I’m currently awaiting to start self injectable Methotrexate. I know my RA is progressing and I’m struggling to cope . The swelling in joints/burning pain and exhaustion is incredible. I’m unable to make a full week at work and feel suck guilt. How long does it take for these injections to make a difference? Any advice please 🙏🏼
Debilitating exhaustion : I’m currently awaiting to... - NRAS
Debilitating exhaustion

Hello, the first thing is don't push yourself, if you are not able to work then maybe a little time off is needed, you do not want to cause damage to your joints, so no over exertion.
Methotrexate takes a number of weeks to really kick in and improvements can occur up 'till 12 weeks. So no quick fix, it's a long term solution. Have you had anything to help you in the meantime, a steroid injection perhaps ? If not it is worth asking for. Do let us know how you get on ?
I’m taking Hydroxychloroquine and I’ve had a steroid injection but it only gave relief for 3 weeks.
I’m so shattered and have no clue how to cope . I think you’re right and I need to perhaps be signed off for a few weeks ..
thank you 😊
Yes, see your GP for a note, you need to rest, and be "Kind to Yourself" and listen to your body!!
I have been waiting for TWO YEARS for a RA medication to work!
Endless flares in wrists & shoulders! (always comes in two's)
ENDLESS! Everyday!
The only thing that is helping to take the edge of the flares is prednisone. However, because none of the other RA medications are working my RA doctor has kept me on prednisone for wayyyyy to long! Been on methotrexate, Enbrel, Humira, Xelzanze and now started IV INFUSIONS! (Acterma) and waiting to see if this will be the "one". As of 1 month...still flaring!!
I now have a condition from all that prednisone called Cushing Goid!
My long hair has broken of at the shoulders & thinning, blood pressure sky high, I had so much fluid build up in my ankles & body overall that my GP (not my RA dr!!) had to put me on Lasix & blood pressure medication! Thank God for my GP or I think I may be dead by now! RA dr only thinks about RA medications. He knows about all these things my GP had to do for me too!! (Maybe time for new RA doctor?)
I have to take the Laxis about every two days or my ankles swell up to the size of Hillary Clinton's!! lol!
I have these two fat pads protruding off the side of my neck, shortness of breath from fluid buildup, gained 25 lbs which is a HUGE amount on my very small petite frame!
Not really funny but we must have some humor in all this RA crap or we will go INSANE with confusion on why all the RA medications given are NOT working!
Last weekend I slept & slept & slept. The whole weekend was wasted & then back to work on Monday!
RA doctor says be patient we will find something that works! Be patient? Really!!
Very very frustrating!
So sorry to hear you are having a tough time. I am currently going through the same thing, I can only suggest like you said humour and being gentle with yourself. I hope and pray you will get relief soon.
Hi Collielover - I can relate I am so darn drained I just want to hibernate. I don't know how I found the energy to juice carrots and spinach hoping this would help 😌 I decided to take today off work as the exhaustion is at the top end coupled with pain 😬. I am looking to relax, eat well mostly soup so my body does not need to get more exhausted with breaking down food, and throw in some supplements - magnesium and vit D. Take it easy, hope this fatigue goes soon.
Methotrexate can take up to 12 weeks to show ant benefits. I have been taking it for some time and still experience serious fatigue and varying degrees of pain. I have had my dosage increased but need to discuss the possibility of a further increase. Like all RA medications it seems to work better for some people than for others. Good luck.
Hi I started methotrexate injections 5 years ago for RA 15 mg to begin with along with hydroxy and prednisolone .this was increased to 20mg for about a year and now I am down to 12.5 mg and 1 hydroxy.i was weaned off the prednisolone about 3 years ago initially I was in so much pain but now thanks to the methotrexate (this was started about 5 months after hydroxy as I was afraid to go on it because of all the negative stories) my RA is completely under control (touch wood) sometimes I feel a bit groggy and yucky the day after but doesn’t stop me doing anything .most of the time I don’t have any side effects methotrexate for me has been brilliant good luck forgot to say took adopt 10 to 12 weeks to work
I hope this works for you, it didn't work for me. I had a horrible time on it but what I really wanted to say is don't push yourself. During flares it's important to treat yourself like bone china. Rest, hydrate and eat well. Go for walks whenever possible, work will always be there, it's not going anywhere. Get a note from the doctors and look after you because pushing yourself will only make things worse.
I am wishing you well soon and take care.
I smiled when I read this, so glad that you have the worry of work off your back and even better that he will give you as much time as you need.
I am so sorry that you are having a rough time. Inflamed joints are hell on the body and the spirit. Try and do something nice for yourself, rest and I hope meds kick in soon; take care and held in thoughts.
Sending you a {{{{huge cyber hug}}}}
Oh no! Hoping things will improve and this situation subsides asap. Be well.
That is great news, onward and upward!!!
I am not at my best today and spent half of today in bed swollen, exhausted and pain in my leg muslces; so gave up trying to get up and just listened to the radio and slept.