Well, half a loaf is better than no bread, but I was a bit taken aback today when Healthcare at Home (HaH) only delivered 4 injector pens, rather than the usual 8.
Nothing to worry about really, as my son currently has a slight surplus, as he agreed to switch to Erelzi but although he felt the medicine was effective he suffered a lot from the delivery mechanism, so asked to switch back to Enbrel. Anyways, he has built up a slight surplus over time (having failed to stick to his weekly Erelzi injections) so can live with the reduced delivery without too much bother.
Note enclosed with delivery says "Unfortunately we do not have sufficient stock to complete your prescription. We owe you : 4 Enbrel Injection Solution 50mg, (Pre-filled pen)". An IOU for meds - who'd have thought?
DON'T PANIC - it may well be a very temporary blip in the supply chain, as can happen from time to time. I did not post this with the intention of raising anyone's stress levels. No point in worrying about things which are out of your own control anyway. Just thought it might be as well to mention it. And am still in two minds as to whether it would have been better not to.
(Coo.... and all without mentioning the B word)