I am wondering if I have a return of Morton's Neuroma. My toe next to my little toe is so painful to walk on, I have seen a Podiatrist,she prescribed insoles, which are too stiff so not much help. Will this be made worse by RA I wonder?.Should I see a Specialist, or resort to some sort of dressing over the counter
nerve pain in my toe: I am wondering if I have a return... - NRAS
nerve pain in my toe

Have you thought of asking if a steroid injection might help....they often work well on neuromas?
Hi I had a cortico- steroid ultrasound guided last year & has worked for 15 months now. However, I ditched all shoes with flat hard soles including slippers on the advice of my consultant as he said that was the cause & not RA. I now wear Skechers everything including slippers & some jazzy diamanté wedge sandals along with “normal” trainers. Hope this helps 😍
I've had this for years on and off. When it's really lively, I use surgical tape to tie the two toes to the right of the little one together, to immobilise the one that fires the nerve signals. It works for me. No steroid injection for the last three years. Worth a try? All the best.
so I could tape the two toes to the left of my little one ? ( the right foot being my problem)
Iv got what I call toe socks, you place over the toe makes it very comfortable I buy them from the chemist
Oooooo good idea will try that one myself
Hi. I’ve got this pain myself in both feet. Seen different specialists and can’t get a consensus on whether it is caused by Morton’s Neuroma (I.e. not caused by RD) or whether it is inflamed bursa (caused by RD) pressing on the nerves!
I’ve had a few steroid injections in them over the last few years, with varying degrees of success for me, but they are definitely worth a try. Orthotics too, and I echo the above comments about avoiding hard soled shoes. I might have to try the toe tape suggestion too!
thank you monkeysmum, hadn't thought of a bursa, I read how important it is to get a correct diagnosis,seems it is not an easy one this, maybe a scan of some sort?
Yeah, I have had a few ultrasound scans which have managed to come up with different diagnoses. It seems to me that much depends on the skill of the ultrasound operator being able to manipulate the feet well enough to get good pictures of the area between each toe, as well as the interpretation of the medic reviewing the pictures.
One specialist podiatry radiographer told me that it was particularly difficult to get good scan results in small feet (I am a freakishly small size 3!) as there just isn’t much of a gap between the toes, and from what I have read, the two conditions can look quite similar on scans.
The difficulty that has left me with is that the foot surgeon is reluctant to do a Morton’s Neuroma operation, whilst there is a chance it could just be bursitis. So I am in a ‘wait and see’ position whilst we try to get my RD symptoms to stabilise (I started my first biological 12 weeks ago) and then see if the pain still remains.
For you though, if you haven’t had a scan yet I would definitely push for one through either your GP or rheumatology department? Maybe your feet will be easier to scan than mine?!!
thanks again monkeysmum. I take a size seven! I see my Rheumatologist next month, so will ask his advice, and try to action him into getting me a scan !
I had this problem useless insoles so as aged crone sayes steriod injection is first point of call then operation. Its a small operation in and out same day so ask to see an othopedic surgeon. I did that and no issues at all.
Hello I have had Morton's Neuroma diagnosed for about 7 years now it was 6 cm across according to consultant. I had one steroid injection as outpatient with ultrasound and on my next visit it had completely disappeared! I was supposed to have two more injections but obviously did not have these. Insoles are useless I am size 7 with wide feet and I cannot get shoes to fit me if I try to put insoles inside. I think it has returned several times since original diagnosis it seems to flare up and then go away. I just wear the most comfortable shoes I can lace ups in winter and canvas shoes or sturdy sandals in summer. Unfortunately RA does cause flat feet which does not help and if I wear shoes that are flimsy or hard soled I think it puts pressure on toes which then become inflamed. That's my theory anyway! Best wishes for finding a solution.