Does RA affect the groin crease a point you cannot list the leg or walk? Or is that my fibromyalgia??
RA and fibro in the groin: Does RA affect the groin... - NRAS
RA and fibro in the groin

Could just be muscular? Have you lifted heavy shopping, or twisted quickly? And has this happened quickly?
I had quite severe groin pain, both sides a few weeks ago, my rheumatologist through it was coming from my hips which are affected by RD. Since starting benepali the pain has all but gone.
I’ve had it recently and it was awful. I couldn’t lift my legs and walking was painful. I started on Erelzi ( etanercept) 7 weeks ago and it seemed to be since then. Any way it’s gone now and whether that’s coincidental or the bio has started to work who knows, but I’m relieved. Haven’t been diagnosed with fibromyalgia as yet.
One indication of OA hip is groin pain , you should see your gp , best wishes 🌸
I shall make an appt. Thx for the input people's