then spreads over the body. If you look carefully you can see tracks under the skin. I suffer with itchy skin and take Fexofenadine 180mg, an antihistamine which at that dose is specifically for itchy skin conditions.
Scabies shows as little tracks in the skin ending in a little dot, like tiny exclamation marks, It shows up best in the skin between fingers and on the wrists when you stretch the skin.
It is still possible, in fact encouraged, that you should still contact your usual GP and ask for advice. Your surgery should have at least a telephone line contact and they will have put in place careful distancing and cleaning routines if they need to see you.
You usually catch scabies from contact with other people - have you been at risk?
If you really can’t contact your doctor do speak to your pharmacist...
if you do have scabies it is easily cured with something called I seem to remember Eurax. ...?
It is a mite that burrows under the skin .....
Do be careful it is extremely contagious.
Your pharmacist will probably need a prescription from your doctor. Do continue to find out what it is because scabies can become infected from scratching & is then much more difficult to control.
You should not share towels/sheets with anybody else...it is usually caught by touching somebody who already has it....can you think of anyone you might have been in contact with?
As a last resort call 111.....you do need to find out if it is scabies.
If scabies you need treatment or everyone near you can catch it. You notice buries between fingers toes and near belly button.
The other possibility is bed bugs so Hoover your bed .
But also I could just be a drug reaction .
You NEED to preserve to get hold of a doctor or pharmacy as any of these problems need treatment.
If you have scabies everyone in your household has to paint themselves top to toe especially in every crease so including fingers and toes and all those crevices in between with whatever pesticide is recommended by local pharmacist (so as not to build up resistance to the chemical in the local area).
It stinks as the same stuff is in it as headlice shampoo, so I recommend you all do it just before going to bed as it has to be left on for 12 hours. Everyone has to do it the same time or you can get a infestation and each time go through the same process.
Children under 2 years have to have a prescription from a doctor, and some cannot be used my asthmatics.
Believe me, and if you have got it treat yourself quickly. I kept picking it up from nursing homes when I was working with an agency... each time the itchiness gets worse, as you become allergic to the dead bugs that are buried under your skin.
At one time the epidemic was so bad they would give you a bottle of the stuff to put on when you got home (the bugs like to walk up clean bare underside of lower arms that you often use to help nursing home residents walking etc).
Use a paintbrush (decorators one) if you have one. Painting it with little balls of cotton wool takes ages and the kids get bored with staying being painted for too long!
It is the most itchy condition I have ever had (I expect it's like an eczema reaction couldn't find any relief).
If you go to the pharmacy you can ask whether it's a drug reaction... but scabies is usually on outside of limbs and across the lower front of your body... it has a very defined area... starts usually with just limbs such as top of legs
Thank you so much and everyone for your advice and have a great feeling that at least there are some souls who really care you .Just have finished to talk to my Gp first and pharmacy because luckily I have got Gp appointment who advised to all of us to use Derbac.M lotion at night for scabies.Now maybe I would be able to get it by tomorrow if my pharmacy could arrange it because at that moment it is out of stock .otherwise I will have to ring again to Go to change it. Once again thanks for the support and apologise me for so many writing mistakes as I am is very poor but I know ever tone encourage me to write to be more fluent rather than make fun of it
I doubt if it's scabies. Take a photo of the rash and send it to Rheumy. I had this problem 5 years ago. My rheumy said I had Rheumatoid Vasculitis and started me on high dose Pred for 2 years, gradually reducing. Now take 5mg daily (long term) with 7.5mg MTX
I may be wrong, but it's worth a try. My Vasculitis is flaring again.
If its just at night in bed when you are warm it could be dermatitis triggered by the heat. Or an allergy to your washing powder in the bedding ?