Staying well on biologics…: Good evening, I’m new to... - NRAS


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Staying well on biologics…

EmJ79 profile image
27 Replies

Good evening, I’m new to biologics. I’ve been on adalimumab (and methotrexate) for about 4 months…. Had to pause today for a while due to a horrible throat infection requiring AB’s.

Do all biologics make you really susceptible to infections?? If so, any advice on how to keep myself well? (Supplements, diets etc etc I’d love to try a more natural way of helping myself)

I’m not sure it’s helping my RA amazingly.

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EmJ79 profile image
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27 Replies
Neonkittie17 profile image

Not always! I had Enbrel and Humira and no infections and neither for the first five years of Rituximab. I do follow the guidelines re no pate and uncooked soft cheese and raw egg etc as that makes a lot of sense. I think anyone not on biologics could easily get these infections too so it doesn’t follow you’ll get things but altering the immune and weakening it does make it more likely to pick things up. I didn’t for the first seven years of taking biologics apart from one brief Norovirus as a confused lady at my Mum’s residential touched my face and lips and next day ..... ugh.

I kept myself away from people with colds etc all I could but I was at college and also doing voluntary work so not keeping myself that separate from other people so it doesn’t mean you’ll get everything going but of course you should be careful. Hope you feel better soon. Check with your rheumy re supplements and vitamins. Mine is fine with me taking vitamin C, zinc and vitamin D especially. Some supplements don’t go well with prescribed medications so always check. I do have honey and a probiotic also with my rheumy’s approval.

Potatos profile image

Had no infections since starting biologics (Humira and now Amgevita) more than 15 years ago. Touch wood!

Piwacket profile image

I am on same treatment as yourself and not had many infections but to be fair haven’t done as much socially due to Covid

However I am also interested in improving my health as much as possible and try to eat 30 different plant foods per week - I still eat meat and fish - 30 per week not difficult includes herbs , spices nuts,seeds pulses, beans veg and fruit etc

This is science based on improving your gut health as it is now thought that 70% of your immune system is based in your gut

Lots of eminent immunologists and epidemiologists you can research

Such as professor Tim Spector - very

Interesting stuff

HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply to Piwacket

Love Tim Spector. I did the challenge for 30 veg etc...on the weight loss site on here. I did end up stuck with a celeriac. I kept being told how marvellous it was. Sadly I disagreed 😂😂😂

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to HappykindaGal

Love Tim Spector too.

Wobbies profile image
Wobbies in reply to Piwacket

Oh thanks for that info - I did not realise that you could include the herbs and spices to count towards your 30. My rheumy is very keen on the 30 plant based foods per week, but thought I had never achieved it. Now I know that I can include herbs etc. I probably have. Love you lot n this forum - so much knowledge.

RAexperiences profile image
RAexperiences in reply to Piwacket

Sure is! I just finished “the health revolution summit with john robbins…really great. I’m trying the 30 variety as well…

skinnycappuccino profile image

Good morning EmJ79 🍀 I'm sorry you're not feeling to great at the moment, I hope the antibiotics clear the infection up very soon.

Yes, I think in general, biologics do make you more susceptible to infections. However, I've been on biologics for 9 years and I've hardy caught any infections at all. I don't take any supplements, except for vitamin D, which my rheumy prescribes every autumn/winter (but some years I forgot to take it!). I don't have a particularly healthy diet eiher, I'm ashamed to say 🙈! My strategy for keeping well is staying away from public transport during the winter months as much as I can and taking a hand disinfectant everywhere. I've been doing this for years (so nothing to do with Covid) on my rheumy's suggestion. I also go out everyday in every weather because I feel that helps me keep well.

Hope this helps a bit!

All the best,

Christine ☀️

EmJ79 profile image
EmJ79 in reply to skinnycappuccino

Great advice, the thing I forgot to add is I have 2 young children (one at nursery and one in primary) they catch bloody everything, oh and I’m a paediatric nurse! (PPE helps!)So I’m up against it as far as staying away from ill people!! 😂

skinnycappuccino profile image
skinnycappuccino in reply to EmJ79

Oh I can see that would be a "bit" of a challenge 🙈!!! xx

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to skinnycappuccino

I’m with you SC…on a Biologic 6 years, eat & drink what I like, Vit D Oct/Apr…this year all year due to being indoors more….can’t remember the last time I took ABs.

Sadly it seems a fact that some develop infections on medications & some don’t….& there appears no way to forecast who will or who won’t….although those who have suffered chest infections in the past do seem to be the most susceptible…..but that may just be coincidental?.

Shana8 profile image

I have been on different biologics for 10 years.. and before that mtx. After quitting mtx and doing biologics only, I've have had no infections. Never sick! 👍🏼

Katie-Mag profile image

Sorry to hear about your throat infection.I also take Amgevita and Methotrexate. The Amgevita worked really quickly for me - pretty much symptom free now, hooray! I understand it’s often a game of trial and error to find the right biologic for you.

I’m also a fan of Tim Spector and am also currently reading a book by Emily Johnson which is in a similar vein.

Overall I haven’t had many infections (but work from home) however I have currently got COVID!

EmJ79 profile image
EmJ79 in reply to Katie-Mag

Thank you, that’s really interesting! Bought myself some probiotics yesterday funnily enough! Will research those people. Thanks 😊

helixhelix profile image
helixhelix in reply to EmJ79

Read what Tim Spector has to say about them….some of them are just a waste of money.

