Boris ,this is your fault !: From the beginning he wasn... - NRAS


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Boris ,this is your fault !

Maramara profile image
65 Replies

From the beginning he wasn t able to act responsibly!he didn t stop people from going in and out of Uk then he said we should mind our lives just like nothing is happening.people died and are still dyeing!he said we should not close the schools...right just let everybody die ..and pretend the virus doesn t exist!i am too angry even to write many things to say...

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Maramara profile image
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65 Replies
Shalf profile image

I understand your anger. He was too flippant for too long. I am feeling very vulnerable today. I had a steroid injection under a week ago and don't feel any better. I am scared to go out now as the death toll in the UK is increasing. Here in Scotland the numbers tested positive are rising very quickly. Our First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has stressed repeatedly that no one should visit bars, restaurants or be near large gatherings. She pleaded for people to stay at home this weekend. I am dreading this weekend to be honest. I think the shops situation, kids off school and families tight together for long periods of time is going to cause eruptions. People are becoming increasingly tense and frustrated with no food available, some medicines (paracetamol) no money and so on. I truly wish life was back to normal. Feeling quite low at the moment and worried.

Further, what I can't understand is why bars and restaurants and so on are not being forced to close. This would obviously ensure that people don't go into those places therefore minimising the risk of spreading this deadly virus!

Yes I feel the same

medway-lady profile image

I simply don't believe it's that simple he's the PM not a scientist and its they who advise him. Please don't waste your anger on someone who can't hear you but use it in the ballot box in the future. I promise you I worked in Government for many years both civil and local and Yes Minister got it right years ago. He's not my favourite person but can't be held responsible for all the ills of this pandemic. It's all over the world not just a UK problem and that is the real story that and underinvestment in all the public services for over 30 years.

I don't want a political debate but sorry it is unfair.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to medway-lady

Exactly... I would not have chosen him as PM, but I admire the way he is publicly taking advice on the Coronavirus from men & women who completely understand what needs to be done....& how to achieve it.

It is very easy to criticise when you have no idea of the complexities involved,

I doubt many politicians would have the confidence to stand in front of the electorate daily, the way he is doing,

Buckybri profile image
Buckybri in reply to AgedCrone

Yea I think he’s doing a good job , can’t imagine if it was a labour government in this situation. This would be a nightmare for anyone

jell profile image
jell in reply to Buckybri

good god. Labour would have done everything to stop this right from the start. And help EVERYONE in doing so. Thus reassuring us all.

Boris and his advisers are about spending as little as possible all talk and still no action.

He will go down in history as the PM in his complacency to do nothing to fight it. -If labour were running this then this would probably be forgotten in history as we would come out of it okayish - that's what NHS staff are saying.

He has done nothing at all - are all the doctors, consultants, itu staff lying? And the workers and businesses that still are not receiving any help?

You must listen to WHO. They are constantly frustrated with the UK government for ignoring them.

I just do not understand anyone who backs him up? The news, his own parliament, all fed up with him and his delaying tactics.

All he appears to be concerned with is protecting ceos from big companies at our expense.

Disgusted with him.

Buckybri profile image
Buckybri in reply to jell

Really ? And with who in charge ? Don’t tell me Jeremy the reason that labour have lost voters from all over the country , if u think that Corbyn could of sorted this out then think again and I myself and my parents voted labour all their lives but not with that clown in charge .

jell profile image
jell in reply to Buckybri

like him or loathe him he is a good man and has everyone's interest at heart.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to jell

Let's see what happens at 7pm before we shoot the man down in flames shall we? I predict radical measures will be put in place... all shops shut excepting chemists & food stores but as I say let's see.

reg01 profile image
reg01 in reply to medway-lady

The man is a fool, a racist and an adulterer. In my book these people are not to be trusted on ANYTHING, let alone running the country.

