Has anyone else developed high blood pressure since being on RA medication I am currently on leflunomide and Ustekinumab (sterlala)?
Has anyone else developed high blood pressure since being on RA medication I am currently on leflunomide and Ustekinumab (sterlala)?
Hi MrsSMS I have high blood pressure am on medication and am on Leflunomide 10mg I think it increases my BP I went to my Rheumatologist last week I told him I will like to stop Leflunomide so am of it for now until I see hm in March 2020 I hope this help
I have now been put on medication from the dr, but worried about all the different meds and what they do in the long term. Let me know if your reduces
Leflunonide is known for raising BP. Have you looked at all the advice about how to help yourself keep it low? As it can make a big difference, and stop you needing to take more drugs. I no longer have to take them.
Also talk to your rheumy about whether a drug other than Leflunomide would be a good idea.
Hi yes I have been following all the advice, manage to keep of the high blood pressure medication for a year but just recently it been creeping up, I have a blood pressure machine at home to help monitor I am hoping the tablets are a short term thing. Apart from the diet and exercise would you recommend anything else to do x
yes mine was raised on leflunamide
Yes. Me. I was told inflammation will raise the BP. It’s taken a year, but much better now.
Hi I’m on Sulfasalazine and now have high blood pressure. I never had it before even when I was pregnant. ☹️
I've been on leflunomide for nine months and I do suspect it has raised my BP just a little bit. But mine has always tended toward being low, so a little rise isn't a concern for me. And it could be due to something else, as the upward movement didn't occur until a couple of months ago, after I'd been on leflunomide for awhile.
Yes I now have to take high blood pressure medication.
It IS because of taking prednisone & Biologicals. Currently on IV Infusion Actemra (which by the way is not working either!!!)
Me too! I was on Leflunomide for 6 months and had high blood pressure for the first time ever! I came of it but the BP problems remained so I'm now on Ramipril - I had to gradually go up the doses to 10mg daily, it's now 2 years on and it's at last evening out! Jury is still out as to whether it was the disease or the drugs to blame! M x