Allergic reaction to RA meds: Hello there I am 36 I was... - NRAS


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Allergic reaction to RA meds

Kina1984 profile image
15 Replies

Hello there I am 36 I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in feb 2019 I have tried 3 dmards methotrexate, hydroxychloroconquine, and sulfasalazine. I suffered an allergic reaction to all three. My rhumatologist told me I can stop the methotrexate but due to co vid 19 they cannot prescribe anything new or see me face to face. The last 10 months i have had a chronic reactive dermatitis as a result of all three drugs I am in so much discomfort that i have stopped methotrexate and i am willing to wait until june 2020 when i see the dr next as I can't bear the rash from the meds any longer.

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Kina1984 profile image
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15 Replies
dawkin_S profile image

Hi Kina, oh I am so sorry to hear you're having such a rotten time - having that rash that must be unbearable for you. I've only ever had small amounts of skin rash so can only imagine having one that bad. I hope it will clear up for you now that you are off the DMARDS. Hopefully your RA symptoms are not too bad at the moment. I've only recently joined here but they are a lovely bunch and I am sure some of the members will have some advice for you - and some consolation. Take care. xxx

oldtimer profile image

If your symptoms become unbearable, it might be possible for your to have cover from a steroid course in the meantime. Keep in touch with your medical team so that they know how you are managing.

Kina1984 profile image

I am on tablets and can no longer tolerate them at all. My rhumatologist wasn't fussed when i said i was having a bad reaction and unfortunately i can't take steroids as i find i don't get any eas from them and also because sulphazalzine knacked my liver so no pain pills. 😡

Poor you it’s such a bad time with C19 it leaves you in limbo. I’m allergic to hydroxychloroquine and sulfasalazine and now having problems with methotrexate and looks like my biologic is causing problems too. I’ve stopped methotrexate it will be 3 weeks next week and the nurse is hoping I can restart on a lower dose but will have to wait and see

Kina1984 profile image
Kina1984 in reply to

Poor you I hope you feel better soon and i hope you find a medication you can tolerate. I hope you can tolerate it at a lower dose wishing you all the best. I hope I can find a medication my body can tolerate too.

in reply to Kina1984

I always believe in hope. So don’t you give up it’s just going to take longer in this climate 🙄🙄

medway-lady profile image

Its the same here no new meds for most things just down to emergency stuff I suppose as unable to do the blood tests. I'm glad really as someone in our village has Covid and its ripping through communities. I used to have LEF and it did have some side effects but worked really well. So there are options still. I now take Azathyoprine it works well but is not great so I volunteered to wait till after the crisis is over. I don't know how you can get relief for the rash but did you get any antihistamines that might help ?

Jean-- profile image

I’ve been on enbrel injection now for 10 years after trying all those you mentioned

Has kept me steady and no side effects once I got the dose right , I was nervous at first but consultant told me to go for it else I’d deteriate

Helped me a lot 🌸

Brushwork profile image

I feel your pain, I have had various reactions to all but Hydroxy, including the two Biologics I have tried so far.

beauty96 profile image

I do sympathise, I have RA OA and osteoporosis and can't have a painkillers or any remedy. Cos of allergies [widest use of the word]. I do tai chi and have massages but cos of this virus all my team are in isolation. not on special list of being vulnerable but I am. gluten, dairy, soya, salicylates, herbs, spices, and oral allergy syndrome etc etc I have quite a short list of what I can have. [I then studied medicine so have an ND HD HMD and PhD Immunology and now help myself. am 78 and suffered with RA etc since 1944.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to beauty96

Wow, that long. Has it affected your joints very badly?

springcross profile image

I'm sorry to hear of the problems you have been having. Are you taking any painkillers for the discomfort at the moment?

beauty96 profile image

Yes I am now unable to walk as it is so painful and my muscles and joints stiff. I want a chiropodist, massage etc and can't have anything. Goodness knows what I will ll be like in June which is the end of the 12 weeks of being at home...well for the moment may be extended.

steerpike66 profile image

Hi, my wife is the same, she was allergic to all 3 drugs. After researching it we found that you can be desensitized to most of these drugs. We found a study for desensitizing to hydroxychloroquine that we showed to our Rheumatologist who sent her to an immunologist to investigate. He put her on the schedule and she was successfully desensitized, 14 months later she is still on it. By the way you don't need an immunologist, it's a very simple schedule that can be made up by your pharmacist, but you'd want a specialist to be involved, maybe your Rheumatologist. If you can't find the schedule for it online I can send you links. She is just about to try desensitizing to methotrexate too, as the HCQ isn't enough to treat her symptoms. I'd recommend looking into it rather than giving up on the meds. The Hydroxychloroquine has certainly helped her.

Kina1984 profile image

Just to sey thank you for all the replies and advice my gp gave me a five day course of prednisalone and i have stopped methotrexate completely. My RA is starting to flare but I am doing ok at the moment. Thanks again so nice to find people who understand how I feel.

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