Just about to start on Methotrexate 1mg. Having looked at advice intending to take after my evening meal. How many days should I leave it before I take the folic acid tablet please xx
Advice please: Just about to start on Methotrexate 1mg... - NRAS
Advice please

I’m take folic acid 6 days a week not on methotrexate day
I think the MTX dose must have been a typo, 1mg isn’t prescribed, you're given 2.5mg tablets & we take multiples of them.
Your Rheumy should have told you but if not you could call the helpline, ask if the nurse will find out for you. Before that you could try these. Does it not say on the directions label on the box, the one the chemists stick on? Or, the monthly amount you've been prescribed might help, ie I'm given 24 per month, 6 per week. The thing is Rheumys vary in their choices, some only ask their patients to take it once a week, others (like me) every day except MTX day.
Hope some of this helps.
I think the lowest dose is 7.5 mg. I take Folic Acid every day except for MTX day, so 6 tablets a week.

Thanks for reply - my nurse has prescribed 1 x 5mg once a week x

Typo with MRX dosage - should read 10mg x
Oops it is a typo - it should read 10mg. Have said one folic acid tab a week not on same day. Others say that take a couple of days after MTX - thanks for your advice x
I thought it was. Might be an idea to edit it so nobody else does the same & mentions it. I take as you now say that you take folic acid one day you found it somewhere? Only take what you’ve been told to otherwise you'll run out before your next repeat. You might be fine on one but if not ask your Rheumy or Nurse if it could be increased, they'll decide & then amend the amount you're prescribed monthly.
When I first started MTX I was only told to take one the day after MTX, usually when side effects are worst. I then went to one the day before as well. Nowadays I take it every day except the day I inject. If you've not been told when to take it I think all you can do is see when you need it & take it the same day each week. What you shouldn’t do is do as others tell you how they take it, always refer to your Rheumy team for advice. Much can depend on your MTX dose, if you have an increase in dose you might need to take folic acid more days. I think all you can do is see how it goes.
In fact nmh in UK MTX is prescribed in 2.5 mg tablets.
A few years ago an agreement was made that they would only be prescribed in 2.5 mg because apparently some sort of mistake had been made when they were issued in 5 mg tablets as well.
Of course it is! Long since I had them, got my duh head on. Yes, only 2.5mgs for us, overdosing was a problem I recall though I thought that was with 10mg tablets.
I asked my rheumy when I was on 20mg why he didn’t prescribe 4x 5mg rather than fiddle with 8 tiny Pills with sausage fingers.
Apparently the 5mg & 2.5mg pills looked too similar & as it is unusual to take multiple pills weekly ....us poor souls got confused & that is a why we don’t get 5mg !
I take mine once a week, 2 days after methotrexate.
Thank you that’s helpful - will follow suit x
Petal you really shouldn’t just do what other people have been told to do. Please ring your rheumy nurse for clarification if you can’t remember what was said at your appointment. 😊
Will do - thank you x
Please clarify you mean 5mg Folic acid 6 days per week...not on Mtx day.
What dose Methotrexate are you prescribed ?
I think this post has become confused
Does anyone take folate instead of folic acid?

Folate (folonic acid or leucovorin) is rarely prescribed in the UK at the low doses we take. It’s used as recovery for high, more frequent doses as in chemo or overdose. I think the US prescribe it sometimes, which amazes me considering they only take 1mg folic acid generally!
I was told to leave at least 24 hours between folic acid and mxt.
I was prescribed 5 mg tablets to be taken every day except the day MTX is taken. I am in the UK. MyRheumy doctor told me yesterday that I can take extra (up to three more per week) if i feel I need them.
As long as you don’t take folic acid on the same day as the methotrexate you’re all good...
I take it daily apart from methotrexate day. But when I only had it one day I just took it the day after!
Good luck x