EmJ79 profile image
EmJ79 in reply to Katie-Mag

Also, wow! Training for a marathon…. I’m following your posts now. Gives me hope 😊

helixhelix profile image

I’m on Enbrel and MTX and have hardly had as much as a sniffle for years. OH gave me norovirus a couple of years back (he will eat oysters!) but I was less ill than he was.

I am also a Tim Spector groupie….and eat a mainly plant/fish diet but if I want something gooey, fatty and sugary or a steak I have it! As long as only a rare treat of course. What I don’t eat is any highly processed food, which isn’t just junk food but also eg M&S ready meals.

Apart from prescribed vit D I take no supplements as I can get everything I need from my diet. I also eat unpasteurised foods and raw eggs etc quite happily as long as they come from a good source. What I won’t do is eat from an open buffet…

I also make sure I get enough sleep (hard with little kids…) and exercise daily.

It is not automatic that biologics = infections. The strong probability is you do still have a functional immune system.

sylvi profile image

I can no longer take biologicals due to chest infections. I am now on sulpha. and i now have a chest infection so i can't even take them now for the time being.xxxx

CagneysMum profile image

Hi. Everyone’s experience is different and I wouldn’t chance anything without running it past my rheumy team or GP first.

Just over 3 years now since my RA diagnosis and I’ve completed almost a year on adalimumab (amgevita) coupled with methotrexate and hydroxychloroquin. Like you, biologics have been a real game changer for me but I haven’t had any infections during that time. My diet is broad and varied including a glass of wine, soft cheese and pate … I don’t deny myself anything in moderation but I keep processed foods to an absolute minimum (personal choice) so eat whole fat yoghurt and butter etc … just less of it. Still have a couple of stone to lose but slowly getting there. I do take some supplements, collagen powder because methotrexate caused hair loss and I’m now trying to thicken it back up, vitamin B12 mouth spray because it’s good for the immune system and I reckon mine needs help, and vitamin D mouth spray because my consultant recommended it in a bid to help resist bugs and infections. I choose mouth spray rather than tablets because it’s more quickly absorbed by the body rather than traveling through the gut.

I don’t keep away from people and am enjoying getting out and about again, but do still wear a mask indoors or in busy areas.

Hope you find something that works for you. 👍

MJSlide1958 profile image
MJSlide1958 in reply to CagneysMum

Is it ok to take a glass of wine a couple of times a week whilst on MTX tablets??

CagneysMum profile image
CagneysMum in reply to MJSlide1958

Hi. I suggest you should probably really ask your consultant or GP for that advice because we are all different … but I certainly enjoy a couple of glasses of wine a week. 👍

MJSlide1958 profile image
MJSlide1958 in reply to CagneysMum

Thank you, agreed!

HappykindaGal profile image

Morning! This is my third year taking biologics and so far, not had any infection. I eat and drink what I please too - nothing is off limits.

Supplements, I take several - vitamin D spray, vitamin C with something I’ve forgotten, Ashtanga, and Bitter Melon. No idea if they help at all though.

AgedCrone profile image

We are all different….& unfortunately it seems to be that you can get infections …some caused by RA medication of all sorts…but it’s not a given fact that everyone will.In 20+ years, 6 of them on a Biologic, I am fortunate enough not to have had any infections that can be blamed on any of my prescribed RA medication.

I think one thing most people with RA agree on… that a healthy Mediterranean style diet..lots of fresh fruit & vegetables…& very little processed foods is a good start diet wise.

So the answer to your question is No…all Biologics don’t give everyone infections…..of course there is no way your doctors can tell 100% who will develop any sort of infection, so we need to stick with our prescribed drugs until we find those that keep our RA under control.

One thing I would say is…..don’t give up a drug too soon, just because you don’t think it is working….chopping & changing drugs against medical advice early in treatment does not seem to auger well.

I do hope your present drugs soon prove to be successful……a few more months could make all the difference.

Leics profile image

In my experience pre covid whenever I went out I always came home washed my hands and blew my nose as a matter of routine. I’m severely immune suppressed so this stopped me from getting most infections. My family and friends would never visit if they had a virus as they knew it would make me pretty ill. With covid around when I do go out which is rare I will wear gloves and a mask and then again come home wash my hands blow my nose. The one supplement I would definitely recommend though is a probiotic if your gut is in good shape it does help. Even when I’m taking antibiotics I have a probiotic but of course not at the same time or there’s no point. Unfortunately yeah you can be more prone to infection with biologics but I managed to stay healthy for a year whilst on them no infections at all but sadly didn’t last.

weathervane profile image

I hope you start to feel better soon . Im on rituximab and i have had a few infections, i take extra zinc if I feel a cold or sore throat starting and gargle with salty water . My Mum always made us a hot squeezed orange drink with honey if we didn’t feel well , it was her cure for everything !!!

HevJ profile image

Biologics have been a life changer for me. I have been on Benepali now for 4 years. However I easily go down with infections. Bladder and chest infections being the most common. If I cut myself that more than likely turns into an infection and I need AB.Saying all of that…. Since lockdown in March 2020 I have had limited contact with people outside of my friendship circle, work from home, and have 2 teenage girls attending school and Uni - I have had only 1 infection in all that time.

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