In the book about chronic fatigue was this - NRAS


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In the book about chronic fatigue was this

30 Replies

Credit for this wonderful list goes to my patient, Sylvia Waites)

Thou shalt not be perfect nor try to be.

Thou shalt not try to be all things to all people.

Thou shalt leave things undone that ought to be done.

Thou shalt not spread thyself too thin. Thou shalt learn to say ‘No’.

Thou shalt schedule time for thyself, and for thy supporting network.

Thou shalt switch off and do nothing regularly.

Thou shalt be boring, untidy, inelegant and unattractive at times.

Thou shalt not even feel guilty.

Thou shalt not be thine own worst enemy, but thine own best friend.

30 Replies
Stayloose profile image

Love it!!

in reply to Stayloose

I am reading thinking oh I am resting but reading the book means rest is rest asleep or horizontally down ,no tv, phone calls radio etc. I have got it so so wrong, if this works. To me resting is sitting in a chair whoops 🤣

Stayloose profile image
Stayloose in reply to

I reckon compulsory reading is definitely work but reading for pleasure is definitely restful/relaxing.

in reply to Stayloose

I love reading too but says it keeps a brain stimulated which means not truly resting. Though I will do the ice water trick go to bed with ice water by bed so if I wake hot the ice water will cool me quickly and back to sleep faster.

in reply to

I do the ice water.. drink then wee can’t win 🙄🙄

Stayloose profile image
Stayloose in reply to

A wet flannel in a plastic bag kept in the fridge works. You have to get up to get it but can pop to the loo as you pass ☺️

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to Stayloose

I agree Stayloose. Your body is resting and your brain is immersed in a different world when reading. I relax and am restful when reading, so much that I usually fall asleep 😊

RD commandments!!! I’m guilty of breaking them all 🥺🥺🥺must try harder

in reply to

I am laughing as I have too, as a bad day mentally with fatigue but I did not get that the word rest meant do NOTHING.

Shalf profile image

Brilliant! :)

mrdiggs profile image

That is absolutely fantastic. I'm going to print this up and put it on my wall to remind myself that it's really O.K. to be human and just try to enjoy my life and sometimes just do absolutely nothing. Can't thank you enough !! I feel better already------LOL

sylvi profile image

That's lovely if only we all practise it.xxxx

in reply to sylvi

I know Sylvi! I did not agree with some of info I am reading in the book but I am certainly learning what rest means to me BUT this was a good start reading the Thou shall......x

Thingybob profile image
Thingybob in reply to

May I ask which book this is ? Thanks

in reply to Thingybob

A book someone suggested by Dr Sarah Myhill about Chronic FatigueMs I have chronic fatigue OA RA but wanted to read her theory on it

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to

I didn’t realise you have chronic fatigue syndrome too Deeb

in reply to KittyJ

It keeps on giving

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to

So how do you tell the difference between fatigue caused by RA or that of chronic fatigue syndrome? Did you have CFS before RA?

Thingybob profile image
Thingybob in reply to

Ah thanks , I might take a look at it. :)

in reply to Thingybob

I think what I have learnt already is rest is rest, to me rest is sitting down but Dr Sarah believes its total rest away from everything and you cant move on in stages until you master this. I HAVE a long way to go. Did my first trial session today but I know I have a long way to go.

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I have been forced into doing nothing for days on end. It gets me down as I feel life just passes by while I do nothing. It doesn’t help me mentally

in reply to

This is how I have been feeling the past week, so trying to change even more, as it is so bad. I hate waking up and not feeling fresh that is what is doing my brain in but I am working through it carefully and keep retiring to the sofa or bed which I have to do even though my head goes fight through it.

in reply to

It’s a real bummer!!! No one else sits on our sofa now I’ve taken up permanent residence. Only my arse fits the dent.🙄🙄

in reply to

Luckily we have 1 each or hubby would never get near the sofa but I hear you.

Thingybob profile image
Thingybob in reply to

I find that the breathing techniques I learned in yoga classes sometimes help. Focussing on breathing in the right way means its impossible to 'do'. But tis hard to just 'be' .

in reply to Thingybob

I do a sleep story when I go to bed and the breathing at the start helps and I do fall asleep really quickly. Always a lover of breathing techniques stress or health matters it does help me I find.

mickam profile image

I haven't seen this before and, up until recently, would neve haver considered living like this. Times change and, having been forced to take early retirement, with worsening RD and other conditions it really sums up the way I live my life these days. Originally it was from necessity but now it's trough acceptance of my lot and from choice. Why make life any more difficult or unpleasant than it has to be.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to mickam

I concur.

I used to be a very busy person.

Now I'm not.

in reply to Mmrr


net2012 profile image

I am have had a peaceful and restful January, and it has really helped after a very busy November and December. Just concentrating on me, and I have started a positive posture class.

Anyone starting their journey with RA, or still having the ongoing chronic fatigue, don't beat yourself up about it, or let others do that to you. It is something that it so hard to control. I remember the 16 hour sleeps, the taking 3 hours to try to get out of bed but couldn't because things had locked up.

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