Maramara profile image
Maramara in reply to medway-lady

Exactly because he s not a scientist or a doctor he can t tell us to get the virus just to be stronger!!!he s also not a high risk patient. Plus he can not decide for us! We have to be protected and safe therefore,do whatever it takes!this can not be a Russian roulette!

Morigan profile image

There are over 18 000 cases in Germany with only 52 deaths. Tests were widely available to everyone with symptoms right from when it started. South Korea is dealing with covid very well same story testing everyone with symptoms...

I am not sure whos decision it is to increase testing in uk but it has to be priority. Boris Johnson keeps saying that they will increase testing to 25 000 a day. When tho? As now it seems like if you still can breath you are not eligible to be tested. If everyone will wait until they can't breath for a lot of people it might be too late already.

Sorry for the rant... Just upset and angry like everyone else :(

jell profile image
jell in reply to Morigan

About three weeks ago Boris said tests would rise to 10,000 daily. In fact they were cut.

Doctors are blaming the Tory government and ten years of cutbacks. They are blaming Boris for doing nothing at all in an effort to not spend any money at all.

They say we will be worse than Italy who have a first class superior hospitals and resources and they acted sooner than us.

Oddly in Italy they are now seeing younger folk infected and dying - no beds for them.

Matt Hancock. What a vile liar.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Morigan

I’m sure the doctors,chemists and other scientists are doing their best to get as many tests kits out as possible.

The first people to be offered these test should be all our NHS staff ...doctors nurses physios everybody involved-because let’s face it without them we might as well give up now.

I just hope when all this is over ....we all agree very publicly that we need to contribute a lot more money to the NHS or we might as well forget it and all go out & buy private medical insurance.

We cannot expect a 21st-century Health service for the money we currently pay.

All Parliamentary parties are to blame ....not just the one that’s in power at the moment ....because none of them have had the courage to stand up and say you’ve got to pay DOUBLE if you want a first class Health service ....because they were frightened no one would vote for them?

And they were right .......we have got to get rid of this nonsense of a cheap cradle to grave health service is not possible.

So don’t criticise the person sitting in the chair now the .NHS has been not only underfunded but also mismanaged for years....let’s hope this is the wake up call the politicians ,& the public needed.

in reply to AgedCrone

It's been mismanaged for sure. The culture problem is worse than the funding one. So many turn up, tick the box, and do very little. Staff are the biggest causes of fraud in any organisation, NHS being no exception.

I feel more sympathy for the skeleton staff at the supermarkets, e.g. Lidl etc. They do hard labour non stop on their shifts. Yet go out of their way to help customers. I met one who worked 10 days on the trot, but she insisted on helping me with heavy boxes. Would you ever get that in the NHS? They'd let you bleed to death whilst they huddled together, eating and gossiping.

Off course people sing their praises, publicly, because they know that if ill they'll need them. But in private anyone who has used the system knows what most not all of them are like.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

Thankfully I haven’t had to go in to hospital for many years, but as an ex nurse from many years ago....from what i see now wouldn’t, get me applying to work in an Nhs seems chaotic with too many so called qualified nurses sitting behind desks jockeying for promotion.....with the poor old patient left to get on with it!

in reply to AgedCrone

The attitude I recall decades ago, wasn't great. But at least they did their jobs, however miserably.

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to AgedCrone

Ac spot on and the poor grafters run ragged.

in reply to

"Would you ever get that in the NHS?" Yes, I have done. When I visited my mother, who was dying of cancer, and I was upset, a nurse took me in her office and comforted me, even though her shift was over and she could just have gone home. I've had a lot of appointments (over 30, all told) in various hospital departments over the last 16 months and I've been given kindness, time and attention from people from consultants to receptionists over and above what is in their job description. I'm sorry if your experience has been less good than that, though I suspect you are extrapolating from a small number of bad experiences and lashing out at the whole organization, which is unfair.

Personally, I'm humbled by the number of staff who work for the NHS, often under immense pressure, rather than opting for easier work elsewhere.

in reply to

So you aren't extrapolating from your small number of good experiences?

