Hi I have been on Hydroxychloroquine for 1 1/2 years and about 6mths ago started to get an itch on my neck which settled with some emulsifying ointment but this no longer works. There is nothing to see and I know that an itch can be a side effect of this medication. Just wondering if anybody else has experienced this and how it was resolved. Thanks
Itching : Hi I have been on Hydroxychloroquine for 1... - NRAS

I was on hydroxy- c only for a short time. I got an itch then a rash ended up in anaphylactic shock. Don’t mean to scare you but any thing that may mean a reaction needs to be investigated. I have used ibuprofen for years no problems. Then suddenly severe reaction led to immunologist telling me I’m now allergic to ibuprofen. Be careful I would rather be over cautious our immune systems has a mind if it’s own.
Hi. I was on it for 4 months. I was itching for a while before I realised it was the hydroxychloroquine. It was getting progressively worse. It was terrible after a shower. There was no rash. This was insane itching that started on my lower arms and legs and went everywhere.
Thanks. Did you take anything for it, or did it settle down?
It got progressively worse. I blamed it on other meds, or dry skin and then on chlorine from swimming. I was already taking a antihistamine tablet. I started moisturising with hydrocortisone lotion, thinking it was an external allergic reaction. It didnt help. I eventually got something called "fatty cream" which I smothered on while I was still wet in the shower and slightly rinsed off. It got to the stage where it was stressful to shower. I was using sharp objects to scratch with. I stopped the hydroxychloroquine. My itching stopped. I don't think it would have got better if I had tried to stay on it longer. It was doing great things otherwise - I still haven't found a DMARD that works just as well.
Good if you can stick it out a while longer. I have taken it for 15 years and the itching can happen occasionally, although it tends to be during an increase in dose.
Hi Midwife,
I’m prescribed 5 times the over the counter dose of Certrazine Hydrochloride ( Benadryl) to take as needed to handle the itch of Hydroxychloroquine.
I’ve been on it since 2015 and it makes me want to rip my skin off , unbearable itch ! Literally incapacitating!
What I do now is take the antihistamine alongside my Hydroxychloroquine, morning and night and more as and when throughout the day. I always carry them with me and if I feel any hint of the itch , on my lower legs or forearms then I quickly pop one in.
If I religiously do this it keeps a lid on the itch and I wouldn’t know I had a problem .
It’s almost a prophylactic dosing, that’s how I look at it. Stops the itch before it starts.
When I talked to the rheumatology nurses and Consultant I was told the benefit of Hydroxychloroquine outweighs the itch if I can handle it in this way.
All the best to you, I hope your issues resolve.
That’s very interesting, I’m feeling very itchy at the moment but I thought I’d been bitten by something when I was out - didn’t even think that it might be the Hydroxychloroquine.
I’m still on the basic 200mcg though and if I feel really achy I top up with paracetamol or ibuprofen. I’ve been taking antihistamine for the itch and also for the pollen but not regularly so I’ll try taking it at the same time as my hydroxy.
Hope that advice works for you too Midwife.
Hi, Hydroxy caused me terrible itching, made worse by having a shower. I only resolved it by going off Hydroxy, and it took me about 9 weeks before the worse effects “simmered” down. 6 months later, and I’m still dealing with it, but it’s a lot better than it was. I was advised to use QV shower lotion (I’m in Australia, but I’m sure the brand exists globally) - it didn’t help me much, but it might be worth a try. Hope you get it sorted, the itching is totally miserable, cheers Deb
Just a thought - one thing that has helped is applying Palmer’s Cocoa Butter BEFORE having a shower (bit like a barrier cream) - that helped a lot when I’d stopped taking Hydroxy - I applied it to the body parts that were the worst affected, in my case upper legs, shoulders and upper arms. Might be worth a try before you give it up?