All done and dusted in 2 hours. Not too sure how I feel right now I dont know if he and I were on the same wave length but he has done new bloods on everything as my bloods from local GP were not on file. He did squeeze joints moment and yes I have swellings and nodules. Xrays done of hands and awaiting ultra sound bookingand been booked to see nurses in 4 weeks and IF bloods say what he wants to see I am going on Methx but till then stay as I am on OA pills and if I need Pred take it but he said preferred if I did not as not good for body long term so stay off as long as I can cope.
1st Rheumy Consult done: All done and dusted in 2 hours... - NRAS
1st Rheumy Consult done
I hope you don't mind me asking, but you mention OA drugs. Would you mind telling me what you take. I'm on Mtx and Leflunomode for my RA and have been on Pred for years (for Vasculitis) and it caused Osteoporosis. Which is probably why your GP doesn't want you to take them for too long.
For OA I have been on Pregablin (past year but had amtriplyine and gaberpartin) plus co codamol for pain and then Neproxan for anti inflamm. I also take Vit D and Vit K and anti acid pills.
I was on Pred for about 7 weeks when local GP saw me and could see a wreck but consultant today said if you cant move, in so much pain and falling apart take Pred but try to stay off it if you can.
Ok... So nothing concrete just yet, but nodules are indicative of RD so he's being considered in his diagnosis. I've been on MTX 10 years, it's been a really good med for me, only more recently not as good as it could be. You'll have read here that it's often the first DMARD prescribed, keep an open mind as you'll also have read some don't get on with it but do remember that those who do are far more, they just don't come on here, because they've no need basically!
You're on similar to me for your OA, pregabalin & co-co's but I'm still on amitriptyline & been on naproxen (& 5 other NSAIDs) but it's etoricoxib that works best for me. Have tried gabapentin prior to pregabalin but it didn't help, even on maximum dose.
I hope the ultrasound & bloods come back conclusive, well you know what I mean, you want confirmation really don't you?!
nomoreheels thank you for being positive as I want ot be able to throw pills down me and get back to life even on a wonky scale will do! To be fair none on the ami/gab/preg do much for me or the naproxen so local GP waiting to see and then we will discuss what else we can do

It's refreshing to hear that! Get em down you & get on with living life. Oh one OA med I forgot, you reminded me saying nothing does much so might be something for you to consider/read up on & bring up with your GP. It's pain relief again but patches, Butec (or BuTrans, I've been prescribed both). They've helped so much with the daily pain, better than any other pain relief I've tried. Ask if you can try an alternate NSAID too, if naproxen isn't working there are others. Thought it was worth mentioning anyhow.
oh fab info thanks will be armed with this next week x
It’s step one done with. Ultrasound will show up any inflammation, fluid or damage . Let’s hope things start improving quickly
Thank goodness he sounds as though he has been thorough. Very annoying the bloods results done by GP were not available for the appointment though. It's good that you're to have ultrasound too.
All I would say is that whilst I agree nobody wants to have to take oral steroids if they don't need to they will probably make you feel so much better immediately. In view of the terrible time you've had recently and possible problem brewing at work you may wish to reconsider and take them. Also it will probably take a while for the MTX to become effective and steroids in the meantime could be really helpful. I know I can't manage without them at the moment and I don't have to go out to work like you! Let's face it, the consultant may not want you to take them if you can avoid it but he isn't you and has not been struggling and suffering as you have. x
I agree with Lolabridge,taking the steroids till the methotrexate kicks in would probably make you feel human again,as the methotrexate can take up to 12wks to work if it’s going to.just taper them back down slowly.
That seems like a good start. Short term steroids rather than pregabalin and co co and amitriptyline , might be an option , as you don't want to be on that combination too long either.
Glad you finally got your appt. Still a bit of a wait to see what they find. I hope you can be as comfortable as possible meantime.
Well like you say that's it over and done with now. It's a pity he didn't have a scanner in the examining room. That would have been one less wait and would have told him so much. He might have started you on methotrexate right away even without the blood results. The sooner you start taking it, the sooner it starts working. I don't know what, if any, the difference is but maybe a long lasting steroid injection into the muscle would have been an option rather than the pills. Anyway, you're in the system now and the process has started which is the important thing. Hope today and the weekend are one of your better ones 🙂
thanks all I feel I need the steroids as I feel like I am going down a rabbit hole of hell so will start them tomorrow and keep it low dose whilst I wait for results and info xx