During flares I can hardly lift my arms and hands and fingers are swollen, which makes it difficult getting dressed in normal clothes. Do any of you have suggestions for suppliers of casual tops which are front opening and easy to get on and off, preferably without buttons? I'm also looking for a long zip-fronted kaftan style housecoat.
Clothing advice please: During flares I can hardly lift... - NRAS
Clothing advice please
Do you live somewhere where there is a Hindu or muslim community? As asian and eastern clothing could be just what you need. A nice loose fitting djelleba, which should be zip fronted. And not always shiny material or bright colours, these days the clothes for younger women are much more stylish.
djellaba women's uk
There are several companies on line which sell clothing especially for those with limited movement. 'The Able Label' is just one of these companies and, looking at their offering it all looks 'normal' if a bit expensive. 'Clothing solutions', a charity in West Yorkshire, offer a made to measure service and may be worth investigating. I suggest you search the internet as there are lots of companies offering nice-looking clothes you could put on without too great a struggle
Thanks Gnarli. Able Label products look like what I need at the moment and I think I will treat myself to one of their tops with velcro fastenings so I can at least put on a top when I can't lift my arms. I'm also going to get a comfy but smartish tracksuit from somewhere.
Sorry so late replying...having a very bad day today and have slept a lot.
I totally understand and there's no need to apologise. The tracksuit idea sounds really good. Do you see an Occupational Therapist? If not you could ask your rheumy team for a referral. They have so much info and can also supply some aids, like dressing sticks etc. I hope you feel better soon
cotton with elastic waist band Epsom salt bath helps my swelling
Thank you for your advice pd118. I wish I could have a bath.....I don't dare as I find it hard to get out again by myself!
Hi Lolabridge I sympathize with you as I cannot wash and dress myself now because of the R.A. and the necessity of having to wear a hip brace, also the fact that I have lost a considerable amount of weight owing to illness caused by various drugs. Now I wear tops which my carer fasten's, long skirts with elasticated waists, zip fasten coats and velcro strap shoes. Underwear is still a bit of a problem because of the brace so I have to admit that when at home I don't wear any. Al the best
Thanks for your advice. Sorry to hear you have to have help with washing and dressing....thankfully I only need that occasionally when I have a bad flare. Trying to put a bra on can be a bit tricky at times I admit!
I managed to get a long zipped housecoat/ dressing gown from M&S. it’s a godsend, my family also bought me a new one from eBay as a gift last year, so now have two. I’m actually sitting in one now as I write this. I find it takes me an age to get going in the mornings so rarely get dressed before 11. If I’m feeling really pants I just stay in it all day. Don’t know what I’d do without them take no effort at all to do up and undo but I have put an extra loop on the zip tab because of zero grip and pain. It’s just a hair bobble but makes a difference.
Yes I've seen a velour housecoat on their website and will order it. Thanks for your suggestions, especially the hair bobble idea - brilliant!