Had a phone call earlier telling me that my latest blood tests show abnormalities with my liver. Am on 25mg methotrexate and 20mg leflunomine have been told to stop taking immediately, luckily I see the nurse tomorrow and have another blood test in a week. Has anyone else had this just concerned as was put on leflunomine as methotrexate wasn't working for me,not looking forward to having to try another medication. Feel quite rough at the moment nausea almost all the time. Sorry for the moan,hope everyone has had a nice week.
Stopping meds: Had a phone call earlier telling me that... - NRAS
Stopping meds

Yes I had to come off methotrexate as was effecting my liver. Was told it would be by injection next to by pass this but was put on another DMARD. There are lots of others to try so don't get too concerned.It's just the waiting if having to come off then wait before you can start another.
Hope your problems can be resolved
Thank you for your reply, as long as they stop the pain and sickness I'll try anything now. Have a great day☺
When I was taking Methotrexate in pill form, my liver tests became abnormal and I had to stop taking it for a couple of weeks. My liver tests were soon back to normal. I began taking MTX by injection (just one quick painless shot once a week) and my liver is fine now. Injections are more effective than pills because the medication is absorbed better into your body. I was told by a GP that taking medication by injection bypasses our livers. Take care.
I'm on 22.5mg Methotrexate taken by injection and I have liver issues.
My LFT tests are all over the place. I believe the normal level is 40 (whatevers) and I have been up over 100. My GP is concerned but Rheumy consultant says it needs to be 3x the norm for him to 'raise an eyebrow'! The fact my LFT levels spike I.e. go up and down tells him it's not a consistent problem and sometimes my liver copes.
The benefits of MXT outweigh my liver issues, so I am to carry on having regular blood tests. I have been in clinical remission for a while now, so the aim is to reduce my MXT when I see him next in 10 months providing I'm still in remission.
I think we are all different, there is no black and white answer with RA.
I try and do everything I'm told and keep positive.