Hi, I Have been on Enbrel for nearly six years and it have kept my RA under control , I was notified by my rummy that I was being changed from Enbrel to Erelzi(cheaper version) when my next delivery was scheduled...I took my first Erelzi injection last thur and I have to say I really did not like the experience, there was a vibrating feeling when the Erelzi went in to my leg which lasted for about 3 hours after taken the Erelzi, numbness which lasted the same length of time and it was very painful and my legs is still quite painful nearly a week later, I am due to take my next injection on Thur and I am really reluctant however like many medications it it may take a few weeks to adjust to yet another new one. has anyone else experience these symptoms?
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Hi, I Have been on Enbrel for... - NRAS
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Can’t really help much but I hope things settle down and the bio similar works good for you.
You don’t have to accept being put on a bio similar. Simply contact your rheumatologist (then send a letter to him/her) to say you have been doing very well with Enbrel and you have experienced dreadful pain after using the bio similar and that you wish to go back to using Enbrel. Good luck.
I was threatened with changing to a bio similar after being on enbrel for 15 years plus. I still mix the drug myself and find 25mgs every 5 days keeps me controlled. I found out they have to provide the same in bio similar. And won my case for now.
So I mix the drug so no preservatives and wonder if its the preservative in your medication that gave you the reaction. Just a thought and Good Luck
Were you not asked if you wanted to change? I can imagine it is always taking a risk when you change and you cannot be forced to, so I have understood.Finding something that works is often a long and painful process, so I have understood so why take the risk of more suffering?
I would definitely ring and ask to be changed back, I read that some people find a bit of a delay switching back so best to contact them quickly - good luck.
I received a letter to say on my next nurses appointment they would talk to me about being switched to a bio-similar but at the appointment I told the nurse that I didn't want to change as I was classed as being in clinical remission and didn't want to mess around with my health as the enbrel was working fine for me and thankfully I was left on it with the veiled threat that I might have to eventually change due to them having to save money.
Maybe you were just very unlucky and hit a nerve end?
My GP told me I did not have to accept being put on a Biosimilar if I did not want it.
How are things going? This happened to me when the hospital put me on Benepal instead of Embrel. Things got much worse and I went back to my rhummy doc and said that I need to go back. I kept a diary of what was going on and presented it to him. He put me straight back on Embrel. The decision was made at a board looking at the finances. The doc was quite angry at the decision and took a copy of my diary to show what happened to me as a patient. Not sure what happened after but straight back on Embrel and it’s working very well. Just have to remember to take it !!! 😬😬😬
I have injected twice (Erelzi ) my biosimilar since my last post and both times have been fine, however the Erelzi does not have the same effect as Enbrel and does not last a week, I find that it only relieves the pain and stiffness for about 4 days not 7, i have an appointment with my Rhummy in Dec I am going to ask if I can be put back on Enbrel as it works better for me .
I was put on Erelzi last November having used Embrel and Methotrexate for 7 years. The Erelzi injection was painful, burning as it went in and often bruised. My leg would hurt for a couple of hours and I dreaded using it. My fingernails became very brittle and were constantly breaking. My Consultant has changed me back to Embrel, which is painless, and I am now feeling better.