I've had far more interaction with the NHS, over more years, and know a lot of people working within it. I'm not lashing out at the whole organisation but a square aim at most of the staff. My expertise is organisations, and the people aspect is a problem from top down. They continue to 'work' there because its cushy, and couldn't get a job elsewhere.

This period will be difficult because they'll realise what real pressure is, and will be expected to cope. For too long they've cried wolf. The biggest fear during Covid-19, is the NHS.

Have successive governments failed in adequate support over the years, yes. Is their privatisation going on, yes. However, its the toxic culture that has hastened this. Living in a bubble, detached from the real world, much like the BBC they suffer a sense of entitlement.

Glad you had such wonderful experiences. But many others haven't.

in reply to

You think it's just coincidence then that all my experiences have been good? That's a lot of coincidence.

Is your job extremely demanding, that you consider the work of hospital staff "cushy"? I would like to see your evidence that "most staff" are lazy and uncaring.

in reply to

Do you mean the staff aren't uniformly good to everyone? I guess the government didn't cow tow to them the way some patients do.

Yes, and most people in the private sector. And they do it cheerfully, without fanfare. They expect to work in exchange for pay. That's how employment works.

Where's your evidence they aren't lazy and uncaring? You litter your fallacious comments with hypocrisy.

jell profile image
jell in reply to AgedCrone

the tests are there. They will not spend the money. The NHS is in this situation purely because of the likes of Richard Branson who are creaming funds from OUR nhs. Along with all the private profiteering companies.

Private health - the less well off will go without just as they do in US. Private Health insurance over there is responsible for deaths, suicides and the main cause of bankruptcy.

We need to get rid of greedy, selfish private profiteering - not give them more money to leech offshore.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to jell

I really think the time has passed for blaming xyz....we have all got to pull together to make sure we do get as many people as possible to stay home, look after themselves and what is more important make sure if they unfortunately do contract CV19, they don’t pass it on to somebody one of us. It’s the selfish we have to deal with now.

Criticism doesn’t help, because right now those dealing with this are all we’ve we need to act responsibly and hope by this time next year our lives can go back to normal.

Everybody would like a fast solution but as we’ve seen from other countries especially Italy, France and Spain ....there isn’t we have just got to grin & bear it.

jell profile image
jell in reply to AgedCrone

Yes you are right - It's fear for my family doing this to me :O :( :(

I hope the powers that be look at these other European counties and do something now and not in two weeks ....

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to jell

BoJo is expecting a new baby & I’m sure other ministers have family they want to protect too.

Just because we didn’t vote for them doesn’t mean we can’t support them...... In fact if we don’t support what they and their advisors recommend ....then we’re all sunk.

The people to blame right now are the clever clogs who insist on congregating in the streets .....just to prove they can.

Let’s hope they find a little cell, with six other like minded oiks equally challenging....for 6 months maybe?

rab1874 profile image

Once a 🤡 always a 🤡 that’s Boris

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to rab1874

He's quite a small clown. I thought he was sitting down during his speech 😆

I also detest Boris, but to be fair, he was acting on the advice of the scientists, which was originally to build up herd immunity. In the beginning, the message was that most people would have only a mild illness and nobody knew how many deaths there would be. Events and the advice have both advanced very quickly. There are bound to be a range of opinions among experts. Would we want them all to think the same like so many sheep? We have to trust that they will study the latest information and reach the best conclusion they can.

Remember this is a new situation and we are inevitably feeling our way. Britain is not exactly the same as China or Italy. If the number of deaths from "normal" seasonal flu were reported daily, they would also look scary. This is new and different, but let's try not to panic. We don't actually know how many deaths of people WITH the virus were caused BY the virus. So many of the people who have died had serious health conditions already and might have died from those.

