I am getting orthotics and my feet have RA and also I have osteoarthritis in the joint where my big toe joins my foot. The doctor said he could put a toe splint in under my big toe. Has anyone had anything like this? Thanks.😀
orthotics and big toe joint: I am getting orthotics and... - NRAS
orthotics and big toe joint

I have custom-made orthotics and wear them in my shoes all the time. They have made a huge difference as I also have osteoarthritis in my feet and ankles. I have needed to buy wider shoes to accommodate the orthotics even though I trimmed them a but.
I hope you find they help you a lot.
No, but I’ve worn a Scholl toe pad in the past but not needed it recently. I got some really great wide fit trainers wedge (non fashion) support and I’m back to walking daily. Not far but a mile in 40 mins woodland/terrain is good for me. Remotely with my mask just in case and with my OH so it is safe. My toes/feet/ankles have multiple issues with RA & OA. Hope your toe splint gives you much relief! 💗
I have custom made orthotics (insoles) which have really helped, particularly my overpronation. I don't have a toe splint though. Can I ask why in particular he thinks it necessary, other than the toe is affected by OA. Just interested as I think mine need revising, or new ones made, as my foot shape has changed since mine were made around 8 years ago.
I read that special in soles need replacing g every two years, certainly mine have broken but they are ten years old now.

I went last year as mine were getting tatty but they said because I hadn’t been the previous year I had been discharged! I told them that that was very unfair as it had been during lockdown. They said if I don’t go yearly they presume I don’t need them! I’ve now got to wait for re referral.
I think it is to stop the joint from bending. He said it was up to me if I wanted it. I just got a cortisone shot which has helped: My family doctor said it will stop me from linedancing which I am hoping to get back into by getting the orthotics so I am unsure of what to fo.
hope the shot is lasting, please let me know as I’m hoping for this treatment in both feet soon.

it has been two weeks and the shot has been amazing.
that’s good to know, I can’t wait to get mine and hopefully before xmas
I couldn’t get on with orthotics at all . I already have to buy 4 eeee s wide and any insoles just make so goes fill tight. Now they say they will make me some shoes. I know they won’t be much good. Years ago before they made me shoes on the NHS and it’s not that I don’t feel greatful it’s just that they are made too heavy. My feet are a very depressing subject. I suffer from hot foot syndrome too and if I could go about my life without shoes on at all , I gladly would do. 😂
that’s nice of you to reply, when I see some people so comfortable in their shoes and so much so they don’t have to take them off at all for hours and there’s me can’t wait to take my footwear off , even socks sometimes irritate me. Even sandals are not right because the footbeds are usually too hard, so the only ones I can cope with are those pull on canvas sketchers ; then I think it was last year they even altered those . What shoes do you get on with? I have very poor arches , I wish I could just wrap my feet up in cotton wool I would do that. ,!!!
I have RA in my big toe joints, knees, hips etc and have walked badly for the last 40 years as a result. October 2020 I ruptured two lower muscles and one in my foot. Fast forward to now - during recovery my physio taught me how to strap my calf and foot with kenitik tape which is basically a huge roll of sticky backed tape of varying strengths depending on need. It’s available in Boots and online and I’ve seen instructional videos of how to apply. For arches it’s brilliant as it’s cheap, easy, disposable and crucially thin so suitable under most shoes. I’ve seen it in colours and nude. You can apply at will and it survive about three baths.
I usually wear runners and ten year old orthotics. Lately I have had to wear soft crocs so the bottoms of my feet are padded. Do you have crocs where you live? The foot doctor asked if I needed dress shoe orthotics or orthotics for cowboy boots. I wish! My feet hurt too much to have a foot wardrobe. I feel sad sometimes when everyone is talking about their steps each day. Wouldn’t it be nice to go 10 000 steps a day without a second thought!!!!
orthotics helped me a lot with this issue. Made my foot flex more evenly and took the pressure off of my big toe joint.
Hi, sorry to hear you are having issues. I have lots of issues with my toes, feet and ankles too - rheumatoid and osteoarthritis in both feet plus 2 cysts in my right foot. I’ve also had major surgery on my left foot as the arch completely collapsed. My advice is if it’s causing lots of discomfort then keep pushing to be seen and for MRI scans so they see if anything else is occurring. Orthotics will wear out and my new podiatrist says sees he will see me every 18months to 2 yrs to check gait, talk to me etc before replacing them. My orthotics are made to measure from casts of my feet and 2/3 in length so do fit easily in my shoes. All my shoes are laced and have some firmness to the structure. I struggle to walk without anything on my feet! I don’t have splints under my big toe, even though it has severe OA in and I can’t move it! What I do is take paracetamol and in extreme discomfort cocodamol before I Nordic walk, and know my limits. Hope you get back to dancing!
May I ask if the surgery for your collapsed arch was successful?
I have poor gait due to 40 years of hip and knee RA pain. In the last 30 years both big toe joints have been very painful and a recent (2020) lower leg muscle and foot injury has left me with a limp and collapsed arch. I’m limited to walking boots or arch support Reikers or sketchers and really hope to return to a low wedge at least, hence my interest in the results of surgery?

