Just had a bath and noticed a tiny patch on my arm.... methotrexate reaction? On 20mg injection (seven weeks now. Looks to have dried up and almost gone now but it says in leaflet pin prick rash is serious. Its Friday night, no advice line over weekend. Think I'll sleep on it and if gone or going wait until Monday to call helpline, but if worse, seek out 111 help? It is it just a graze? Feel so anxious with anything new that happens now. Any advice much appreciated. Ta
Should I worry? Its Friday night..: Just had a bath... - NRAS
Should I worry? Its Friday night..

I’m not a doctor, but that doesn’t match what I think of as a pinprick rash. If you are worried, or if it spreads, then call 111 of course. But if I were you I would wait.
I posted something similar a few months ago. I too am on methotrexate all was well. If your worried get it checked.
My interpretation of a pin pick rash it that it covers a larger area more likely on your trunk or legs. But I’m no expert

Thanks for your reply. It seems to be drying up and fading so I'm going to wait and see.. if still worried on Monday I'll phone the help line.
Goodness don’t get yourself in a state ....that is probably just a bit of a blemish after a hot bath .....have a good night sleep and I bet it’s gone in the morning!
I have lesions exactly like this from time to time, I have one at the moment on my shoulder. It starts with pin prick dots then they join up, blister then scab over and fade. I have had to stop various biologicals before when they have got too bad and cover a wider expanse. I would suggest you show the pic to your rheumy, mine told me to take pics. I am on Baricitimab at the moment but have been on mtx in the past.
Good luck and best wishes.
You're very welcome GinnyE, my rheumy told me to take the lesions seriously. Yes, the drugs are a worry but we can't do without them, just remain vigilant.
Kind regards to you
Looks like a graze! Nowt to worry about especially if going. Monitor.
I had one of those on my forearm the other day, and I don't inject, I'm on MTX rablets. Anyway it's gone now.

Right. I think this is going too. I'll show the help line people the photo just to see what they say. I'll post response when I get it. Thanks for your reply.