There's been mention of LDN (low dose naltrexone) in the comments of recent threads.
I was interested to see that there's a clinical trial protocol (not yet recruiting) in the USA to assess LDN (low dose naltrexone) for the relief of arthritis pain (osteoarthritis; rheumatoid, and psoriatic) and alteration in disease activity (RA only) or BASDAI (SA only).
It's a small trial but they've made it randomised and crossover so that's a decent trial design. I'll be interested to see what happens during the recruitment phase and any outcome. I'll say upfront that I don't know enough about LDN to understand whether 4.5mg is an acceptable dosage and if it's feasible to expect people to experience relief or change in their disease activity during the 8 weeks they're scheduled to be on it (they'll be on placebo for the other 8 weeks).
ETA: for people who haven't seen it, ScienceBased Medicine has a piece by neurologist Steve Novella from 2010 about LDN that is clear-eyed about the (then) state of the research:
I don't know anything about LDN research tho' a search on a clinical databases showed some recently published research (still pilot and small scale as noted by Novella).