I still detest Boris and co, but much more for having hacked away at the NHS for years than for the handling of this crisis.

jell profile image
jell in reply to

no - herd community - that was a deliberate delaying tactic. Experts including WHO and in this country were gobsmacked at the ridiculous concept.

To say it's not his fault, he's following his so called expert's advise then that confirms he is not fit to run this country. surely he can't be that unintelligent?

He hasn't answered any of the concerns of worldwide experts including WHO.

He is ignoring everyone.

They are not taking fever tests, especially in schools.

They are not distributing all those testing kits they've had for weeks now.

And to top it all, you can still only get a test when you have been admitted from hospital.

and the only way to be admitted is when it's too late.

My niece is a nurse and he has two friends who are nurses fighting for their lives, no underlying health conditions (by the way NHS111 ignore those, not in their script) and both under 35.

NHS constantly told,them to stay at home self isolating even after 0 days had passed and when they could barely breathe... they had to wait until they had pneumonia and needed to be put on a machine.

In Italy they are having to make terrible decisions -who to not treat and allow to die.

Here, Boris says not to treat anyone unless critical and possibly too late.. for a couple of weeks now.

He didn't want anyone who had been to Italy to self isolate let alone advise them to! crazy. These people are saying they were told nothing at all and were confused as to what to do.

in reply to jell

If you don't want the PM, who is not a medical expert, to take advice from those who are, what do you think he should do?

Jamesheard profile image
Jamesheard in reply to

It's fairly obvious that most scientist were saying something else, he just found the scientists that was willing to listen to Dominic Cummings and say what they wanted to hear. This is barely science anyway this is modelling based on very limited data. Thier first guess based on a model that used absolutely ridiculous assumption. The new one still makes assumption as we have limited data to go on but they assumption are more on the side of caution.

I think a lot of the fault lies with the Chief Medical Officer, who stands next to Boris. In my opinion his body language, what he says and how he says it, tell me he's an arrogant to**er who couldn't give a damn. Had a cushy number all his life and is counting down to retirement. He acts like ''yeah right whatever'' oblivious to the misery he's making.

The notion of 'herd immunity' is absolutely ridiculous, for a new virus they know little about.

There were easy to implement measures.. SHUT THE BORDER. But no, let them all in, come to the airport, go on public transport, spread it everywhere. So we'll all get immune. NO!

Oh well self isolate for 2 weeks. So you see the rush on supermarkets. Create hubs of disease distribution.

Keep everything open, let them jammy together and spread it a bit more.

Make sure every inch of the country gets infected.

What they did tallys with a couldn't care less attitude, like that of the CMO. A pure civil servant or rather evil servant.

Rant over, for now.

reg01 profile image
reg01 in reply to

I don’t trust him either.

in reply to

Chris Whittey is respected as both a physician and as a medical researcher. And you do what exactly? I didn't quite catch your qualifications for telling us not to listen to his advice. However, I can see you are well qualified in vitriol. Unfortunately it's not what we need just now.

jell profile image
jell in reply to

I prefer to listen to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who does not agree with Mr Whitty and co.

Not good is it, not to have the confidence of just about every nurse and doctor in the UK. And around the world.

So yes, what a clever man!

in reply to

Respected by who exactly? Is that what the BBC told you?

I didn't tell you what to do. I stated my opinion, I'm sorry you cannot understand the difference. And who are you to decide ''what we need just now''?

in reply to

I am as entitled as the next person to have an opinion, though you seem to think not, and that opinion, as stated before, is that the vitriol you are liberally spraying around is not helpful in the present situation.

Perhaps you could explain how it is OK for you to state your opinion based on "body language" - a very exact science - and character assassination "couldn't give a damn. Had a cushy number all his life and is counting down to retirement." and not OK for me to comment on that.

"Who are you to decide ... ?" is not appropriate.

in reply to

Did I say you couldn't have an opinion? You don't make much sense. Do you work in the NHS?

