Just wanted a bit of advice , I've been on sulfasalazine 2grams a day now for about 2 weeks, today I had really bad pain in my index finger all day I took some naproxen but the pain is still there and it's really got to me today , can I increase my dose , I'm going to ring the RA nurse tomorow but it's been quite bad today any advice ?
Pain in finger : Just wanted a bit of advice , I've... - NRAS
Pain in finger

After only two weeks the sulphasalazine won’t have started working yet. I can take weeks, if not months. Sorry! So it’s unlikely the nurse will want to increase it yet. Ask her about changing pain relief.
Have you tried hot and cold compresses to take the edge of the pain off, or a wax bath can really help hands.
This sort of thing
Sadly you have to give the drugs time to work.
You can call your Rhumotogist, and speak to her/ him, and he / she will get back to you. But sometimes it is a pain to get through to the hospital, it is better if you have a mobile, give them the number, it is easier for them to get in contact with you, and explain your situation to them. It is easier for you as well. Hope it helps, I had to restart Salfasaizine again, as I was off it for a while, they always start with a small dose, one tablet once a day, then increase it to two or three.
Hope this is helpful.
Hi. I don’t think increasing the sulphasalazine will help in the short term. A wax bath can help along with an antinflammatory like naproxen and co-codamol. This is codeine and paracetamol so don’t take if you are allergic to either ingredient. I have found anti oedema gloves are also very helpful. You can get these from Amazon or some high street pharmacies Hope this helps