Hello all, I had been in remission for several months, then had a really bad flare,( not on any meds ) was put on prednisone which saw it off in a couple of days, but now having the most horrible cramps at night, mainly feet, & calf, also hands during the day which is not great! Would be so grateful if anyone could help with a solution as I am so tired so is the OH! Many thanks, Gillian
Cramp!: Hello all, I had been in remission for several... - NRAS

Maybe try tonic water or plenty of water as it might be due to dehydration that can cause cramps. The warmer weather can do this. Tonic water has quinine in it that helps with cramps. I suffer with cramp all over my body. It’s really painful.
Have tried all that Matilda, with no result apart from running to the loo!😁 did wonder if it was related to the previous flare. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, going to give 2.5 litres water & 3 tonic waters a try today, although I only had one calf cramp last night it was very painful & still aching this morning, once again many thanks. X
Maybe your treatments stopped working and you need changed just a thought
It sounds like you need a medicine review, I get cramping when the RD is not well controlled.
Thankyou, have to see rheumy nurse in August, sorry you have a similar problem, but at least now I know I’m not the only one. Hopefully we both will get it sorted!
How is your Potassium level? If it’s low it causes cramps plus lots of other symptoms similar to those of RA! As I am finding out ☹️
It's worth checking with your GP that there is nothing awful happening. Himself and I used to take Indian Tonic water for cramp but were recently told that athletes prefer magnesium as a remedy. I bought magnesium plus vitamin B6 and we take that in the morning with a large glass of water. So far it's working very well.
It seems daft but I find Marmite helps! But not entirely and I always have more cramp when I have to have an increase of prednisolone.
I have had a problem with cramp off and on since I was only 19 years old (I am in my 60's now). It is quite bad just at the moment and in the night I wake up with it in my ankles and all up my leg, both the front and back and also the sides. I often scream out with it and wake my husband up who has to try to rub it. I used to manage to get out of bed somehow and stretch but I can't manage to do that now.
When I was in my twenties I had a spell of it that was so bad that it went on for days and I couldn't straighten my legs out properly. I told the GP that I had then all about it but he just dismissed it and didn't suggest anything to help.
Over the years I have found that tonic water helps sometimes, that magnesium tablets have helped at other times and that I need to keep hydrated and sometimes take a bit of salt on my meals, but I have never found an answer that is all that good.
That sounds horrific! Hopefully will find an answer soon, if I do I will let you know! X
Bananas and tonic water work for me when I get cramp.
I think my first time posting here but I have a quick fix for leg cramps. Kosher dill pickle juice! I hobble into the kitchen with a leg or foot cramp, open the refrigerator and take 2 sips right out of the pickle jar,-no one at my house actually eats pickles-and by the time I stumble back to bed, they are gone.
The long term fix is potassium. I take 1200mg a day. The amount was calibrated by my GP. Even with that amount, I still need to resort to pickle juice once in a while...
Hope this helps..