Why shouldn't I state my opinion on the 'very exact science' of body language, or anything else? And since when is body language a science? Or is it science in your world, to legitimise your weak arguments.

If you don't find what I say helpful, don't read it. No one is forcing you to.

in reply to

From your abusive language, I don't think you set out to be helpful, but your life might be much happier if you did - just an opinion of course, but based on a lot of experience.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

in reply to

You've been pompous, abusive and entirely unhelpful. Thanks, but I'll pass on taking any advice from you.

You can pontificate elsewhere.

in reply to

Night night.

in reply to

You can stuff your fake wishes for my night.

Poshcards profile image

For goodness sake, how can you say that!! Would you like to be in his place?

Susiebee31 profile image

I’m sorry but trying to put the blame on Boris and the scientists etc advising him is ridiculous. I don’t care what you vote but this time politics should well and truly be out of the conversation. I don’t know a proportion of 1% of the science or the epidemiology of the corona virus but I do know that I trust the scientists to develop the vaccines and drugs that keep us as safe as possible. These people are not out to kill us, they’re out to save as many as possible. To start with they’ve had to teach a country basic hygiene, wash your hands properly and when to do it, if you cough how to do it. We have to take responsibility for yourselves, politicians don’t spread the virus we do. I’m a retire health care professional and can assure you that a significant minority of people are anti social in their behaviour and hygiene, just look at Facebook and people partying in Spain when it’s on total shutdown. The present government said they would be advised by the scientific experts you can’t then be driven by panic of the non experts. They’re preparing us for the worst but advise us if we co-operate follow the guidelines It will probably be better for us. I’m just as frightened as the next, on biologics, over 65 chest infections all winter but in the end we can only trust the ‘ clever’ people. Two of my children were on the verge of jobs going and it’s going to be ‘dodgy’ for both of them and their families for however long this takes. Please keep politics out of this, now is not the time. We need constructive conversations not destructive. The swab for detection of this virus is only made in one place in the country my daughter in laws sister works there and they are working their socks of a few other companies make them but are reliant on certain supplies from China and Italy. No one is sat o their’ Bums ’ and twiddling their thumbs. Yes the health service isn’t 100% but that is multi factional. This is unprecedented and is a wake up call for the globe and none of us like to feel helpless.

I expect I’m going to get a lot of flack but I’ve got big shoulders and I truly believe that we have the power to get control.

Buckybri profile image
Buckybri in reply to Susiebee31

Well said

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Susiebee31

I personally think the UK government have been slow to act, but I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment. Panic buying, partying, selfishness and absolute ignorance or the interest to upskill yourself in times like these is awful.

jell profile image
jell in reply to Susiebee31

they already have the stock of tests? Boris aid so? and if they haven't, why wasn't it done back in January - or even February. It's the frustration of nothing being done as it is in other countries especially when WHO are so critical of Boris.

We need reassurance instead he is feeding panic. Our NHS staff feel they are cannon fodder for them so who do we listen to? He is so frustrating.

He needs to do something asap.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to Susiebee31

I don’t blame Boris. I don’t think he is doing any worse than other governments. For a start who would have expected the public to be so stupid that they don’t know the difference between self isolating / social distancing and going on holiday or hiking up a mountainside with hundreds of other people or crowding into parks and flower markets?

Which part of ‘don’t socialise’ or ‘keep two meters away from others’ is difficult to understand? Which part of ‘cover your mouth’ and ‘use, then bin tissues’ is difficult to understand?

Then you get people who are now coughing on anyone who upsets them. I witnessed two Asian men in their twenties the other day walking through an empty precinct laughing saying ‘coronavirus coming, coronavirus, coming through’. Thick doesn’t even cover it.

I imagine Boris and co must be as shocked as those of us who are horrified by it all. It’s not his fault if people are so selfish and ignorant that they can’t see the need to follow scientific advice or that they clear out food stores and leave nothing for the weakest.

