I am currently celebrating 4+ years of effective use of LDN for RD. I have written extensively of my journey, including blood work, sx, dose/titration, other conditions, etc, and don't want to repeat it here. I just want to start a new thread because the initial posts come up so low on any search.
I recently received my annual blood test results. LDN continues to hold my RD in 95% remission, and this is backed up by those tests. My Vectra test is again in the Low range, now second year, such that Crescendo advises I don't need annual tests. I take no other Rx drugs for RD, nor for my MS/fibro or any other minor conditions.
I am interested in hearing from other folks who have tried LDN for RA/RD. I'm especially interested in your titration experience. I started low and increased slowly. I think this may be the key. Presentations at LDN Research Trust conferences concur.
Unfortunately, it would be very difficult to conduct a double-blind clinical trial that included titration...Plus, who would fund it? LDN is cheap and generic. Even having it compounded (rice flour filler, no dye), I pay ~$1/day for my LDN capsules here in California. No drug company will make money off that. So please don't cite the lack of clinical studies showing efficacy. And medical journals don't like to publish articles about anecdotal use. That leaves it up to us as advocates, and gutsy doctors as compassionate professionals, to carry forward this drug as an off-label option.
One other benefit important during infectious pandemics, general social interactions, etc: I need no immuno-suppressant drugs for my various autoimmune conditions. My body produces anti-inflammatory and mood-enhancing endorphins every night due to LDN temporarily blocking my endorphin receptors. Partner that with an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle (when I can manage it) so my body has the right tools for the best immune system re-set, and I am generally much healthier than my coworkers and friends. This is not la-la land; this is epigenetics.