As you know I have been having trouble getting the support I need and A compliment slip with a prescription with no input from me. Steroids were prescribed without a chat with me as I had started a medication that I had a reaction too and cannot take steroids with. 4 messages left on advice line with a confirmation call each time that message would be passed to my nurse. Still no phone call this evening.
Then my phone rang just a few minutes ago and it was my original nurse who had been redeployed and was just back. She was at home going through he patients records and had seen I had made a lot of calls to the advice line over the past few weeks and wanted to know if I was ok. so explained everything. She said the nurse had let me down and this will be addressed as she is her supervisor. So I’m not allowed to start the steroids until Monday I need to makes sure medication is out of my system. I’m only to contact her in future and bypass the advice line and have been given her works mobile number and can text at anytime. Told her how much I missed her and how good she is at her job.A bottle and flowers heading her way 😁