I had, in lay term, ‘acquired flat foot syndrome’. Basically I injured a tendon and then that set off a series of injuries including torn ligaments and a displaced heel bone. When they operated my RD had attacked the tendon and basically eaten it so they had to replace that tendon, broke my heel and pinned it back in place and then did something to the ligament on the other side 😯 I was non weight bearing for 6 wks then another 6 wks in a boot and then physio for 6 months. But, it has worked I can walk again and without too much discomfort. My other foot is a completely different situation with the OA doing most the damage. But no shoe unless it’s for show! Sorry 😞 Hope you get some kind of solution!
thank you for your frank response, very useful as further damage to my ankle caused by Enthesitis had followed my injury. Thanks again
oh I feel your pain and frustration, I have severe arthritis in my big toe, it doesn’t move anymore and the pain is horrible. Just saw a podiatrist last week, she said it’s too advanced to do anything , put me off surgery for it. She told me to bring a few of my shoes to let her see them, only one passed the test 🙁. I love shoes but not anymore, she advised trainers or shoes with a very low wedge, the front of the shoe has to kind of be turned up and running shoes like Asics are the only shoes that will help support my foot, I have a few pairs of my lovely shoes about to go to the charity shop but not had the courage to do so yet, I actually hate trainers, I wear them for gardening but the sketchers I have are not suitable she told me. I’m glad trainers are very fashionable just now but I love a nice court shoe but they are a big no no for me. Looking at boots right now, so annoying. Best wishes.
liking the post doesn’t seem right! I’m sorry to hear your experience, but it is so familiar to me. Gone now are all my shoes! Over the last three years I have had to embrace and have learnt to rock the skirt/dress and boot look. I have found Clarks have a good selection of laced ankle boots which aren’t too chunky. And, as they come in various widths and half sizes I’ve found ones to fit my orthotics in. I have 2 pairs of shoes. I found a nice pair of suede t-bar closed toe shoes with a low block heel. These are my dressing up shoes 😉 when I need them and for summer I have a pair of wedge shoes which have a strap around my ankle. Otherwise it’s trainers. My podiatrist has ‘approved’ my trainers from Hotter. Hope you find something comfortable. Think we need to have a thread on rocking the trainer and boot look!
Hi…..my RA started in my feet. ..it was like walking on pebbles. In the end I had an op on both feet. The surgeon removed bunions, then fused both big toes. He removed all the metatarsal heads. It was painful after, i cant lie, but eventually I was able to walk without pain. The downside was no heels higher than 1”. At the time I should have had some insoles made but that didnt happen. Years later at podiatry they suggested I have some. We went privately. Long story short, my feet wouldnt tolerate the change….they had been in that position for far too long, so I binned them. I am managing fine with Skechers shoes. If I had been given insoles after the op, it probably would have worked well. Good luck