My letter came today I am high risk and have been worried not getting letter so do I show this to my employer and I will get ssp or 80% of wages so self isolating now for 12 weeks maybe !!! I live in Northampton and I am on methotrexate and benepali hope others get their letter soon be safe everyone x
It’s arrived : My letter came today I am high risk and... - NRAS
It’s arrived

Soundofmusic does your letter not say you should be shielding? I thought that’s what the letters were for?
In theory if shielding this takes over being on sick pay as you are being told to stay home. So the company I am working for were putting me, as others on same system of 80% now in furlough otherwise they had concerns of discrimination too.
Iglad you have your letter and it puts your mi d at rest i'm really confused as i thought i was due to receive the letter, but have been told by my dr that Methotrexate and steriods do not warrant a letter, but that to be safe Iside I should isolate and practice strict distancing. I m really not sure where that puts me. 😣
Hi I’m on the same as you and have received a “letter.” If you are on 5mg + of prednisone with methotrexate you need to stay home. Hope this helps 🌷
Thanks for letting me know that Joolief, it's odd as I thought I should be receiving the letter and the NHS guidelines show that, but my Dr has said I will not be getting it. Bit confusing. 😣
Strange. Mine came from my rheumy dept 🌷
Hello Joolief, could ask as k still haven't received my letter, but the hospital have said yo call them back Thursday if I have not received it. You said you were on the same medication as me, is that Methotrexate and 5 ml of steriods? And without bring rude, ard you in an older age range? Sorry for asking I just want to check if we are the same as I can then let the hospital know others are receiving their letters who are on exactly the same medication to me. Hope your keeping safe take care x
Hello 😊 I don’t mind at all. Yes I’m on methotrexate which I inject and 5mg prednisolone, and I’m 55.
Stay safe 🌷
Hello Joolief, thank you so much for letting me know that, I'm 49,I'm going to speak to the hospital again, my drs were not very helpful at all, basically just said no you won't get the letter, then I received a text saying not to call them if I do not have a letter, even the gov website says you should call them, it's annoying and a bit upsetting as I just want a clear answer and not be fobbed off. The hospital nurse was lovely so hopefully I'll get some joy with her on Thursday. X
I've had THE letter today (from rheumy clinic) but wasn't expecting it as I'm only on Methotrexate (and Hydroxychloroquine which doesn't count) and had a recent steroid injection (but flare now passed) which according to all the charts I'd seen doesn't put me above level 2.....Seems there's no parity between areas 🤔
I have been thinking about this also. I was told it was just ssp we receive however some people are saying we are entitled to 80% of our wages. So I emailed my hr department today about it, told them I received the official letter and could they clarify what I should get paid. Hopefully we can get answers soon.
I think you’re right about ssp Pinky, if you’re furloughed then I think you get 80%, but don’t quote me on that 😁
It depends on whether your job would continue if you were not sick or isolating. Furloughing is for companies that the job has gone temporarily.Eg restaurant staff etc... ssp is for people that are isolating or poorly.
Depends on your company, their H R and their propensity for risk if they decide to furlough you and the job still exists.
I had a look at the gov site and it said that people with letter could be put on furlough
I got the letter last week and registered on the link it gave, then yesterday I got a text from saying i had registered as clinically vulnerable but had not received a letter to confirm this. [ ? ] so I don't know whats going on .... very unsettling.
I got the same message, but had no letter. Rang Rheumatology they said they had sent out three hundred letters yesterday and if I"m on the list will get one so just have to wait and see.
Is it just in England that the letters are going out? x