As for the WHO they have plenty to answer for too - I seem to remember thinking there was something very odd about their leader and his constant refusal to admit that we were in the middle of a pandemic when it was pretty obvious that things weren’t good in China. China who also refused to believe their own doctors who were brave enough to say they thought they were dealing with a SARS type virus - the poor man who was arrested before he died.

It’s a whole new world now, uncharted territory and governments are trying their best, their citizens ought to be taking responsibility for their own part in it too.

(My own opinions and I have no political axe to grind)

in reply to Susiebee31

Excellent post, very sensible.

Vonnie10 profile image

I think he definitely got is Hurd immunity all,the panic shoppers will be ill all there fresh stuff will go of complete idiots I wish no ill health on some people but I hope the greedy pigs have a shifty 7/10 of shifty flu serves them right, there very clever them politician that man who stood next to boris is a boffin they truly know what there doing lock in will be come thank god it will be managed social distance sat it finest for sure, Bojo is doing what’s right I’m not a Tory but it will be all the healthiest who. Get it the less fortunate will come after thee my thought s

Morigan profile image

But who knows what real number of cases in uk is if people don't get tested? We only know how many there are of those who have been admitted to hospital...

You are right tho only time will tell.

Morigan profile image

I am past judging or being angry now. Just watching and going with the flow. Being angry won't help anyone. We can only wait and see what happens next. And hope for the best 🤞

Morigan profile image

Also happy that a lot more is being done now comparing to a week ago.

Buckybri profile image

I blame brexit , and the foreigners. Or shall we blame each leader of every country ? No stop blaming people .

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to Buckybri

Oh ok so all the fittest of the fit all massed shopped congregated together in mass hurst over the weekend the thing is there strong they will get over it no gang of nutters selfish thinking of only themselves . Gang of dicks no I’m it blaming them just been dicks not staying part or trying even the weak will suffer 1.5 mil who receive letters this week.

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to Vonnie10

We wouldn’t have to be so strict if dipshits did what there suppose to. Shower of @@@@@

Buckybri profile image
Buckybri in reply to Vonnie10

It should of said start not stop .

Stowe profile image

It is nobodys fault that it is here, and I do think Boris Johnson is trying his best to sort this all out, but all the idiots who keep going out in groups, and were in the pubs the night they shut, incense me. It is their stupidity and selfishness that will probably mean we will very soon have to face harsher restrictions, (in my opinion) having said that, I'm isolating anyway and will be for 3 months so it will be no difference for me. I just feel so very sad every time I see the death total increase.

in reply to Stowe

If the selfish lot fall ill they may be treated at the cost of an older person's life being saved. That's very sad.

jell profile image

we no longer have two weeks.

Spain did not start testing straight away.

Italy has more beds per person than the US. It has a far superior health care system than we do, more hospitals and equipment.

To suggest that testing and isolating, travel restrictions, closing borders and lock downs do not work as well as doing nothing at all is odd/

Europe cannot belief what we are (not) doing.

France is about to ban people from the UK (they threatened to close borders before which prompted Boris to close schools) and the Spanish are accusing the British of putting them in danger!

jell profile image

other countries test and test again as soon as a fever is present.

In UK you still can't get a test until you have been admitted as an emergency and am hearing that even then, not all are being tested. Maybe they are the ones triaged to go to the side ward...

jell profile image

fingers crossed you are right. I'm just worrying for so many people including a young nurse, a friend of my niece who is also a nurse, hooked up to a machine in intensive care after waiting 10 days for treatment :( NHS 111 were following government guidelines young people don't get ill despite Italy and China saying different.

She, blames this government, as they all do where she works :(

nomoreheels profile image

I think it is AJ. Yes, my h said shops were much quieter today, particularly Morrison’s. My brother in law has just phoned, all staff at his company laid off for 12 weeks.

nomoreheels profile image

No, you're right it is 8.30. Well, neither of those will be missed by me!

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