Falling Over: Hello I have been living with RA for a... - NRAS


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Falling Over

Dolly260 profile image
19 Replies


I have been living with RA for a while but had my official diagnosis a year ago. My issue is falling over, twice so far in the space of two weeks. Knees and elbows are bashed to bits. Is this going to be a regular thing. I do feel a bit unsteady when walking and I do get dizziness but neither of these contributed to me falling over. It was two mini pot holes in the roads, one right outside my house. Thankfully there have been people around to help me get up but it got me thinking, what do I do if I fall over and I'm alone, there is no way I'm able to get up. I remember last year I got stuck on my living room floor for an hour because I couldn't get up. I had to bum shuffle to the bottom of my stairs and lift myself up onto the bottom step. I refuse to let it stop me getting out and about but what do I do.

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Dolly260 profile image
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19 Replies
FionaVanDieken profile image

It's a scary situation eh. I was referred to an active option exercise class by physiotherapy and there they teach you good balance exercises and give you great tips for those scary situations. My balance has improved massively since I started. Things will get better and you will feel more confident about looking after yourself. I hope your pain eases soon x

Dolly260 profile image
Dolly260 in reply to FionaVanDieken

Thank you. I don't see a physiotherapist but have looked online for balance exercises and will give them a try.

oldtimer profile image

It would be worth discussing this with the physio. They can give you exercises which you do to improve your balance and also teach you how to get up safely from the floor. I've found it very helpful and improved my confidence about going out and about no end.

A tai chi class would also help if you can find a beginners class near you.

Dolly260 profile image
Dolly260 in reply to oldtimer

Thank you for your reply. I don't see a physiotherapist but have looked online for balance exercise to do. Hopefully it's just a blip.

AgedCrone profile image

It’s a good idea to speak to a physio & get some advice about making sure you are walking in the right way...that might sound funny...but either as we get older or as our RA develops, we tend not to lift our feet up enough as we walk. Hence we trip more easily.

I find trainers & other spongey soled shoes are very easy to trip in.

If you continue tripping have you thought of getting one of the alarms you wear on a chain around your neck-it is connected to a central point & if you fall you just press the button on it & they answer through a little box you have in your house. They have a key to your house or you leave one with a neighbour.

My elderly aunt had one .....after a lot of persuasion....but once she got used to it really helped her. In fact I think sometimes she pressed it just to have a chat.!

Dolly260 profile image
Dolly260 in reply to AgedCrone

Thank you for your reply. Like before I don't see a physiotherapist. I do wear trainers but only because I can't wear shoes but I think it's more me than my footwear.

The neck alarm thing sounds like a good idea but just makes me feel old and I'm not old. Particularly with having to have grab rails and shower installed because of RA. If it happens that I'm falling over more then I'll just have to admit defeat and get one.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Dolly260

Believe me .....I am old......but remember age is only a number on a piece of paper - I know people years older than me who carry on as if they were half my age but then I know people who are half my age who carry on as if they are double my age. Don’t let your RA rule your life....take charge of it.

Have you spoken to your doctor about your unsteadiness and the dizziness .... That could be something really simple like wax in your ears ...don’t just struggle along because you think if you go to the doctor with something it makes you feel old.

Next time you fall you may break something and that is really inconvenient believe me-I fell and broke my arm a couple of years ago and not being able to drive for six weeks was really inconvenient.....not to mention the nasty lump I now have on my arm where I broke it.

So do make an appointment to see your doctor who may refer you to a vestibial disturbance physiotherapist.....who may be able to help with the dizziness.... Because although you don’t think that caused your last fall it probably does cause the unsteadiness.

Dolly260 profile image
Dolly260 in reply to AgedCrone

Thank you for your advice. I think my dizziness is down to the medication, as I never had it before i started taking them. I will definitely see my doctor after Christmas. Thank you for your help, it has been very useful.

GranAmie profile image

I have a simple Doro phone just for calls and texts which can be put . on a neck lanyard. Handy in those situations and easy to use, has a section to record your meds etc. and alarm button to call nominated person. I'm told there are similar things in watches which also show bp but don't know them yet [someone said MK but i have no idea]. wdn't it be great if we cd all get hidden airbags tho'. best wishes 2u

Dolly260 profile image
Dolly260 in reply to GranAmie

I think I'm in need of the air bags lol. I was thinking maybe I should get some knee pads and elbow pads. You can by the watches that make calls but they are horrendously expensive.

GranAmie profile image
GranAmie in reply to Dolly260

not in tesco LOL. on contract maybe £10 a month, or buy outright £30 -£ 40 and do top ups [pay as you go].. i used tesco vouchers for mine... doesn't make calls 4u but if you do fall, the ICE section in it [in case of emergencies] gives your chosen contact numbers and medical conditions, medications etc. it's not the sort of fancy phone people wd steal .. my g'kids wd groan if i offered them one, but if u did collapse again the ambulance people know to check as do many others nowadays. BTW think abt getting ears checked for infection as this can cause falls too. anyways, good luck .. sorry for typos - fat fingers :). hope santa was good 2u x

lolamylo profile image

Oh not good-I hadnt had a fall for some time until last week but it is due to my knees simply giving way!! Down the house stairs I went with a slip, slide and bump-bruises everywhere and aching in places I didnt know I had.

I woud get it checked out to make sure nothing else is going on. Merry Christmas to all x

Dolly260 profile image
Dolly260 in reply to lolamylo

I think I'm going to give it till after Christmas and see how I am. If I manage to stay upright then I'll just mention it at my next rumy appointment. I find I'm ok at home, many things to hold onto and I do have an extra hand rail on my stairs just in case.

Yogi-bear123 profile image

2 big falls plus a few minor ones. Broke my wrist and stitches on my face from another...UGH☹️ Both injuries out of the country!!I just try to be more aware about how I’m walking now... think all the meds mess with your balance...

Dolly260 profile image
Dolly260 in reply to Yogi-bear123

Oh no, that's what I'm scared of, broken bones and stitches, I never broken any bones before. My mum said that too but I said I am fat so I just bounce. I do try to be very aware of how I'm walking and will just have to pay more attention to it in future.

Lolabridge profile image

I keep my mobile phone on me at all times so I can phone for help if I fall or am incapacitated in any other way.

Have you considered why you keep falling over? Is there a pattern to the incidents? Perhaps it would be a good idea to discuss possibilities with your doctor soon.

LKD67 profile image

Hi, I have been on methotrexate and cortisone for 20 years now and I’m 52. Last week I tripped and fell outside my office landing on my face! I cut my lip, bruised my nose and chin, broke my ring finger, badly sprained my wrist, tore the ligaments in my shoulder, and have very very bad bruising and liquid on the knee which is really painful. I am concerned as this has never happened to me before but I don’t remember actually falling, just a man trying to help me up.

Dolly260 profile image
Dolly260 in reply to LKD67

Oh no sorry to hear that.

Touch wood, I haven't had a fall since but I tend to watch what I'm doing now.

Might be a good idea to see your doctor if you don't remember falling. You sustained quite a lot of injuries, I do hope you feel better soon.

LKD67 profile image

Hi, thanks for your reply. I will mention it to my rheumy. :-)

Take care!

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